The soul penetrates Xiaozhi and destroys Gou Hao at the beginning

Chapter 54 Magnemite’s Electric Mouse Dream

It's the Pokémon of the Fan Fighter, Aibilang, and the Pokémon of the Giant Fighter, and the Kick Fighter's Pokémon, Shawarang. These two are the ace players of this tournament. "

"Being careless and underestimating the enemy may cause lifelong pain. Be careful with your kicking skills." Shan Dou said.

Aibi Lang nodded.

"Game start!"

Aibi Lang punched out, but Shavarang caught it with a kick.

"Luxury and splendor, strong winds and raging waves, windy forests and volcanoes." Shan Dou shouted.

The two sides were evenly matched at first, but later on, Aibilang gradually lost his strength and was hit by Shavarang's series of kicks. He was already in the wind.

"Shawarang, give him the final blow with a flying knee kick."

Aibilang was desperate, knowing that he would definitely not be able to take this move.

At the critical moment, Amy ran to the ring and stood in front of Aibi Lang, as if she had the super power of teleportation.

"Stop, stop bullying my dad's Pokémon."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was completely speechless. Sister, this is the arena. You are participating in the competition voluntarily, and you are not forced to come. Besides, how can a trainer be on the stage in a Pokémon battle? What's more? You are not a trainer yet.

And didn't you just ask us to defeat your father's Aibilang? Now Aibilang is about to be defeated by Shavarang, and you step in again.

Seeing that his daughter was in danger, Shan Dou couldn't stand still.


Fan Dou ran onto the stage and stood in front of his daughter. He put his hands on his chest to block. Shavarang kicked Fan Dou in the hand, sending Fan Dou flying and hitting the ring ropes.


"You're not hurt, Amy."

"I am fine."

"That's good, give up."

After saying that, Shan Dou took off the red scarf around his neck and threw it onto the ring.

"The fan fighter gave up and Shavarang won."

Shan Dou helped Aibi Lang walk off the ring.

"Aibi Lang, are you okay? You're doing well."

After comforting Aibi Lang, Shan Dou turned to Amy and said, "Aimee, I'm sorry, dad has always made you worry in the past."


Aimei also threw herself into Shan Dou's arms.

"The father and daughter have finally restored their relationship," Xiaogang said.

ten minutes later.

"Okay, now the finals begin. The dark horses who easily made it to the finals as newcomers, the amazing fighters, Hot Monkey and Ash, their opponent is the kicking ghost Shavarang."

"Shawarang, use chain kicks."

"Fiery Monkey, hurry up and defend."

Shavarang kicked Fiery Monkey violently, and Fiery Monkey persisted with its tenacious will.

"Shawarang used strong kicking skills. Who will win the championship?"

"If you don't jump inside Shawarang's kicking range, you have no chance of winning." Shan Dou said.

"Fiery Monkey, please find the courage and jump in."

Fiery Monkey mustered up the courage to attack, dodging Shawarang's kicks.

"Now, use the cross chop."

The cross-cut hit Shavarang in the front, and Shavarang was already a candle in the wind.

"Shawarang, jump into the sky and then perform a flying knee kick."

Shavarang jumped up high, gathered all his strength, and kicked hard at the fiery monkey, hoping to determine the outcome with one blow.

"Fire Monkey, use the earth throw."

The fiery monkey directly took the hair, caught and grabbed Shavarang's feet, threw Shavarang directly, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Shawarang loses the ability to fight, and Fiery Monkey wins."

"Wow, Fiery Monkey avoided Shavarang's ferocious flying knee kick attack and won with a ground throw. Shavarang couldn't stand up. Fiery Monkey won the championship."

The Fiery Monkey also received the championship prize, a golden belt. Unfortunately, this golden belt was only for decoration and did not help in the battle.

After the game, Fan Dou also found Xiaozhi.

"Xiao Zhi, this fiery monkey of yours may be a genius in fighting. How about you leave it to me to train? I will definitely train it to become a real P1 champion, so don't worry."

"It's impossible. First, my Fiery Monkey is already a champion and doesn't need to be trained anymore. The Fiery Monkey has the strength it has now just because he follows me.

Second, how can you, a person who has only won the semi-finals, have the courage to come to me, a champion, and say that you can do it? If you can really train a fighting champion, then your Ai Why is Bilang so weak?

All in all, impossible. "

This guy, in the original animation, was a white wolf who deceived his general Fiery Monkey with nothing, and now Xiaozhi will not let him succeed.

"Do you want to think about it again? I will remind dad not to be too strict with the hot monkey." Amy also tried to persuade Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi's hot monkey looks very strong. If it can be beaten by her father, If she gets it, her father will definitely win the championship of the next P1 fighting competition.

"Impossible, I refuse. Pokémon must be cultivated by yourself. The memories with Pokémon are the most important. You are robbing Pokémon. If you continue to struggle, I will go to Miss Junsha." You were reported there.”

Seeing this, the father and daughter had no choice but to give up.

After the father and daughter left, Xiaozhi also took Xiaochun and Xiaogang and quickly left this place of right and wrong.

For such scum, Xiaozhi didn't want to spend any more time with them.

The place where Xiaozhi and others came after a long journey was a somewhat dilapidated city, Heiyun City.

The wind blowing from the sea smells like mud, which affects the mood of passing by.

This city is severely polluted and dilapidated, with few people living here and very few Pokémon living here.

"There are many factories in this place, but it looks deserted." Xiaozhi said.

"This place seems to be called Heiyun City. I heard that this place used to be very prosperous because there were factories everywhere." Xiaochun said.

"Because of this reason, the sky and sea were polluted and declined again." Xiaogang said.

Pikachu's condition also became abnormal. His face turned pale and he slowly fell to the ground.

Ash went to check on Pikachu and was electrocuted by Pikachu.

Pikachu's current attracted a little magnet monster, which followed Xiaozhi and the others from a distance.

Ash took out his rubber gloves, hugged the Pokémon, and ran to the Pokémon Center.

"Pikachu, cheer up and hold on, the Pokémon Center will be here soon."

Ash rushed into the Pokémon Center and shouted,

"Is anyone here? Is anyone there?"

Miss Joy yawned, walked out of the room, and said,

"I can't stand it. Do you know what time it is? Ordinary good kids are already asleep at this time."

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