On this day, they came to an unknown city.

"There are so many high-rise buildings here, I feel almost suffocated." Xiaozhi said.

"That's right, this place looks completely like a concrete jungle." Xiaochun said.

"Xiao Gang, where are we now?"

"We're in the Hoo Hoo Hoo area now."

"Ooohooh area?"

Xiaozhi was wondering when suddenly, a fat middle-aged woman quickly ran towards Xiaozhi, hugged Xiaozhi and said,

"Little One! Little One, where did you go? Mom is so worried."

"Sorry, you got the wrong person. My name is Xiaozhi."

"Hello, we are Xiaozhi's friends. My name is Xiaogang. You have indeed admitted the wrong person." Xiaogang also stepped forward to explain.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I recognized the wrong person, because you look so much like Xiao Yi."

The middle-aged woman apologized profusely.

"what is going on?"

"My son Xiaoyi suddenly disappeared. It has been three days in a row. I have searched everywhere, but I still can't find Xiaoyi."

"So, he is missing."

"Could he be traveling because he wants to be a Pokémon trainer?"

"This kid really likes Pokémon, but he never said he wanted to be a trainer."

"Maybe your child is almost home now." Xiaochun said.

"Thank you, but my children are not the only ones missing. Look at that."

The middle-aged woman pointed to the dozen pictures on the wall and said, "These are the missing children."

"It's strange. All the missing children are cute children, and it happens again and again without stopping. It's really hard to understand." Next to the posters, Miss Junsha thought as she looked at them.

"Wow, this Miss Junsha is the most beautiful Miss Junsha I've ever met so far." Xiaogang said with a crazy look on his face.

"They obviously look exactly the same." Xiaozhi said.

"Hello, are you the cousin of Miss Junsha whom we met before?" Xiaochun stepped forward and asked.

"I am their distant relative, very distantly related."

"I see."

Xiaogang quickly rushed to Miss Junsha, held Miss Junsha's hand, and said,

"It must be hard for you with so many children missing. Although my power is very meager, please let me join in to help investigate. Let's hold hands and start operations together."

"Just don't hinder me from doing things." Miss Junsha shook off Xiaogang's hand.

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoyi's mother's worried look and thought of his own mother.

"I wonder how my mother is doing now and whether she is worried about me."

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi also made up his mind.

"Okay, now my detective Xiaozhi is here to solve this difficult case."

Xiaozhi stepped forward and asked,

"Miss Junsha, could you please tell us the details of this case?"

"In short, these children have been missing since three days ago."

"From three days ago? So, do the missing children have anything in common?"

"No, I couldn't find anything, so I thought, these kids must know something."

"In that case, let's go to the Pokémon Center and ask."

"Well, that's a good idea."

When they arrived at the local Pokémon Center, Miss Junsha took a photo of the missing child and asked about the two children.

"Have you ever seen this kid?"

"do not know."

"Played with him a long time ago."

"What about these two or three days?"


Suddenly, Xiaogang rushed over and said to the two children with a fierce look, "Children, listen, you must answer Miss Junsha's questions honestly, and no matter what you know, you must tell it to the beautiful big sister. oh."

"Yes." The two children said with frightened faces, and Xiaogang was almost scared to tears.

"Also, do you like beautiful big sisters?" Xiaogang suddenly changed his style.

"Can you please don't hinder me from doing things?" Miss Junsha said.

On the other side, Xiaozhi and Xiaochun found Miss Joy.

"Are you Joey's relative or cousin?" Xiaochun asked.

"It should be."

"By the way, we want to ask these kids something."

After speaking, Xiaozhi handed Miss Joy a photo of the missing children.

"Are they the missing children? I saw them on the news."

"Any clues are fine, please tell us."

"I'm sorry, I don't know, and the situation here is also a mess. The Pokémon in our Pokémon Center have been acting strangely recently."

Miss Joy brought Miss Junsha and Xiaozhi to the treatment room, which was full of weak Pokémon.

"Look, Korakola and Walking Dead have become like this. Even the energetic Carp King is the same. Even the little Charmander, the flame on his tail is about to go out. And this child .”

Miss Joy said, picking up a Kodak. This is the duck god in the original animation.

"It's been worrying me all the time."

"When did they start looking like this?"

"About three days ago."

"Three days ago, the children here suddenly disappeared. It also started three days ago." Xiaozhi said.

"It seems like the Pokémon's loss of vitality may have something to do with the disappearance of the children," Miss Junsha said.

"One mystery leads to more mysteries. At this time, it is up to my detective Xiaozhi to use my organized brain cells to solve the mystery."

At this time, Miss Junsha suddenly heard a sound, and Miss Junsha took out a machine that looked like a detector.

"Is it a mobile phone?"

"That's right, there's a reaction again."

"It turns out this is a detector that responds when a good man is nearby." Xiaogang stepped forward and said.

"Sir, please don't hinder me." Miss Junsha pushed Xiaogang away.

"This is a hypnotic wave detector."

"Hypnotic wave detector?"

"I often receive this kind of hypnotic wave recently, which is a wavelength that induces people to sleep." Miss Junsha explained.

"But our Pokémon Center doesn't have Pokémon that can emit this wavelength." Miss Joy said.

"It's from outside." Miss Junsha said.

As he said that, Pikachu also became listless and fell to the ground.

"Ah, why has even Pikachu become lethargic?"

"Could it be that the listlessness of Pokémon is related to this hypnotic wave?" Xiaogang said.

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