Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 97 Long Xinyu’s Challenge

Lin Sirius waited quietly for two minutes outside the door of the school infirmary, until Morissa opened the door again, and then said expressionlessly: "You can come in."

"Okay..." Lin Tianlang responded and walked into the infirmary. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a silver-haired girl sitting on the hospital bed with her arms crossed and a sullen look on her face.

"Haha, how about it? It's fun to watch, isn't it?" Xu Weiwei sneered, but when she said this, a shy blush appeared on her pretty face.

"Well, your figure is great!" Lin Tianlang thought for a moment, then gave a thumbs up and said seriously.

"Get out of here!!" Xu Weiwei was immediately ashamed and shouted.

"Hehehe..." Lin Tianlang averted his eyes, touched his nose, and said nothing. It's okay, I've already made money, it doesn't matter even if I get scolded a few times.

"I order you to immediately erase the memory of the scene just now, do you understand?" Xu Weiwei said coldly.

"Don't worry, it's been cleared up." Lin Tianlang said calmly, but the more Xu Weiwei emphasized, the clearer the picture in his mind became. Thinking of Xu Weiwei's exciting and erotic scene just now, Lin Tianlang felt that his hormones seemed to be unstoppable.

"Really?" Xu Weiwei said with a non-smiling smile, showing a charming smile.

"Really, I won't lie to you." Lin Tianlang shook his head and said seriously.

"Why don't you lower your head and take a look?" Xu Weiwei's smile became even wider, with a look that wanted to kill someone.

"Look down...?" Lin Tianlang was a little confused, but he did as he was told. However, as soon as he lowered his head, he saw his body's honest reaction.

Brain: Why do you have to be so honest about your body? Mad, you really can’t carry your pig teammates, I’m convinced!

Body: Put P! If you don’t want those weird things, what about me?


"Hahaha..." Lin Tianlang was so embarrassed that he quickly covered it up: "Hey, I am a normal boy no matter what. If there is no reaction in this situation, then he should be considered a non-commissioned person, right?"

"Oh——? But didn't you say that we are brothers?" Xu Weiwei mocked: "After all, don't you still treat me as a girl?"

"Okay, okay, you win, you win, okay?" Lin Tianlang raised his hands and surrendered, mainly because there was really no way to explain this.

"Heh." Looking at the two people facing each other from the side, Morissa showed a playful smile.

"Really... ugh..." Seeing Lin Tianlang surrendering on his own initiative, Xu Weiwei stopped pursuing him. Mainly because she was almost too shy herself, so she quickly buried her face in her arms to prevent the blush on her face from being so obvious.

"Hey, so, how are your feet?" Lin Tianlang coughed slightly and brought the topic back up.

"Miss Ovelina gave me medicine. She said it was a magic ointment specially designed to treat bruises and sprains. Apply the medicine and it will take two days to recover." Xu Weiwei exhaled lightly and said.

"Even Miss Ovelina, can't you recover immediately?" Lin Sirius asked incredulously.

Xu Weiwei shook her head: "She said that most of the healing spells are used to treat damage caused by magic, and some are used to treat physical trauma. For internal injuries like this, there are very few targeted spells, and you can only rely on magic. Medicine. There are special 'bone-setting techniques' to deal with fractures, but there are no spells for sprains." Xu Weiwei shook her head and said.

"That's it..." Lin Tianlang lowered his head and thought for a moment. When I was in the first grade, during my duel with Long Xinyu at the beginning of the school year, my left arm was broken due to a hard punch. It seemed that Principal Vincent had cured it with a bone-setting technique.

"But it's already very fast. It can be cured in two days. If this were in the human world, I would probably have to apply a layer of dog skin plaster, then put on a plaster, and then keep it for two or three months, right?"

"That's true." Lin Tianlang nodded. Shortening two or three months to two or three days, we can no longer force anything.

"Then what should you do next? I mean, you probably still can't walk now, right?" Lin Tianlang asked.

"If you use crutches, you can still walk a few steps." Xu Weiwei replied.

"I mean, you can't go home, right? Should you continue to stay here, or what?" Lin Tianlang added.

"Well, I will stay in school and Al will take care of me." Xu Weiwei nodded.

"That's it...that's good, I understand." Lin Tianlang smiled, then turned around and prepared to leave. He knew that Morissa was staying overnight on the weekend, and he felt relieved that she would take care of Xu Weiwei.

"Wait a minute." When she walked to the door, Xu Weiwei suddenly stopped Lin Tianlang.

"What's wrong?" Lin Tianlang turned around.

"Well... anyway... thank you..." Xu Weiwei lowered her head and said softly.

"Well, it's no big deal. Let's go!" Saying goodbye to the silver-haired girl, Lin Tianlang left the infirmary, then went straight back to the classroom, packed his schoolbag, and returned home.

Saturday went by like that, and then Sunday was just normal, nothing happened. The only thing was that when he was playing games on Sunday, Lin Tianlang habitually dialed Xu Weiwei's phone number. After hearing the message "The user you dialed is not in the service area", he remembered that the girl was still in school recovering from her injuries. , did not return to the human world.

Lin Sirius, who had already considered spending the first part of the weekend with the silver-haired girl as his daily routine, felt for the first time that something was missing. He stopped playing after only three games. First, he felt a little bored for some reason, and second, kneeling three times in a row already made his blood pressure explode.

It’s Monday again. The first class this morning was canceled and was used by the principal to hold an award ceremony for the final results of the basketball game.

Most of the students in Grade 1, Class , were very happy because the first major class was the History of Magic class, which was boring to many people. However, Grote, who taught this class, seemed to be happier than the students. Anyway, it was the first time that Lin Sirius was so happy to see his class being canceled.

"First of all, the winner is the team from Class 1, Grade ! Please give our champions a round of applause!" Vincent said loudly on the podium in the auditorium.

Unsurprisingly, the one who went up to receive the award on behalf of the class team was the pink-haired vampire senior. After receiving the trophy, the pink-haired senior bowed shyly to everyone, looking a little shy.

"Wow, I didn't pay attention during the game before, so I didn't know. Now if I take a closer look, I see that this senior is also a beauty!" Carlion's eyes have straightened. But as soon as he finished speaking, he was hit hard on the back by a black-haired girl.

"Ouch!" Carlion screamed: "What have I done to you?"

"It's nothing, I just find you annoying." Morissa said expressionlessly.

Xu Weiwei snickered beside her, and even Momo lay on Aniya's side and whispered quietly: "I didn't see it before, but now I suddenly realize that Al seems to have a good relationship with classmate Carlion!"

"Huh? Is this true?" Aniya showed a surprised expression.

"Lin Sirius, let me tell you." Dodging the black-haired girl behind him, Carlion lowered his voice in Lin Sirius's ear: "I seemed to have said before that I would bet ten gold coins that this woman would find him. Now that I don’t have a boyfriend, I’ve changed my mind and decided to increase the number to fifty.”

"Okay, okay, whatever you want." Lin Tianlang said perfunctorily.

"Next, let's congratulate the runner-up team. The first team from Class 1, Grade ! Please!" Vincent's voice rang again.

The team members all cast affirmative glances at Lin Tianlang, and Lin Tianlang accepted it as he should. He stepped onto the podium with confident steps and received the silver trophy.

"Then the team that won third place..."


Lin Tianlang had no interest in listening to the award speech that followed, as long as he knew that his class came second. Although it is not first, it is still very good.

After the award ceremony, the students returned to the classroom noisily, still discussing the runner-up prize.

Xu Weiwei still limped a little when walking, but at least she didn't need to use crutches. This shows that the magic ointment Ovelina applied to Xu Weiwei was still very effective. Lin Tianlang was completely relieved about this.

"Congratulations." After returning to her seat, Sherry next to her suddenly said something coldly.

"Ah...ah? Oh oh oh, thank you, thank you." Lin Tianlang almost didn't react and said quickly: "Did you go to the game too? Haha, I thought you would stay in the classroom and read!"

After all, not everyone is interested in basketball games. Lin Tianlang knew that some people still chose to stay in the classroom and study instead of going to the game.

"Well, I saw it, it's amazing." Sherry said softly.

The next half day was a normal class, nothing special happened. If I must say it, when Sirius and Carion were walking in the corridor in the afternoon, they were attacked by Korodor who suddenly appeared. Sirius reacted in time and used a "flash spell" on Corodor, but Kalion did nothing, so Corodor scolded him, "As a magician, you must always be vigilant. If I were a black magician you would be dead by now" or something like that.

"Korodor is still such a weirdo, isn't he?" After Korodor left, Carion said to Sirius. However, as soon as he finished speaking, Korodor, who came back to kill him again and again, hit the wall with a spell.

"First, don't speak ill of others behind their backs when they are not far away. Second, congratulations, you died again."

Tuesday's classes are also normal. In the evening, Lin Tianlang also went to the "boxing training area" of the sports venue at the agreed time to teach the red-haired girl how to practice fighting skills. But unlike before, today the red-haired girl made a request to Lin Tianlang.

"What? You said, you want to challenge me?" Lin Tianlang said somewhat unexpectedly.

"Yeah." Long Xinyu bit his lip: "That is to say, I have been studying with you for such a long time, so I want to test how much I have improved."

"That's it..." Lin Tianlang understood the red-haired girl's thoughts, and then said with a smile: "No problem, let's just come to sparring today! You can start anytime when you are ready!"

After the words fell, Lin Tianlang took a step back and then assumed a fighting stance.

"Okay!" The red-haired girl's eyes burst out with burning fighting spirit, and then she pointed her toes and launched an attack on Lin Tianlang.

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