Dark circle! I love you so much!

Chapter 85 Masaki Keigo: At this moment! I will become a giant!


"It's so dazzling!"

Bai Ze looked at the dazzling center of the temple and subconsciously covered his eyes. This battle was really big!

After the light dissipated, Lian Ying's huge body was revealed. Masaki Keigo leaned down and looked at Bai Ze in front of him and said

"Look! I succeeded!"

"Congratulations! You can realize your dream!"

Bai Ze clapped his hands in congratulations, thinking about whether to remind him of the contract between them.

After thinking about it, I decided to mention it after a while, in case Masaki Keigo knew about Gatanjie's strength, his Taoist heart collapsed and turned black, and Dagu had to take action to deal with him again.

"If it hadn't been for the appearance of Tiga, maybe I wouldn't have been obsessed with the giant, but now that I have gained the power of the giant, it is also very good. The sea and the sky are even brighter!"

"Young master, you're in Versailles! Go get down to business quickly!"

Bai Ze said quietly, but at this moment, Masaki Keigo was completely addicted to the power of the giant!

"As the saying goes, with great ability comes great responsibility~"

"But I will definitely make good use of this power! I will definitely find a way to make the human world better!"

Masaki Keigo simply ignored Bai Ze's words and looked at his majestic body with joy.

But what makes Bai Ze very happy is that he, Masaki Keigo, is not lost in power, and of course he is not driven by power. This also saves Bai Ze a lot of trouble!

Originally, Shirasawa planned to beat Keigo Masaki himself if he lost control, and then he realized that the power of giants is not invincible!

"Now I have the power of a giant! I will cut the wind and waves for mankind!"

"Good! Very ambitious!!"

Seeing such an ambitious Masaki Keigo in front of him, Bai Ze nodded, hoping that he could persevere!

"So! Now that Cremos Island needs you, let's first test your strength and your compatibility with the giants!"

"Okay! I'm going now!"

Masaki Keigo waved his hand, and the dome at the top of the temple slowly opened, and golden sunlight shone on Lian Ying's silver body!

"Okay! I'm going to see who is on the island of Klimos!" Then he kicked off the ground with one leg and flew into the air.

"Xiao Hei! Let's go and take a look. If Masaki Keigo can't even defeat Desimania, that's really too much!"

Bai Ze helplessly took out the dark ring, feeling like a big nanny~~

"Boss, you really make me cry to death!"

"I'm so touched, I want to capture the formation for Masaki Keigo!"

Listening to Xiao Hei's words, Bai Ze just held his forehead and smiled bitterly: "There is no way, if you want to eat Gatanjie, you must have to pay something!"


"But I also want to taste the taste of Gatanjie, the ruler of darkness!" Xiao Hei's mouth almost watered down.

"I'm looking forward to it too!"

"So, Masaki Keigo is very much needed as cannon fodder!" Bai Ze mentioned this and showed a wicked smile:

"Just like playing a dungeon, mt is indispensable! I think Masaki Keigo is very good!

And the other side

Dolphin 202 has dived into Cremos Island from the bottom of the sea,

"Director! We're here!"

Dagu looked at the map on the radar and said to Director Ji Gang beside him.

"Okay! Sawai, it's my turn to save you this time!"

Director Ji Gang took out a weapon from the storage box behind him and wiped it from time to time.

"Director! Why do we have to dive in from underwater?"

As for why a submarine is used, of course the defense cover here can only block the sky and land, but not the bottom of the sea!

Director Ji Gang did not explain this matter. Instead, after Dolphin 202 docked, he and Dagu headed towards the island.


"This is the former maritime fortress of the Earth Defense Force, so follow me closely!

The last time Director Yoshigo came here was on the eve of the disintegration of the Earth Defense Force. He and Director Sawai discussed the establishment of TPC.

"I didn't expect that it would go by so long in the blink of an eye!" Under the leadership of Director Ji Gang, they walked all the way through the woods to the buildings in the center of the island.


Several gunshots were heard from time to time, and the two couldn't help but speed up their pace. It seemed that Director Sawai and the others were fighting aliens.

"Dagu! Look at that tall tower over there!"

Looking in the direction Director Ji Gang pointed, there was a tall tower standing on the hilltop in the distance.

"That is the launch tower of the protective shield. As long as it is destroyed, the protective shield covering the sky over Klimos Island can be lifted!"

Director Ji Gang revealed his plan: "You go and destroy that one, and I'll go and save that old guy Sawai!"

"Are you really okay? Director Ji Gang!" Dagu was still a little worried, after all, Director Ji Gang was left to face danger alone.

"Don't worry! I'm not too old to move yet!"

Director Ji Gang smiled and patted Dagu on the shoulder, then picked up his weapon and walked towards the building complex. He thought to himself that Sawai seems to have really good vision!

Within the building complex

"Director! Don't worry, with my help, Xibi Gang, those little things can't hurt you even a hair!"

As the captain of the accompanying guard, Kibi Gosuke patted his chest and promised.

"Everyone, be careful, don't underestimate the enemy! If you persist, there will be hope!"

Director Sawai comforted everyone while instructing the remaining people to establish a defense line.

These Desimanias are very small in size and very flexible in movement. They can move very quickly within the building complex.

In addition, they are also extremely difficult to aim, which makes the guards suffer a big loss! After suffering considerable losses, they decided to fight positional warfare and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

At this time, Director Ji Gang entered the building. He was walking quietly in the corridor, but the weapon in his hand was already ready to go.

However, I met a few hard-working Desimanians at the corner.


Director Ji Gang pulled the trigger, and a series of beams of light were fired, and the Desimanias exploded in response.

Seeing that he had been exposed, Director Ji Gang simply let go. He shouted at the top of his voice: "Sawai! I am Ji Gang! Where are you!"

"Director Ji Gang?"

Kiki Gosuke was a little surprised after hearing this, while Director Sawai greeted Director Yoshigo: "Yoshigo! I'm here!"

In this way, Director Ji Gang fought his way to the room where Director Sawai was.

"That's great! Sawai! Just hope you're okay!" Looking at Sawai who was unharmed, Director Ji Gang's heart dropped.

And the other side

"This is the launch tower!"

"As long as it is destroyed, the captain and the others can come to support!"

Dagu came to the vicinity of the launch tower, and after getting rid of the several Desimanias guarding the launch tower, he placed several bombs on the tower.

Just when he was about to press the button to detonate, Dagu was stunned by the scene in the sky.

I saw a silver stream of light rushing towards Klimos Island.

“This is the second time~~”

After a crisp sound, the protective shield in the air shattered like glass.

"This light looks so familiar!"

Dagu felt a sense of familiarity as he looked at the silver light streaking across the sky.

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