Ru Lan opened her mouth, wanting to say something for Qi Heng, but found that she was unable to refute.

"I didn't expect brother Yuanruo to be this kind of person..."

Rulan curled her lips, feeling unworthy of her past love.

"So, when you look at people from now on, don't look at how he behaves, and don't just listen to what he says. Look clearly at what he does. That's the most important thing."

Mo Lan spoke earnestly, and Ru Lan nodded obediently.

the other side.

Minglan was stunned when she heard the news from Xiaotao.

Xiaotao inquired in more detail than the eldest lady said.

Of course, it is also possible that Qi Heng disclosed it deliberately to express his stance to Minglan.

"Girl, I heard that the female envoy's name is Tan Yun. She... has eyebrows and eyes just like you, girl. When I was choosing someone, the young master took his fancy at a glance."

Xiao Tao paused and told the story of the female envoy being beaten to death by Princess Pingning.

Minglan was stunned for a long time, sitting on the chair without saying a word.

But how could she hide her devastated look from Wei Xiaoniang?

It didn't take long to notice something strange.

When Wei Xiaoniang saw her like this, she couldn't imagine why?

After questioning Xiao Tao, I found out what happened in Qi's palace.

"You haven't figured it out yet since my second brother got married last time?"

Wei Xiaoniang looked at Minglan disappointedly, unable to understand.

How could my daughter, who had been obedient since childhood, become so stubborn and stubborn now?

"Mom, I..."

Minglan wanted to say something, but after seeing Wei Xiaoniang's face, she couldn't say anything.

But her silence undoubtedly told Wei Xiaoniang that she had not given up on Young Master Qi.

"Minglan, I can't go to the Duke of Qi's mansion."

Wei Xiaoniang tried her best to dissuade her: "Young Master Qi can't even protect a female envoy, how can he protect you in the future?"


Minglan bit her lip, with a hint of pleading in her eyes: "My dear, I know I shouldn't have such delusional thoughts. But the young master even went to the point of not eating or drinking in order to contend with the princess and me.

How could he, a man who grew up with wealth and wealth, have ever suffered at all? But he did this for me. My dear, if I give up now, wouldn’t I be betraying him and becoming a traitor? He is willing to fight for me, and I...I don't want to let him down..."

Wei Xiaoniang closed her eyes.

"Minglan, you are really obsessed with a man."

She suddenly felt very tired and didn't want to say anything to Minglan.

Minglan had no choice but to go back to her house.

No one except Xiao Tao knew about the dispute between Minglan and Wei Xiaoniang.

No one cared, because Mo Lan’s wedding day had arrived!

Because I am marrying into Yuzhou, the preparations are more complicated than others.

Such as building a house and displaying dowry. Logically speaking, this should be done by the woman sending someone to the man’s house the day before the wedding.

But from Bianjing to Yuzhou, the journey alone takes two or three days.

After all, it’s hard to leave quickly with a dowry.

Therefore, the Sheng family sent people to bring the dowry and rushed to Yuzhou a few days in advance.

The Zhao family needs to send make-up items to the Sheng family the day before the wedding.

Therefore, Zhao Ceying also set off from Yuzhou early.

Mo Lan's dowry box was very solid and full, with no empty items at all.

When they arrived at Zhao's house, they filled Zhao Ceying's yard directly.

The people who came to watch the ceremony were amazed.

They also took a high look at Mo Lan, the future new wife.

As expected of someone from Tokyo, he is indeed rich!

On the other hand, Zhao Ceying also sent someone to deliver makeup items to the Sheng family.

Mo Lan suddenly remembered when she saw the makeup-inducing object.

For my wedding tomorrow, I will definitely have someone put on my makeup.

But how can that compare to your own craftsmanship?

Mo Lan wanted to look her most beautiful on her wedding day.

So I started to put on fake make-up for myself.

In this way, even if someone dresses her up again, it won't be any worse.

That night, Mo Lan had a rare insomnia.

She tossed and turned, but couldn't sleep.


The system popped up: "Host, what's wrong?"

"I have some insomnia, do you have any ideas?"

9527 paused for a second: "Let me sing a lullaby to the host!"


Mo Lan thought, 9527 is a system, and it must be nice to sing a lullaby.

Unexpectedly, the next second, 9527's weird voice made her almost jump in shock!

She, she has never heard such a terrible lullaby!

Is this a lullaby? ! Is this a thrill song? !

Is this trying to scare people into fainting?

"Okay, okay, I think I'm sleepy, please stop singing."

Mo Lan quickly stopped.

The system believed it and immediately stopped, feeling very proud: "Host, my lullaby sounds good, right? My previous hosts said it was very effective!"

Mo Lan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, but did not interrupt his fantasy: "Yeah, it's not bad."

Just stop messing with her and keep this song for her next host to sing!

Mo Lan was afraid that she would have to listen to this terrible "lullaby" if she couldn't sleep, so she quickly closed her eyes.

Not to mention, after the system's torment, Mo Lan wasn't too nervous anymore.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

The next morning, Mo Lan was woken up early.

The bride's grooming is extremely complicated and requires a series of procedures such as facial opening.

That's all there was to it, but this open face almost made Mo Lan burst into tears of pain.

The two cotton threads rolled over the face, picking up tiny lints.

Just like that, the mother-in-law praised her repeatedly: "Girl, with her tender face, it is easier to open a face than others!"

Mo Lan couldn't help but look at the bronze mirror. I thought that this was already very painful. If the hair had grown more, wouldn't I have to open my face and cry at the same time?

After the interview, old man Shiquan dressed her up.

He also muttered some auspicious words.

"One comb to the ends, two combs to the white hair reaching the eyebrows..."

In short, Mo Lan was confused and at the mercy of others like a rag doll.

I don't know how long it took before I finished dressing up.

Mo Lan first went to the ancestral hall to worship her ancestors. Then he went back to the house and put on the phoenix crown and harem.

At this time, the wedding dress was crimson men and green women, which is often referred to as men and women in later generations.

In fact, strictly speaking, the wedding clothes worn by women are cyan.

After Mo Lan got dressed, she heard a commotion outside.

Rulan ran over excitedly and informed: "Fourth sister, fourth brother-in-law has arrived, and is being stopped by third brother to ask him to write a makeup poem!"

Mo Lan couldn't help but frown.

She asked Ru Lan to go find out more information, and she became more and more nervous.

"My Mo'er is so beautiful."

Lin Xiaoniang was also very nervous and kept busy.

Seeing Mo Lan finish dressing up, Lin Xiaoniang's throat suddenly became choked up.

Her Mo'er is getting married today.

I'm going to Yuzhou to be someone's eldest daughter.

Lin Xiaoniang felt a sense of panic in her heart.

Her Mo'er was only sixteen years old and was about to get married and go to a strange place.

Will Mo'er be bullied?

When she thought of this, Lin Xiaoniang felt so uncomfortable that she wanted to cry.

How could her daughter, from such a young age, grow into the beauty she is today in the blink of an eye?

Have you reached the age of getting married?

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