Lin Tianlang's words made everyone fall into deep thought. Although the puzzle in front of them seemed simple, there might be hidden traps that were not easy to detect. Everyone understood that the number of times the lever could be used was probably limited. If they acted rashly, the consequences would be disastrous.

"We need to calm down and carefully analyze the possibility of this mechanism." Xu Weiwei was the first to break the silence. She said slowly: "Based on past experience, this mechanism is definitely not that simple. We need to consider the consequences of each step, especially if we accidentally waste the opportunity, we may fall into an unsolvable dilemma."

"That's right." Shirley nodded in agreement. "If the lever can only be used a limited number of times, then we must calculate every turn to ensure that no opportunity is wasted."

"Or...should we look around first to see if there are any other clues?" Aniya suggested.

"Well...that's fine. Then let's all split up and look for any clues." Lin Tianlang said.

Everyone scattered and began to search for clues in this small space, such as secret compartments or secret doors. However, after fifteen minutes, everyone still found nothing.

There seemed to be no other clues in this small octagonal hall. This was also the puzzle that gave the least information among all the puzzles that everyone had encountered so far. There was no place to hide clues in the space where everyone was now. It seemed that there was nothing else in the room except the two levers on the stone platform.

"Did anyone find anything?"

After a round of searching without any results, Lin Tianlang called everyone together and asked. The five girls looked at each other and shook their heads.

"It seems that these two pull rods are the solution to the puzzle this time. The information we have at present is that we need to rely on these two pull rods to turn Door No. 2 without the protective spell to align with Room No. 8. That should be it." Lin Tianlang said.

"Then... why don't we just turn around and give it a try?" Long Xinyu scratched his head and said, "We can't just sit here and wait and do nothing!"

"I agree with Xinyu's opinion. Let's try this pull rod first and see what happens." Shirley echoed.

"Okay, let's try this lever." Lin Tianlang nodded, and then looked at the two levers on the stone platform. Pull the lever on the left, and the order of the doors will turn to the left, that is, counterclockwise; and pull the lever on the right, and the order of the doors will turn clockwise. And moving the door No. 2 to the position of room No. 8, it must be faster to turn counterclockwise.

Lin Tianlang pulled the lever on the left, and then the entire octagonal hall shook slightly. The sound of the mechanism running was heard, and then, everyone could see with their naked eyes that the doors began to move in a counterclockwise direction until they moved one door as a whole and stopped.

Now, Door No. 2 has reached the position of Room No. 1, and there is one room between it and Room No. 8. So Lin Tianlang did not stop and continued to pull the left lever.

“Boom boom boom…~…~…”

The mechanism started working again, and soon, Door 2 was aligned with Room 8. The key was within reach!

"I'll get it!" Long Xinyu said anxiously. Before Lin Tianlang could stop her, the red-haired girl had already arrived in front of Room 8. The girl reached out, grasped the door handle, and tried to turn it. However, no matter how hard she tried, the door handle did not move at all.

"Hey..." Long Xinyu gritted her teeth, unwilling to admit defeat, adjusted her posture, and continued to turn the door handle. But even though she had used all her strength, and even her pretty face had turned red, the door handle still did not move at all.

"What's wrong, Xiaoyu?" Aniya walked up and asked.

"I, I don't know... I don't know what's wrong with this door, it can't be opened!" Long Xinyu took two breaths and then said.

"Can't open it?"

Hearing Long Xinyu's words, Xu Weiwei and Qiuyue frowned. They had just seen that Long Xinyu was working very hard. But even with the power of the red-haired girl, the dragon clan, she couldn't move the door handle, so it was even more difficult for others. It could only be said that this might not be a problem of strength.

"Let me try." Xu Weiwei stepped forward: "I'll see if I can open it with magic."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." Long Xinyu sighed and stepped aside. It seemed that the girl was only one step away from the key, but was blocked by a door, which made her quite distressed.

Xu Weiwei gently closed her eyes, released her spiritual perception, and tried to probe this strand of magic power into the lock core of the door handle to crack it. But the girl immediately found that there was a strange magical aura on the door, which blocked her magic power outside.

"No, not even magic. There is magic on the door that prevents my mental power from going deeper." Xu Weiwei shook her head and said.

"Really? Let me see." Lin Tianlang put down the lever and walked towards Xu Weiwei. He made the same attempt as Xu Weiwei, but failed as well. However, although it was a failure, it was not without discovery. Lin Tianlang noticed that the strange magic power that appeared on the No. 2 door was very similar to the breath of the protective spell on the other doors, but it was weaker and did not have strong electricity.

This breath was not there just now, it only appeared after the rotation.

"Hiss... Strange." Lin Tianlang touched his chin. He checked the door next to him and found that although the protective spell on it was still there, it was not as strong as before.

After this rotation, Door 2 arrived at the location of Room 8, but a new situation also emerged at the same time.

"It seems that operating the pull rod will also have an impact on the protective spell on the door. It seems that the problem with this door should lie in some mechanism that we have not discovered yet." Lin Tianlang said thoughtfully.

"Maybe this is some kind of special lock?" Shirley guessed, "For example, it requires certain conditions to unlock, such as rotating the door to a certain position, or something like that."

"It's possible." Xu Weiwei nodded in agreement: "In this case, we need to find the right way to open this door."

"But... isn't this the problem?" Aniya sighed: "At present, we haven't found any clear clues, and there are no other places to explore."

"Perhaps, the clue is inside this door, and it will only be revealed if we explore further." Qiuyue said softly.

"Well, everyone, can you wait a moment?" Long Xinyu suddenly said, "Could it be that we have overlooked some details? Or have we simply thought wrong? Since each of these doors is endowed with protective magic, perhaps the key to the problem is not how to open the door, but how to eliminate the protective magic on it?"

After the words fell, everyone fell into deep thought. Undoubtedly, Long Xinyu provided a completely new direction for thinking.

"Xiao Yu is right. This possibility does exist." Qiu Yue said, "If we can find a way to temporarily suppress or remove this protective magic, perhaps the door can be opened."

"But how can we make the protective spell on the door ineffective?" Shirley was a little confused: "Could it be that..."

"Perhaps we still need to use these levers!" Xu Weiwei suddenly interrupted, "What if these levers can not only move the position of the door, but also change some magical effect? ​​We have only tried the simple function of rotating the door, but perhaps they have other undiscovered uses."

Lin Tianlang nodded in approval: "This is indeed worth a try. We have tried too little so far."

"Although this is just my guess." Xu Weiwei responded: "But I think we can try different combinations to see if we can remove the magic on the door by pulling these two levers."

"Okay, let's try again." Lin Tianlang nodded firmly and walked back to the stone platform. He pulled the lever again, but unlike before, this time he pulled the lever on the right twice in a row, moving the door clockwise by two positions. Now, Door No. 2 returned to the exit.

The reason for this is that at the beginning, Door 2 was aligned with the exit, and at that time Door 2 could also be opened. Therefore, Lin Tianlang guessed that when Door 2 was aligned with the exit, some effect would occur, making the protective spell on Door 2 invalid and openable.

But the reality was completely beyond Lin Tianlang's expectation. After turning door No. 2 back, Long Xinyu couldn't wait to try again. However, the result was that the door still couldn't be opened! After turning it counterclockwise twice and clockwise twice, the door returned to its original position, but it couldn't be opened! Moreover, after Xu Weiwei's inspection, the protective spell on door No. 2 did not disappear, and the protective spells on other doors did not strengthen.

Now everyone was in trouble because the situation became even worse.

"We... we are not going to be trapped here, are we?" Aniya said with some fear. The entrance we came in through before is not working now. How can we not feel nervous?

"Don't be afraid, we will find a way out, Xiao Ai." Shirley hugged Aniya and said softly.

"Woo..." Aniya pursed her lips, trying to suppress her inner panic and not let herself drag the team down. Now is a tense time, and she must not let others be distracted because of her own reasons.

"Everyone, don't panic, calm down." Lin Tianlang coughed lightly and said. As far as the current situation is concerned, no one knows anything about the puzzle of the Octagonal Pavilion. They can only carefully test it step by step and explore it bit by bit. At this time, keeping a clear mind is the most important thing...

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