Su Peisheng hurriedly apologized and said, "I have never heard of anything going on in Chengqian Palace."

The emperor didn't blame him and just walked towards Chengqian Palace.

An Lingrong originally thought that the emperor would be busy taking care of things and dealing with the "female ghost" issue when he returned to the palace, and would not come to see her.

Unexpectedly, the emperor came.

Fortunately, An Lingrong is a royal king, and even in his own palace, he dresses casually and exquisitely.

She looked as if she was extremely surprised and rushed into the emperor's arms.

"Your Majesty, you are finally back!"

"Slow down, slow down, you're almost going to be a nun, and you're still so careless."

An Lingrong's belly was already swollen, and the emperor was frightened when he saw it. He didn't dare to move at all, for fear of bumping into her.

"Rong'er misses the emperor so much."

An Lingrong gently raised her head from his arms and faced the emperor from the most beautiful angle, her bright black eyes curved into a crescent moon.

"I'm also thinking about Rong'er."

The emperor was pleased by her full joy and dependence, and his original irritable mood was completely gone, without any trace of the gloomy mood just now.

This face made Su Peisheng secretly smack his lips, and he was even more impressed by this noble man.

The emperor carried An Lingrong to the soft couch, touched her face and belly, showing great concern.

"Did the little guy make trouble for you?"

"The child is well-behaved and doesn't make much noise. He is just lazy. He didn't react much when the concubine gave him prenatal education, and he didn't react as much as when the emperor was around. It shows that the child also misses his emperor!"

The emperor was so excited that he quickly asked someone to bring him a book and read to An Lingrong's stomach for a long time.

After finishing the prenatal education, the emperor thought of the "female ghost" and hurriedly asked: "I heard that the palace is not very peaceful these days. Is Rong'er frightened?"

An Lingrong's originally smiling face instantly faded. She bit her lip and looked at the emperor with aggrieved look.

"Your Majesty, you know that Rong'er never likes talking about others behind their backs. But this time, Wan Changzai went too far!"

If this was said by the noble Fu Cha, the emperor would be displeased because he favored Zhen Huan.

But in the emperor's heart, An Lingrong had always been a weak person who couldn't take care of himself, and was so kind that if he left his protection, he would be torn apart by the concubines in the harem.

And in An Lingrong's case, except for the original Yu family, he had never heard him express dissatisfaction with other concubines.

Even though Concubine Hua has a bad temper, An Lingrong is not willing to wrongly accuse her!

Therefore, the emperor did not think there was anything wrong with what An Lingrong said.

"Wan Changzai's subordinates pretended to be mysterious and made trouble for many days, causing no peace in the palace. They even scared the noble Fucha to the point of fainting."

An Lingrong said, looking frightened and weak, and tightly grabbed the emperor's sleeves.

"Your Majesty, you haven't seen that the female ghost that little Yunzi pretended to be is really scary. If I hadn't been so timid and brought a few eunuchs with me when I went out, in order to protect my concubine and take down little Yunzi in time, I would be afraid I can’t sleep at night now!”

"You saw that too?"

The emperor didn't know who was there that night, but he only knew that Zhen Huan's men were caught pretending to be a ghost to scare people.

Now that he heard that An Lingrong had witnessed it with his own eyes, his heart suddenly lifted.

"Are you frightened? Su Peisheng, go call the imperial doctor!"

The emperor attached great importance to An Lingrong's pregnancy and was afraid that something would go wrong.

"I'm fine." An Lingrong slowly stopped Su Peisheng and whispered to the emperor: "It's been a few days. I called Doctor Bai to check her pulse that night. It's nothing serious. I just need to rest for a few days." .”

"It's better to be careful so that I can feel at ease."

The emperor still called Dr. Bai to diagnose An Lingrong's pulse again. After much trouble, he felt relieved after looking at the pulse chart.

At the same time, the emperor was also disgusted with Zhen Huan's behavior.

Fucha nobles are young and strong, and can resist being frightened. But Rong'er was so weak and timid, and she was pregnant with twins, so she couldn't be frightened the most.

For the sake of his own selfishness, he would not even let Rong'er go. Even if he was involved unintentionally, it would be too much.

The more the emperor thought about it, the angrier he became. The complaints from Queen Hua Fei and Fucha Guiren kept rolling in his mind.

After appeasing An Lingrong, the emperor returned to Yangxin Hall.

"Wanchang was unable to restrain himself effectively, so he had his title revoked, grounded and fined for three months, and ordered to copy the palace rules fifty times."

Because when Xiao Yunzi bit him to death, he did it privately and was not instigated by anyone. After all, there is no evidence, so Zhen Huan can only be punished for poor discipline.

The emperor felt that apart from her face and talents, Zhen Huan's temperament had nothing in common with Chun Yuan, and she was not worthy of the title Wanzi.

If it was Wanwan, how could she do such a thing?

The emperor sighed at what Chunyuan left behind. After all, Wan Lei Qing was just Lei Qing.

No matter how much you imitate, you can't imitate Chun Yuan's pure goodness in his heart.

On the contrary, Rong'er is more similar to Wanwan in terms of temperament.

As soon as this thought arose, the Emperor felt an indescribable feeling and hurriedly suppressed the thought in his heart.

The next day, everyone in the palace knew the emperor's will. Except for Zhen Huan's party, the other concubines were extremely happy.

Especially the queen, she understood the significance of the emperor's removal of this title.

After all, Wan and Wan have the same pronunciation. Who knows if the emperor deprived Wan Changzai of his title because he thought he was not worthy to be compared with his sister?

That's fine, the substitute should have the attitude of a substitute. He is just a substitute, how can he be compared with the real owner?

No matter how much Xiu Xiu hates Chunyuan, she has to admit that Chunyuan is an almost perfect existence. How can Zhen Huan, a woman who is innocent on the surface but uses all kinds of tricks secretly, compare to her?

Broken Yuxuan.

Zhen Huan looked at the eunuch who conveyed the decree in disbelief: "Deprived of the title? No, how can the emperor be willing to do so?"

She didn't believe it. Concubine Hua must have said something, or noble Fu Cha had said something, and the emperor had to do this under pressure.

Yes, it must be so.

The emperor has always been very fond of her, how could he be so cruel?

Although there is no single favorite in the Jiaofang, there is no hot spring palace like a newlywed favorite, and there is no single favorite in succession.

But Zhen Huan was still moved by the emperor's tenderness.

I was really moved and felt that I was extremely important in the other person's heart.

She didn't think it was too much to let Xiao Yunzi pretend to be a ghost to scare people, but it was just to seek justice.

Although he accidentally implicated Mr. Fucha, isn’t Mr. Fucha okay?

Besides, she has already been slapped, and even little Yunzi has folded in. Isn't this enough?

Zhen Huan wanted to see the emperor to defend herself, but she was confined to Broken Yuxuan and could not enter or leave at all, so she had no choice but to give up.

She believed that Concubine Hua and the noble Fucha had joined forces, and she hated these two people even more in her heart.

There is also a Xiangui man. If the other party's subordinates were not troublesome, he would be fine.

Zhen Huan silently took note of a few people in her mind, waiting for a chance to fight back.

This morning, perhaps he knew that Zhen Huan had been punished. The Fu Cha family and Nian Gengyao did not mention the harem, but launched an attack on Zhen Yuandao.

In fact, how can there be so many perfect people? No matter how cautious Zhen Yuandao is, he can't resist so many people who are deliberately looking for trouble.

Zhen Yuandao had many faults picked out piecemeal. In fact, this was also the attitude of the Fucha family and the Nian family.

The emperor looked at Zhen Yuandao who was besieged and felt very dissatisfied.

This time the dissatisfaction is against the Fucha family and the Nian family.

From the emperor's point of view, he had already punished Zhen Huan, but the two families still refused to let him go.

In addition, the emperor didn't like the Fucha family and the Nian family very much, so he couldn't help but feel pity for Zhen Yuandao.

In the end, the position was downgraded and the matter was revealed.

The emperor's favoritism was too obvious, and the concubines in the harem became more wary and jealous of Zhen Huan.

An Lingrong feels that the heroine is the heroine, and this can make big things and trivial matters into trivial matters.

But she didn't have the time to think about it, because the emperor was here again.

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