(Chapter 771 has been uploaded, please check~~~)

Gary, Carly and Elroy set out on their journey home with the Elf Shield. Although the three looked a little tired, they knew that the future battle was the key to determining their fate.

"We have to get back to the Allied base as soon as possible." Gary said as he moved forward. "The power of the demons is still growing. The key to victory lies in whether we can combine the three relics into one."

Carly looked at the Elven Shield and frowned slightly: "This relic has extraordinary power, but it also means that it will become a target for the demons. We must activate it in a safe place."

"As far as I know," Elor said slowly, "to combine the three relics into one, we need to do it in the Rainbow Tower. It is the last holy place of the elves and the only place that can activate the true power of the relics."

"Rainbow Tower?" Gary seemed a little surprised. "That's a legendary place. It is said that it has been forgotten in the long river of history. Are you sure it still exists?"

Elor nodded: "It is recorded in the ancient tradition of the elves that the Rainbow Tower has not disappeared, but has been sealed in another dimension. What we have to do is to find the key to it."

"The key? Where would that be?" Carly asked.

Ailor took a deep breath, as if searching his memory: "The clue to the key should be hidden in the ancient ruins of the elves. Those ruins are distributed in several hidden corners of our continent. Only by finding them can we piece together the way to the Rainbow Tower."

The three were silent for a moment, knowing that new challenges were waiting for them.


Soon after, they finally returned to the Allied base. It was a small town hidden in the valley. Although it was well defended, as the war progressed, the city was filled with a tense atmosphere. The Allied generals, the elders of the elves, and representatives of other races had gathered together, waiting for the three to return.

"You did it!" A knight in silver armor stepped forward, his face full of joy and admiration, "The Elf Bow, Elf Heart, and Elf Shield are all in our hands. You are our heroes."

Gary nodded slightly, but his expression remained serious: "We have obtained the holy relics, but the threat of the demons has not ended. Only by combining the three relics into one can we truly fight against the dark power of the demons."

The elders looked at each other, and finally a white-haired elven elder stepped forward and said in a deep tone: "You are right, but the Unified Relic is not simple. It is recorded in the heritage of our elves that this ceremony can only be completed in the Rainbow Tower. The Rainbow Tower is believed to have been lost, but from what I understand, the clue to the key may be hidden in the ancient temple of the elves."

Ailor nodded and responded: "This is consistent with the heritage of my people. We are going to go to those ruins and look for the key."

The Knight Commander looked at the elders: "But this process will be very dangerous. The power of the demons has spread to the entire continent. Time is running out."

The elder thought for a moment, and finally said: "We will gather the strength of all the allies and try our best to protect your actions. But you must be quick, otherwise once the main force of the demons launches a full-scale attack, the entire continent will fall into endless darkness."

Gary, Carly, and Elroy looked at each other and made up their minds.


A few days later, the three set out on their journey again. This time, their goal was to find the first ancient ruins of the elves. The ruins were hidden deep in a dense forest, which was called the "Forest of Time" because it was said that the speed of time passing here was different from that in the outside world. Many people who entered this forest almost never came back.

"The Forest of Time," Carly stopped at the entrance of the forest and looked up at the treetops that seemed to stretch infinitely. "I've heard about this place before. It can not only change the flow of time, but also affect people's thinking and memory."

Ellor whispered, "That is why the most ancient secrets are hidden here."

They slowly entered the forest, the sun shone through the dense leaves, casting mottled shadows on the ground. Strangely, the atmosphere inside the forest made people feel dazed, as if they had walked a distance but were still in the same place.

"We must stay awake at all times." Gary said vigilantly. He felt that the flow of time around him seemed to be changing quietly.

As they went deeper, the surroundings began to become unfamiliar. The familiar path seemed to be reset, and every leaf and stone was constantly changing. The whispers in the forest began to echo in their ears, and those voices seemed to be whispering, and seemed to lead them to lose their way.

“These voices…” Carly frowned, trying to stay focused, “They are trying to disrupt our minds.”

Ailor stopped, took out an elven amulet from his arms, and gently held it in his hand. The amulet emitted a faint light, dispelling some illusions.

"The amulet can temporarily help us resist illusions, but we must find the right path." Ailor said, "Legend has it that the entrance to the temple is guarded by the Tree of Time, the oldest tree in this forest. It can guide us to the ruins."

Gary nodded: "Then we have to find this tree."


They continued to walk through the Forest of Time. After an unknown amount of time, they finally saw the huge Tree of Time in an open space. Its trunk was thick and ancient, as if it was a link between the past and the future. Under the tree, an entrance covered with vines stood quietly, as if it had been waiting for countless centuries.

"This is the entrance to the temple," Elor whispered.

The three approached the entrance, and the vines slowly retreated, revealing stone steps leading underground. They walked in without hesitation and stepped into the ancient ruins. As their footsteps echoed in the empty stone chamber, the air around them became cold and mysterious.

Inside the ruins, the walls were engraved with elven runes and some broken stone statues were scattered on the ground, as if they had experienced countless years of weathering and traces of battle.

"The key is hidden within these ruins, but it is not easy to find." Elroy said softly, "We must unlock the secrets of these ancient runes."

Gary carefully observed the runes on the wall, frowning slightly: "These runes seem to be telling a story, a story related to time and fate."

As he was studying the runes, a burst of light suddenly emanated from the center of the stone chamber. As the light grew stronger, a huge magic circle appeared on the ground, as if responding to their arrival.

"We must be prepared." Carly reminded in a low voice, and the staff in her hand began to flash with frosty light.

"It seems this is the final test." Airol drew out his bow and arrow, his eyes determined.

A deep voice came from the depths of the stone chamber, as if it was the awakening of an ancient power. Three ancient guardians, wearing torn armor, holding giant swords and shields, slowly emerged from the magic circle, carrying endless majesty and murderous aura.

"These are the ancient warriors of the elves, who were given the mission to protect this place." Elor explained in a low voice, "They will not let us pass easily."

The battle was about to begin, and the ancient guardians attacked them silently. Gary immediately raised his staff and released light magic to resist the first wave of impact, while Carly quickly waved her staff and summoned a frost storm to try to freeze the movement of one of the guardians.

Ailor dodged the attacks flexibly and used magic arrows to accurately hit the weak points of the guardians. However, these guardians were not only powerful in combat, but their defense was also impeccable.

"These guys are so tough!" Carly shouted anxiously, seeming to be struggling against the powerful attack.

Gary tightly grasped the staff and concentrated all his strength to strengthen the light magic to the extreme: "We must concentrate our firepower and break their defenses in one go!"

The three of them joined forces, and the power of light, frost, and elves intertwined again, forming a powerful energy wave that hit the core of one of the guardians hard. The guardian let out a low whimper, then fell down and turned into dust.

The next two guardians were also gradually repelled by their combined attack. After the battle, the stone chamber returned to peace. The magic circle in the center slowly dissipated, and a key with an ancient glow emerged from the ground.

"This is the key to the Rainbow Tower." Elor picked up the key gently, his eyes full of respect.

"We did it." Gary breathed out, a relieved smile on his face.

But they know that the real challenge has just begun. The power of the Rainbow Tower will be the last hope against the demons, and they must rush to the lost holy land as soon as possible.

With the key, they prepared to embark on their final journey.

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