"Thank you, Brother Gao, for your kindness. But I have just started working in society, and I don't know much about setting up factories and doing business!" Zhang Xiaofei declined.

"Haha, what a coincidence, I don't understand either. But it's not a problem. You can hire knowledgeable people to manage it."

Gao Yanggong laughed and said earnestly: "To be honest, I don't like partnership business, but brother you are different. You are capable and of good character. You can definitely be trusted."

"Brother Gao is flattering, but..."

"You don't have to worry about the factory funds, I'll take care of it!"

Speaking of which, I can't be polite anymore.

"How about we try to make a plan?" Zhang Xiaofei was tempted.

it is good!

Gao Yanggong slapped his thigh happily, "I'll go find the factory tomorrow. Brother, please wait for the letter."

"Don't make a decision in a hurry. Let's take a look at Feng Shui before deciding."

"It's natural. You all listen to your brothers."


While chatting happily, Zhang Xiaofei's cell phone rang, and it was Feng Xianyue calling.

Zhang Xiaofei picked up the phone and just called Senior Sister when he heard Feng Xianyue say angrily: "Xiaofei, Lin Jiao called, someone is destroying the health center!"

"Damn, that's too much. I'll go back right away."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiaofei urged: "Brother Gao, can your window be opened wider?"


Gao Yanggong nodded and asked again: "Brother, what happened?"

"Someone is destroying the health center."

"Underestimating the shamelessness of Tide!"

Gao Yanggong was so angry that he smashed the table, only to see Zhang Xiaofei jump onto the window sill with a quick step, push open the window, jump down and disappear.


Gao Yanggong was completely frightened. It was as if someone had stuffed cotton in his throat and he couldn't make a sound anyway.

With my heart beating wildly, I moved my weak legs and came to the window, trembling and looking down.

no one!

When I looked closer, I was so shocked that my eyeballs almost popped out.

I saw Zhang Xiaofei alternating his palms, jumping against the wall, and descending rapidly.

This, this, this is the thirty-third floor!


At this moment, Gao Yanggong finally understood that Zhang Xiaofei's martial arts was beyond imagination and had reached a shocking level.

Much faster than the elevator, it only took a dozen seconds for Zhang Xiaofei's feet to land on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he started running wildly, jumped over two speeding cars, and came to the health center.

Several pieces of glass on the first floor were broken, and debris was scattered all over the floor.

Two gangsters with mixed hair and masks had just finished smashing things and were about to get on the motorcycle.

When I saw Zhang Xiaofei, I was immediately dumbfounded!

He came back too fast, it was like hitting the muzzle of the gun.

In front of his eyes, a young gangster was caught by Zhang Xiaofei and picked up directly.

The motorcycle had started and rushed forward uncontrollably, knocking down another gangster's motorcycle. The motorcycle roared and the wheels continued to spin.

The young gangster was hit in the leg by the motorcycle. He was so painful that his mouth gasped and he let out a low cry.

Zhang Xiaofei was not polite. He tapped the neck of the little gangster in his hand and immediately collapsed to the ground.

He pulled another gangster out of the motorcycle and pulled off his mask. Only then did he see clearly that he was actually a girl.

He looks quite handsome...

Not even a girl can commit such a serious crime!

Zhang Xiaofei also tapped her acupuncture points, but unable to struggle at all, he dragged one of them with one hand, like dragging a dead dog, and strode into the health center.

The female technicians were all frightened, and all of them looked ugly.

There were many guests, all of whom were silent.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. There are always such rubbish in society who want to destroy the good situation of our health center. Their conspiracy is destined to fail!" Zhang Xiaofei said loudly.

Lin Jiao tried her best to calm down and took the lead in applauding.

The female technicians understood and clapped quickly to embolden themselves.

The tense atmosphere relaxed and the guests all applauded.

He was so bold that he spat at the two gangsters and cursed, "What the hell!"

"Everyone is shocked. I announce that tonight's services are all free of charge. No, we will add another free service as compensation." Zhang Xiaofei said generously.

The guests applauded warmly and finally became happy.

Pulling off the masks of the male gangsters, Zhang Xiaofei untied their acupuncture points and gave cold instructions.

"Kowtow to everyone and apologize! Otherwise, you will be asked to repair the window."

After witnessing Zhang Xiaofei's terror, he saw a circle of murderous eyes.

The two gangsters were frightened and quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, I'm guilty, I'm a garbage scum!"

"If you don't learn well at a young age, how can your parents teach you?"

"Even if he breaks glass in the street, he can do it."

"Alas, the children nowadays are all going to be useless, so you have to take good care of your own children."


The guests were talking a lot while dressing.

Only then did Zhang Xiaofei take a closer look at the male and female gangsters. They looked really young, and they only relied on their mottled hair and fancy clothes to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf.


A figure shot out, it was Second Senior Sister Ling Yunxue.

Seeing the two gangsters, Ling Yunxue's nose was so angry that she rolled up her sleeves and asked, "Xiao Fei, how many points are you prepared to beat to death?"

"Stop it, take it upstairs first, and wait for it to happen!" Zhang Xiaofei waved his hand.

Ling Yunxue also dragged the two of them upstairs with one hand and the other. Although she didn't hit them, their flesh was still scratched by the steps.

Arrange for the technicians to get off work and open business as usual tomorrow.

At this time,

Feng Xianyue, Zhu Hong and Mai Xilan also came back panting.

"How abominable!"

Feng Xianyue clenched her fists loudly. Smashing the glass would not cause much damage, but the impact would be extremely bad.

"Crescent Moon, it's not a big deal, just replace the glass and add more protection to the Internet cafe!"

On the contrary, Zhu Hong acted very calmly, took out her mobile phone to take pictures, and sent them to the company that originally decorated the health center.

Soon, the other party responded and said it was still within the warranty period. He came immediately to replace the window glass.

I'm afraid I won't be able to install the protective net in time tonight, so I'll do it tomorrow morning.

"Sister Hong, please go back first, don't forget that matter." Zhang Xiaofei warned.

Which thing?

Of course, it's a method to win back the man's heart.

"The store is like this, it's hard for you to still miss me." Zhu Hong was very touched.

Feng Xianyue also said: "I can handle the things here, go back quickly!"


Zhu Hong agreed, waved goodbye, got into the luxury car and left.

"You son of a bitch, Haichao, you can do such a dirty thing." Feng Xianyue was furious and cursed.

"There is a saying that a black donkey has no skills." Zhang Xiaofei's face was as dark as water.

"It's because the Guizhou donkey has no skills." Mai Xilan corrected carefully and quickly changed the subject: "Xiao Fei, I don't think things are that simple. He is an old fox."

Zhang Xiaofei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that Mai Xilan was right.

Smashing the glass, this method is too bad, I'm afraid it's just a move by Hai Chao.

There must be another serious move, but I just didn't understand for a moment, what else does he want to do?

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