Ultra: Fusion with Ultraman makes you stronger

Chapter 83 The woman in white has swollen ambitions

In the Phoenix Nest, Jiurai Teppei said as he looked at the computer analyzing the data.

"It's not the heat emitted by the monster's egg? What do you mean?"

Shingo Gakamizu walked over and looked at the computer and asked Kurai Teppei.

"I mean, it looks like someone is giving the egg heat, and it looks like it's trying to hatch it out!"

Jiurai Teppei stared at the computer and expressed his judgment.

"Hatch the egg?"

Shingo Zakimizu frowned, feeling that this incident was not simple.

At the same time, Kazama Jinna, who was in the deep sea, heard a very scary laughter with her excellent hearing.

"It looks like someone is laughing!"

When Kazama Jinna heard the weird laughter, her scalp suddenly felt numb.

She looked down, trying to see who was laughing.

"Is anyone laughing?"

Ryuu Aihara felt incredible when he heard Kazama Shina's words.

This is the deep sea, who can laugh in such a place.

However, they both saw the owner of the laughter at the same time.

The woman in white who had been kicked into the sea by Wang Qi on the rocks at the beach now appeared in the deep sea.

That terrible laugh came from her.


The woman in white was now in the deep sea, as if she was not affected by anything. She stretched out her arms and let out bursts of creepy laughter.

"What is the origin of that woman? How could she appear in the deep sea, and her voice does not sound like a human voice!"

Aihara Ryu looked at the woman in white below and felt his scalp numb.

The direction of the folded hands of the woman in white is exactly the monster's egg in the sea, and it is she who is delivering heat to the monster's egg.

But soon her laughter stopped.

Then she looked up with a horrified look, as if she saw someone very dangerous.

"call out!"

Reg came to the deep sea and stepped hard on where the woman in white was standing, creating a deep pit there.

"Your laughter is so ugly. I've told you so many times, but you just don't listen. Let's see if you can still laugh now!"

Reg stepped on the woman in white with his foot and crushed her several times.

"It's Ultraman Reg, and he came in time again this time!"

Looking at Reg who suddenly appeared, Aihara Ryu could already foresee that the next battle would end soon.

After Reg crushed her hard a few times, he raised his right foot, wanting to see how the woman in white was doing and whether she would be trampled to death by him.

As soon as he raised his right foot, the woman in white scurried out like a mouse.

The woman in white suddenly ran away for a long distance, and then stared at this place from a distance, not daring to get closer.

She looked a little embarrassed at the moment, her body was dirty, her face was dark, and there was some blood from the corner of her mouth. It looked like she was seriously injured.

"My life is pretty good, I won't die even if I do this!"

Reg glanced at the woman in white indifferently, and did not continue to embarrass her. He turned to look at the monster egg.

"Crack! Kick!"

Cracks soon appeared on the surface of the monster egg, the outer shell dispersed, and a deep-sea monster with two tails appeared.

This monster is just a bait, the real powerful monster is the woman in white.

She wanted to use this child to prey on Mebius, then increase her own power, and then deal with Reg.

She planned it well.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

Unexpectedly, Mebius did not show up, but Reg came in advance and almost killed her as soon as he came up.

However, the woman in white did not give up. She was still staring closely at this place from a distance, ready to wait for an opportunity.

As soon as the two-tailed monster appeared, it immediately rushed towards Reg without knowing whether to live or die.

It is like a fish in the water and very fast.

Reg was still very fast in the water and was not affected by the sea water. He raised his foot and stepped on the two-tailed monster that rushed over.

"Plop! Plop!"

The two-tailed monster really looked like a huge fish. After being stepped on the ground by Reg, its body immediately kept fluttering, trying to break away from Reg's foot.

"Do you think I can't do anything to you in the water? Just be quiet!"

As soon as Reg exerted force on his foot, the two-tailed monster immediately suffered from pain and did not dare to struggle any more.

But its tail was not idle and wrapped around Reg's neck.

Reg easily grabbed the two tails of the two-tailed monster, then tied it into a tight knot, picked it up with one hand, and threw it to the side.

The two-tailed monster was thrown away and hit the rock next to it hard.


The huge rock was shaken by the impact.

The two-tailed monster was hit badly and badly injured. It was obviously not as active as before.

Reg glanced at the two-tailed monster that he had beaten half to death, then turned to look at the woman in white and said, "Aren't you planning to prey on Ultraman? I'm Ultraman too, why don't you prey on me?"

The woman in white clothes was hiding in the distance, her eyes fixed on this side, and she was making calculations in her mind.

Predating Reg is risky, but also rewarding.

If she can obtain Reg's power, her strength will definitely be greatly improved, and she will be able to rank high in the universe.

Thinking of this, the ambition of the woman in white gradually swelled.

"call out!"

In an instant, a tentacle stretched out from the woman in white and wrapped around Reg's body.

The appearance of the woman in white changed dramatically, and she turned into a very ferocious monster.

This monster has a pair of wings behind it, and there are many fangs inside the wings, which looks extremely scary.

"You guys are finally ready to take action!"

Reg's eyes suddenly shot out a laser, hitting the tentacles wrapped around him.


The tentacle was directly interrupted by the laser he fired.


The monster transformed by the woman in white immediately let out a scream.

At this time, it realized how stupid its decision was and immediately turned around and left.

Reg did not chase it because it was not the time to destroy it yet.

Then he turned to look at a huge rock next to him.

There was a faint blue light behind the rock, and the mysterious warrior sword that appeared before was hiding there.

"You are always hiding behind my back. Don't you have something to say to me?"

Reg asked, looking at the sword hiding behind the rock.

The mysterious sword remained silent and looked at Reg calmly.

He was very surprised. Reg's strength was so strong. The woman in white who could beat her every time had to run for her life in embarrassment, so that he had no chance to take action.

In the end, without saying a word, he immediately flew towards the sea and left the deep sea area.

Reg turned his head and glanced at Kazama Jinna in the submersible not far away, and then flew to the sea and left.

Kazama Jinna was stunned. She always felt that Reg's eyes were a bit familiar, as if she had seen them somewhere.

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