My Pokémon will evolve into an ancient Mega

Chapter 38 Events in Light Red City

After a while, the flames dissipated, and the Moru Moth fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

Ayako was dumbfounded. Her brother, who was so powerful in her eyes, lost so quickly.

"The Moru Moth lost its ability to fight, and the Fire Dinosaur won!" the referee announced the result.

"Come back, Moru Mo." A'jue took it back and threw the elf ball again, "Go ahead, Crossword Bat, I'm begging you."


A cross-shaped bat that was much larger than the normal size appeared, making a roaring sound and full of fighting spirit.

"Does the challenger need to change Pokémon?" the referee asked.

Takumi shook his head, "No, let's continue."

This cross-shaped bat looks big, but it's only level 58, so it can fight fire dinosaurs.

"Cha Zi Bat, use air slash!" A'jue ordered directly.

The four wings of the cross-shaped bat flapped, and dozens of air slashes instantly rushed towards the fire dinosaur.

"Fire dinosaur, use dragon claws to attack!" Takumi said.

The fire dinosaur raised its claws and waved rapidly.

Pound pound pound pound——

All the air slashes were firmly caught by the fire dinosaur.

"Venom blast!"

"Spray flames!"

Bang bang! ! !

The venom quenches the fire, and the fire quenches the poison.

"Crossword Bat, use ultrasound!"


A harsh sound came.

"Fire dinosaur, use explosive flames on the spot!"

The fire dinosaur immediately punched the ground.

pound bang——

The strong explosion sound directly dispersed the influence of the ultrasonic waves.

The flames soaring into the sky just blocked the cross-shaped bat's sight.

"Dragon's Wrath! Charge up and use smoke screen!" Takumi took advantage of the victory to pursue.

lb! ! !

A dragon-shaped light wave shot up into the sky, and the fire dinosaur took the opportunity to rush forward and spit out a puff of black smoke at the cross-shaped bat.

"Crossword Bat, move at high speed to avoid it!"

pound bang——

Dragon's Fury missed and hit the floor.

However, as soon as the cross-shaped bat broke out of the smoke screen, it was thrown to the ground by the fire dinosaur.

"Spray flames!"

"Venom blast!"

There was a loud bang.

The two attacks exploded directly on the spot.

After a while, the smoke dissipated and the Crossed Bat was unconscious.

Although the fire dinosaur did not faint, it was still on the verge of reaching its limit.

The whole body is covered with purple poisonous spots, which are constantly consuming the fire dinosaur's physical strength.

"The cross-shaped bat has lost its fighting ability and the challenge is over. The winner of this gym challenge is Takumi from Zhenxin Town!"

The referee quickly announced the result.

"How is it possible, my brother actually lost!" Ayako's face was full of disbelief.

"Hahaha, it's really surprising. I didn't expect that my last gym battle would be the strongest challenger I have ever faced as a gym leader for so long."

Ah Ju laughed and took back the cross-shaped bat, "Takumi, thank you for leaving such a profound farewell to me."

"It's good that I didn't disappoint Master Ah Ju. No, the next time we meet, it should be King Ah Ju."

Takumi smiled.

"Here, this pink badge is proof of your success in the challenge." Ah Jue took out a badge from his arms and handed it over, "I look forward to your wonderful performance at the conference."

"Thank you. I'm here to congratulate you in advance on becoming the Poison King of the Kanto region." Takumi took the badge and smiled.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the light red gym challenge and obtaining the pink badge. Reward: Magic Candy*5, Poison Needle*1]

[Poison needle: poisonous small needle. When carried by a Pokémon, the power of poison-type skills is increased. 】

"Takumi, you are so powerful, you actually defeated the Four Heavenly Kings!" Lillie admired.

Takumi shook his head, "I'm not that powerful yet. This is just Mr. Orange's backup Pokémon, specially used to accept challenges. If Mr. Orange uses his main force, I may not even be able to fight back."

"Takumi, in a Pokémon battle of the same level, you can defeat me, which is enough to prove your strength. Using a powerful Pokémon to defeat your opponent is not a book that can be seen in the light." A'jue said seriously.

"In the future, I will definitely stand in the King of Heaven Battle Tournament and have a real showdown with Mr. Orange." Takumi also responded seriously.

"Okay, it's a deal!" A'jue said with a smile.

Afterwards, Takumi and Lillie said goodbye to the Orange siblings and left the Light Red Gym.

Although the gym challenge is over, I still want to go to Light Red City, after all, that's the nearest city there.

After wandering in the forest for so long, it's time to go to the city and take a good rest.

Half a day later, the two came to Qianhong City.

Now that I have more than 500 million, I naturally no longer need to live in a simple room in the Pokémon Center.

Takumi took Lillie directly to find a good hotel to book a room.

After the two thoroughly enjoyed a hotel spa and had a wonderful dinner together, they said goodbye and went back to their rooms to rest.

Lying on the bed, Takumi looked at the seven badges he had obtained.

The trip has taken less than two months, and I estimate that I can get the remaining red lotus badge in another half month.

Calculated based on the time of each regional league competition once a quarter, the eight regions will have to run for at least 3 years after removing the overlapping time.

I don’t know what I will do after becoming a legendary trainer...

After becoming invincible, although I don’t know how lonely I will be, I will definitely have less fun.

"Forget it, let's plan carefully later."

Later, Takumi entered the ecological park and began to build his own little world.

The next day, the two finished breakfast and prepared to go shopping.

As soon as I walked onto the street, I saw flowers and balloons hanging everywhere.

There seems to be some event going on.

"Hello, may I ask, is today a special day?" Takumi stopped a passerby and asked.

"You two are from outside, right? Today is an important day for our Light Red City. The owner of Ah Ju, no, now called King Ah Ju, will go to the alliance for appointment tomorrow. Today the whole city is giving him a farewell." Passers-by said excitedly. .

"The whole city is sending you off? Isn't this too warm?!" Lillie sighed in surprise.

"Of course you have to be enthusiastic. King Ah Ju is the pride of Qinghong City! I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to prepare a farewell gift!"

After saying that, the passerby turned around and ran away.

"It seems that King Aju is very popular." Lillie was somewhat impressed.

"Not only that, there are four heavenly kings in one area. For the locals, it is indeed something to be proud of when someone becomes a king." Takumi nodded.

In this world, the reputation and status of the King are far beyond those of the entertainers and superstars in previous lives.

They not only have to maintain security affairs in the region, but also deal with all emergencies.

Including cracking down on gangs and evil, although the Junsha family is very powerful, they don't seem to have very powerful trainers.

This is a bit confusing to Takumi.

Whether it is the Junsha family or the Joey family, logically speaking, this kind of family that occupies the two major world fields of public security and public medical care, how can it not have a king-level trainer?

If this were placed in a fantasy novel, a family of this level would probably have several legendary trainers, let alone the King of Heaven.

Master trainers may only be at the elder level.

The two of them were walking around, and when passing by the city square, they were attracted by a burst of noise.

"I heard that Mr. Aju handed his daughter, Miss Axing, over to the Light Red Gym. I wonder if that's okay?"

"Yes, we are all a little worried. When Mr. Orange was here, no one dared to mess around in our light red city. When the Rockets came, they had to take a detour."

"What if Miss Xing is unable to take on this important task, what will Qianhong City do?"

"It's great that Mr. Aju has become the king, but we have also lost our safety guarantee."

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