Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 715 Escape from the Library

Xu Weiwei used levitation magic to get herself out of danger, and Shirley's words also attracted everyone's attention.

Following the blonde girl's words, everyone looked up and saw that a secret door on the wall that was originally the width of the library (now the ceiling after rotation) suddenly became loose. This secret door was originally hidden in the wall and sealed by magic, so it escaped the search just now.

Obviously, there is a spell behind this magic seal, and breaking this spell is the answer to the puzzle. Xu Weiwei spoke the answer to the puzzle, breaking the spell and rendering the magic that sealed the secret door ineffective. After the magic seal failed, the library rotated again, and under the action of gravity, the secret door of the secret compartment opened automatically. Now hanging over everyone's head is the glittering, golden key hidden in the secret compartment!

However, this key is not a complete key. As the puppet butler said, it is only a part of the key, and this part is the handle of the key.

"That... is the key we need, right?" Ania said.

"Yes, it must be it!" Lin Tianlang said loudly.

The library's current position changed from lying flat to vertical, but it was not completely stable, swaying left and right, as if it would turn over again in the next moment. Because of this, everyone did not dare to act rashly for the time being.

"Everyone hold on tight!" Lin Tianlang reminded loudly.

"That do we get it?" Long Xinyu looked up - she was currently located right below Lin Tianlang.

"It's too narrow here, I can't spread my wings!" Long Xinyu said loudly.

"Xinyu, don't move!" Lin Tianlang lowered his head and looked at Long Xinyu and said, "No one should move! This library... may be in motion at any time!"

"Um... do you want me to try to climb up?" Aniya asked. In wolf form, she held the bookshelf tightly with her wolf claws, and her body was very stable.

"No, no one can move until the situation stabilizes." Qiuyue said seriously.

"Yes, no one should move." Lin Tianlang echoed, then looked up at Xu Weiwei - the silver-haired girl was now in the highest position relative to everyone else, and was also closest to the key.

"Xu Weiwei! See if you can use telekinesis to grab the key directly!" Lin Tianlang said.

"Okay! I'll try!" Xu Weiwei nodded vigorously, then raised her head and stretched out her hand: "The key is flying over here!"

The silver-haired girl released her magic power, forming an invisible tentacle that grabbed the key. However, when the magic tentacle was about to touch the key, it was separated by another invisible magic power, causing Xu Weiwei's magic power to be unable to touch the key no matter what.

"No! There is a sealing magic protecting the key! The magic power can't reach in!" Xu Weiwei said loudly to Lin Tianlang.

"Tsk... that's troublesome..." Lin Tianlang frowned. It seems that the question setter has obviously thought of the challenger using magic to cheat, so he set up an additional sealing array to isolate the magic power from the outside world. In this case, if you want to get the key, you can only rely on physical means and take it with your hands.

"Tianlang... Well, I have a suggestion!" Just when everyone was at a loss, Shirley suddenly said, "I can try to shoot the key down!"

As she spoke, the blonde girl grabbed the bookshelf with one hand and took out the folding elf bow she carried with her with the other hand.

"You can try! But how do you draw the bow with one hand?" Lin Tianlang asked.

"I need help!" Shirley replied.

"Let me do it. I will use my magic to support you." Qiuyue said from under Shirley.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you, senior." Shirley nodded to Qiuyue.

Qiuyue closed her eyes and began to mobilize the magic power in her body, and then tried to apply it to Shirley. In terms of magic ability, Qiuyue was ranked third besides Lin Tianlang and Xu Weiwei. It was not too difficult to use magic power to help Shirley to exert a floating upward force.

Feeling the floating effect on her body, Shirley tried to let go of her other hand that was clinging to the bookshelf. Now both of Shirley's hands were off the bookshelf, and only her feet were still on the bookshelf. But with Qiuyue's help, even if both of her hands left the bookshelf, Shirley would not fall down.

After stabilizing her body, the blonde girl took a deep breath, pulled out an arrow from her quiver, and put it on the bowstring. The girl gently closed her eyes, opened the bow, pulled the string, and exhaled slowly. When she opened her eyes again, a faint golden color appeared in her pupils.


As Shirley loosened her fingers on the string, the arrow flew out and shot straight towards the key in the secret compartment. Just like shooting a nail, the arrow accurately hit the small ring on the key handle! What a superb archery skill!

"Good shot! Xuexue!" Long Xinyu cheered loudly.

"Huh..." Shirley took another deep breath and reached out to the arrow. The elf arrow responded to the master's call, making a buzzing sound, and the arrow body also trembled slightly. The arrow gently pulled out the arrowhead by itself. At this time, the key ring had been pierced and hung on the arrow body.

Shirley called back the arrow—along with the key ring that had been shot down.

"I got the key!" Shirley shouted.

"here you go!"

Everyone cheered. Now that they had the key, all they had to think about was leaving.

Although the library is now vertical, the main door is still on the left side of one of the long sides. After the library was vertical, the main door also sank. Now the main door is at the bottom of the small platform. If everyone goes out of the main door now, they will undoubtedly fall directly into the cold sea water below.

Therefore, if everyone wants to return to the platform, they must rotate the library again and let it return to its flat position.

"Everyone try to climb up! See if we can use the change in center of gravity to make the library rotate again! We must make it return to a lying flat position before we can get back on the platform!" Lin Tianlang said loudly.

"Okay!" The girls responded one after another, and then began to climb up carefully, little by little.

After the library's rotating mechanism was activated, it has been in an open state. Therefore, the library is now in an unstable state. Every time people climb up, the library will shake left and right. And every time it shakes, everyone has to stop urgently and wait for the library to return to a stable state before climbing up again.

"Come on! Just a little bit more!" Lin Tianlang encouraged everyone.

Even Qiuyue, who was relatively farthest away, was only 16 meters away from the top, but everyone was climbing very slowly.

Finally, everyone almost reached the top - or close to the top. The center of gravity of the library also changed, and with a "creaking" sound, the gear mechanism that controlled the rotation of the library turned again, and then the library began to rotate again.

"Everyone hold on tight!" Lin Tianlang gritted his teeth and said loudly.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A low mechanical sound echoed in the library. This time, the library rotated faster than before, about 5 degrees per second. At this speed, it only took 18 seconds for the library to return to its flat position. Moreover, the library did not even need to return to its flat position. As long as the library returned to a tilt of less than 45 degrees, everyone would no longer need to cling to the bookshelf and could jump back to the floor.

"Now! Everyone, jump off the bookshelf!"

Lin Tianlang said loudly, then loosened his hands and stood firmly on the floor. The girls clinging to the bookshelf also let go of their hands and returned to the floor.

The library continued to move, 30 degrees, 25 degrees, 20 degrees, 15 degrees... getting flatter and flatter. Finally, the library returned to a flat position of 0 degrees, and the door of the library returned to a position flush with the small platform. However, the movement of the library did not stop. After a short pause, it began to move again, rotating downwards. The end where everyone was began to move downwards, while the other end tilted up.

"Now! Let's get out of here!" Long Xinyu yelled, and then he ran towards the gate. The others followed closely behind him. From where they were now, the distance to the library gate was about 40 meters, and it would only take 5 or 6 seconds to run at full speed. But that was the speed on flat ground. In fact, the library was rotating at a very fast speed, -10 degrees, -20 degrees, -30 degrees... The speed at which everyone was sinking was still accelerating!

Fortunately, Long Xinyu, who was running in the front, quickly crossed the center line of the library, and then Aniya and Shirley followed behind her and quickly crossed the center line. After crossing the center line, the weight on the sinking end was reduced, while the weight on the upturned end was increased. This caused the center of gravity of the library to change again, and the speed of rotation also slowed down.

"Hurry!" Lin Tianlang urged. In terms of physical fitness, Xu Weiwei should be the worst in the team now. Not to mention the innate racial advantages of Qiuyue, Shirley and Long Xinyu, Aniya's physical fitness in wolf form is much better than Xu Weiwei. So now the silver-haired girl fell behind, and Lin Tianlang had to slow down a little to take care of her.

"Ouch!" However, the more anxious you are, the more likely it is that something will go wrong. The library was already tilted at a very large angle, reaching -40 degrees. Xu Weiwei was anxious and slipped and fell to the ground.

“Weiwei!” Lin Tianlang yelled, “Telepathy!”

"Ah?" Xu Weiwei felt her body tighten, as if an invisible hand had grabbed her. Then, the hand lifted her up, and she was caught steadily by Lin Tianlang.

"Let's go!" Lin Tianlang shouted loudly, then he took Xu Weiwei's hand, took two steps at a time and came to the already raised door of the library, and jumped out of the door with the silver-haired girl.

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