Lin Tianlang was a little confused. He looked down at the gem fragment in his hand again. At this time, the gem fragments no longer flickered, but emitted a strong light.

He lifted the fragment and saw that the gem on the altar seemed to be affected and began to glow.

"Is this...the second fragment..." Lin Tianlang shook his swollen head and muttered to himself. Donating a lot of blood just now to open the stone gate made his head feel dizzy.

Lin Tianlang limped forward and walked towards the altar. The huge stone sculpture in front of the altar is very tall, conservatively estimated to be over ten meters.

The stone sculpture maintains a still movement, with its eyes "looking" at the entrance of the stone door, as if it is the guardian here.

The gem fragments on the altar are constantly emitting beautiful colored light, giving it a magnificent feeling. Lin Tianlang seemed to be attracted by it and couldn't help but walk towards it.

However, at this moment, Lin Tianlang saw something else. I saw three stone platforms under the altar, each stone platform was connected by something similar to a silk thread, and the silk thread was finally connected to the altar.

But this is not the point. The point is that there is a person lying on each stone platform.

Lin Tianlang's pupils shrank, and then he no longer cared about his injured leg, rolling and crawling towards the three stone platforms.

"Xu Weiwei! Shiris! Aniya!" Lin Tianlang shouted and ran to the stone platform in the middle.

On the stone platform, a girl with silver-white hair lay. The girl closed her eyes tightly, put her hands together on her chest, and lay quietly like this.

"Xu Weiwei! Wake up! It's me!!" Lin Tianlang quickly shook Xu Weiwei's body, but the silver-haired girl didn't react at all, as if she was dead.

Lin Tianlang was frightened and quickly checked the girl's breathing. But what frightened him was that there was no breath! The silver-haired girl sleeping in front of him was not breathing!

"No, no, no... please... don't scare me..." Lin Tianlang was completely panicked. This fear was even stronger than when he was in danger.

Lin Tianlang didn't care about anything else, he tilted his face and put his ear against the girl's chest. The girl's vagina is very soft and elastic like jelly. Normally, this action might make Lin Sirius blush and his heart beat. But he didn't pay attention to these at all now. He just wanted to confirm the girl's heartbeat.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

"No -!!! Where's the heartbeat? Beat it for me!" Lin Tianlang roared loudly and put his right hand on his chest.

His own heartbeat was very strong and kept beating. But Xu Weiwei's chest was completely calm, and she couldn't feel the pulse of life at all.

Lin Tianlang's face instantly turned pale, and his eyesight became a little dark. His legs gave out and he fell to the ground, his brain completely shut down.

No heartbeat...she...dead, dead?

With great fear, Lin Tianlang climbed to the side of another stone platform, on which lay a cute and cute girl with brown hair.

"A-Ania..." Lin Tianlang choked, his throat was completely tight and he couldn't speak at all.

He grabbed Aniya's shoulders and shook the brown-haired girl with his remaining willpower. Obviously, the brown-haired girl also had no reaction.

He checked Aniya in the same way. Like Xu Weiwei, she had no breathing or heartbeat. The brown-haired girl lay lifeless on the stone platform, as if in a morgue...

"Ugh..." A nauseating feeling hit Lin Sirius. He lay beside him and retched. At the same time, he felt that his stomach and intestines seemed to be twisted into a ball, causing extremely painful cramps.

Heartbroken, Lin Tianlang crawled next to Sherry. Just like the first two girls, the blonde girl was also unresponsive, not breathing, and had no heartbeat.

The feeling of suffocation was pressing towards Lin Tianlang with overwhelming momentum. He had never been so desperate, and he collapsed beside the stairs of the gem altar.

A feeling of hollowness and numbness struck him, and he began to have strong doubts about himself.


Lin Tianlang asked himself repeatedly.

Although the second gem fragment was close at hand, he also lost three companions and the person he cared about. Is it worth it?

From a rational perspective, this may be a good deal. Since ancient times, countless people have sacrificed their lives in order to compete for the rainbow gems. There are countless corpses buried under the rainbow gem.

To put it in a cold and almost cruel way, Xu Weiwei and the other three people were just sacrifices they had to make in order to obtain the rainbow gems. The value of the rainbow gems was much higher than three lives.

But Lin Tianlang is an emotional person. If he has to sacrifice his companion's life to get the gem fragment, he would rather not get the fragment.

In this way, Lin Tianlang was in a daze for five minutes, and the great sadness and despair almost destroyed him. But he still has a mission, and what's more, it's useless for him to be in a daze like this.

Dragging his soulless body, Lin Tianlang walked up the steps step by step and came to the altar.

The gem was in front of him, and he stretched out his hand to it...

"Boom!" However, at this moment, a strong magical aura suddenly burst out from the altar, and then a powerful impact hit Lin Tianlang's chest, knocking him away.

"Poof!" Lin Tianlang was knocked off the altar and fell to the ground. The gap between the altar and the ground was at least three meters. Lin Tianlang fell down like this, and a mouthful of blood inevitably spurted out.

"No one has been here for many years..." A low and ancient voice suddenly echoed throughout the hall.

"Who is it..." Lin Tianlang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and got up from the ground. Severe pain hit his whole body, but luckily it was nothing serious.

I saw the huge ten-meter-high stone sculpture slowly moving.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom~~~~~” The earth seemed to be shaking, and the huge stone sculpture turned into a giant stone sculpture, which made people unable to help but feel awe. The stone giant was in a half-kneeling position before, but now it stands up and is estimated to be thirteen meters tall.

"Who are you?" Lin Tianlang asked.

"I am the guard here. I have been guarding this rainbow gemstone fragment for hundreds of years." The stone guard replied in a low voice.

"Young man, to be able to come here, you must have passed the test of courage, skill and wisdom. Congratulations on arriving at the Gemstone Hall and this ancient secret room that has been sealed in dust for five hundred years."

Lin Tianlang did not answer, waiting for the stone sculpture guard to continue.

"You must be here for the gem fragments, right?" the stone guard asked in a low voice.

Lin Tianlang nodded.

"Those are your companions?" the stone guard asked again.

"Yes." Lin Tianlang replied gloomily: "Do you know they are my companions?"

"I knew it the moment the teleportation circle in the hall above the secret room was activated. At the same time, the hero and the sacrifice were also decided at that moment. But I was a little surprised, because you were supposed to be a member of the sacrifice , but there is a powerful force that protects you and forces you to become a brave man." The voice of the stone guard was cold and devoid of any emotion. But its tone should be to express surprise.

The powerful power...should refer to the gems on his body, right? Lin Tianlang squeezed the gem fragments in his hands.

"Sacrifice? You mean, they are sacrifices?" Lin Tianlang gritted his teeth and said, "So, you killed them?"

When he said this, Lin Tianlang's eyes gradually turned red, and a sky-high anger that was about to burn through the sky rose in his heart, accompanied by a kind of deep-seated hatred.

"Young man, I think you misunderstood. Your companion has only become a sacrifice and is not dead yet." The stone guard said expressionlessly.

"The person who decides their life or death is you."

The words of the stone guard directly poured out the anger in Lin Tianlang's heart.

What, not dead? But they clearly had no vital signs, neither breathing nor heartbeat.

Seeing Lin Tianlang's puzzled expression, the stone guard continued: "The sacrifices on the stone platform have just fallen into a deep sleep. The rainbow gem fragments are sealed on this altar. Anyone who touches it will immediately trigger the protection. .”

Lin Tianlang nodded silently. Just now, it seemed that when he was about to get the gem, he triggered something, and then he was directly bounced away.

"And the core of this sealing circle is me. As long as I still exist here, no one can leave the altar with the gems. But if you want to get the gems, there is only one way." The voice of the stone guard was extremely cold.

"The power of life can temporarily isolate me from the altar. As long as you sacrifice the lives of your three companions, you can leave with the gems."


Lin Tianlang couldn't believe what he heard.

To put it simply, his three companions are not dead yet, but have fallen into a sleep without vital signs. But as long as he nodded, the stone platform would immediately absorb the life force of the sacrifice and open the seal.

This seemed to be a good deal. According to the guard, Lin Tianlang only needed to sacrifice the lives of the three girls, and then he could leave this place with the gems unharmed. She's just a woman, what does she mean in the face of strength? Once you have the power, what kind of woman will you want?

If he were an indifferent person, or an unscrupulous person, he might nod his head and agree to this exchange without hesitation. Not to mention in this magical world where the jungle prevails, how is it not the same in the human world?

What should not be sacrificed for your own benefit? As long as you don't harm yourself, you pay a temporary price and get lifelong benefits, there seems to be no harm in making a deal with the devil.

However, Lin Tianlang would not do this.

Because he is a flesh and blood person, an emotional person. He couldn't do it, and he wouldn't allow himself to do it.

And—he cares about them.

"What if my answer is 'no'?" Lin Tianlang straightened his back and raised his head, looked into the eyes of the stone guard, and said word by word.

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