Zhu Hong registered her license plate at the guard office, then drove into the community and parked in front of the unit door of a high-rise building.

Zhang Xiaofei got out of the car with the needle box in his arms and looked at the feng shui nearby.

The buildings are more than fifty meters apart, arranged in a staggered manner, and have sufficient lighting.

And this building has no evil spirits. It can be concluded that there is no big problem with Feng Shui, and it has nothing to do with Fu Xinmei's illness.

"Xiao Fei, put on your mask!"

Zhu Hong handed over the mask, and Zhang Xiaofei quickly put it on.

This crazy female bestie defecates everywhere, and the smell in the house must be terrible.

The two of them entered the spacious elevator and soon reached the eighteenth floor. As soon as they got out of the elevator, they heard continuous laughter coming from the room, which was very sharp and harsh.

Zhu Hong's face became stern and he backed down.

"Sister Hong, don't worry, I'm here, everything will be fine." Zhang Xiaofei smiled nonchalantly.

"Everyone, please be safe."

Zhu Hong took a deep breath, then plucked up the courage, knocked on the door, and said loudly: "Uncle and aunt, I am Zhu Hong, bringing someone to see Xinmei."

After waiting for ten seconds, the door opened. Two gray-faced old men stood in front of the door, both looking ugly.

The superficial complexion, without any reference, is the result of being tormented by my daughter.

Both of them wore glasses and looked polite. When they saw Zhang Xiaofei, they both frowned slightly.

The master brought by Zhu Hong turned out to be a young man.

Shouldn't it be an old man stroking his white beard?


The wild laughter became clearer, the air in the room was very poor, and a slight sour odor could be smelled through the mask.

"Zhu Hong, this is..."

The old man spoke doubtfully, and before Zhu Hong could introduce him, Zhang Xiaofei had already walked quickly towards the stairs.

This is a high-end duplex building, and Fu Xinmei lives on the upper floor.

"That one..."

"Uncle, he is Zhang Xiaofei, a master from a famous family!"

Zhu Hong gave a brief introduction and hurriedly trotted to catch up with Zhang Xiaofei.

As soon as they passed the corner of the stairs, Zhang Xiaofei stood there with a look of shock on his face.

Zhu Hong followed his gaze and was completely stunned by the scene in front of him.

A plump and fair-skinned woman with disheveled hair and no clothes was none other than Fu Xinmei.

She stood at the top of the stairs, looking at Zhang Xiaofei and Zhu Hong with burning eyes.

One hand pinched the waist arrogantly, and the other hand was raised high. In the palm of the hand, there was fresh rice field.

"Sister Hong, retreat quickly!"

Zhang Xiaofei shouted, and Zhu Hong hurriedly ran down. In the rush, he almost sprained his foot.

"What kind of monster..."

Fu Xinmei drawled a long note and threw the poop in her hand forward, and Zhang Xiaofei hurriedly jumped onto the stair railing.


The poop is hanging on the wall, slowly falling.

What the hell!

It’s really disgusting!

Zhang Xiaofei held his breath, rushed to Fu Xinmei in an instant, opened the needle box, inserted a silver needle into her Baihui point, and injected a trace of true energy.

Fu Xinmei suddenly became petrified and stopped.


Zhang Xiaofei inserted a silver needle into her Baihui point and Tanzhong point again, then turned around and ran down the stairs.

Lighting a cigarette to calm down his shock, Zhang Xiaofei came to the window and ordered: "Go and wash her, make her clean, put on clothes, and then continue the treatment. By the way, don't touch those three needles."

Poor parents in the world!

The old couple hurriedly ran upstairs out of breath, only to find that their daughter was no longer crazy, but had become a slow-moving fool who only knew how to drool.

Better than going crazy!

The two old men hurriedly washed and dressed their daughter, cleaned up the dirt on them, and opened all the windows to disperse the smell.

Zhu Hong loved to be clean, so instead of helping, she carefully checked her clothes several times to make sure they were not contaminated, and then she felt relieved.

"Xiao Fei, what's going on with her? Who can stand it if this goes on!" Zhu Hong asked with a frown.

"The soul has been seriously disturbed. It comes from some evil thing. It should be in the house. If we find it later, we can deal with it and it should be cured!"

"Is she practicing sorcery?" Zhu Hongmin asked.

"Whether it was proactively or unintentionally, it's hard to say." Zhang Xiaofei waved his hand.

"Xinmei is usually very clean and self-reliant. She doesn't have many boyfriends, her social circle is very small, and she is relatively simple."

"I think outsiders can't see through a person's thoughts, and some special hobbies are even more unknown."

Zhang Xiaofei has a profound meaning.

After waiting for half an hour and cleaning it thoroughly, the old couple greeted them upstairs.

Fu Xinmei, who had put on clothes, was sitting on the sofa, picking at her nails and mumbling, not knowing what she was talking about.

Zhang Xiaofei looked around the house with his hands behind his back. There were two bedrooms, one living room and one bathroom, decorated in pink tones, warm and romantic.

In the living room, there are rear-projection TVs, sofas, coffee tables, tea tables, bookcases, etc., as well as two large vases placed on the balcony.

Both bedrooms have beds, wardrobes, closets, etc. It can be seen that Fu Xinmei's living habits are that she sleeps in whichever room she wants, and sometimes sleeps in the living room.

"This, Master, my daughter..." the old man asked tentatively.

"Don't worry, it will be fine later!"

After Zhang Xiaofei looked around the room, he took out the compass from his pocket and stared at the pointer.

Half a minute later,

Zhang Xiaofei walked quickly to the balcony, found a small shovel, and dug into the soil of the vase.

He took out a small paper bag and opened it. There was a yellow paper charm, a strand of hair, a piece of wood, and a picture of a woman inside.

Before Zhu Hong came over to take a closer look, Zhang Xiaofei stuffed the photo into his sleeve and put it in his pocket.

"What is she doing all this for?"

Zhu Hong frowned for a while, but Zhang Xiaofei didn't reply. He continued to dig another flower pot and found another small paper bag.

This time, Zhang Xiaofei didn't open it at all and put it directly into his pocket.

"What kind of nonsense is this?"

The old man was quite shocked and annoyed, but he admired Zhang Xiaofei's ability. He just looked at the compass and found the place where the thing was hidden.

"Your daughter will go crazy if she is disturbed by these objects. I will take everything away, no problem with her!" Zhang Xiaofei said.

"Of course!" The old man nodded repeatedly.


Zhang Xiaofei took out another talisman, threw it into the air, and immediately burned it.

When the talisman burned out, Fu Xinmei's eyes became brighter.

Zhang Xiaofei stepped forward and pulled out the needle, smiling and making two gestures with his fingers in front of her.

"Hey, stop pretending, you're already awake."

"What kind of monster are you..." Fu Xinmei asked blankly.

Snorted coldly!

Zhang Xiaofei put his mouth close to her ear and whispered: "Fu Xinmei, harming others will ultimately harm yourself. If I don't expose you, you can apologize and seek forgiveness yourself!"


Fu Xinmei choked for words, but tears flowed down.

"She's fine. We're going back. If she behaves like a monster again, don't be polite and beat her hard! As the saying goes, a filial son will emerge from the stick."

After Zhang Xiaofei finished speaking, he went downstairs and opened the door.

Zhu Hong quickly followed and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Fei, Xin Mei, she still looks abnormal!"

"I was crazy before, but now I'm just pretending."

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