The emperor not only sent the puppy, but also brought the dog clothes that he had designed for Baifu and Zaoxing.

As well as a series of things, and eunuchs who are responsible for taking care of puppies.

In other words, An Lingrong and Hong Yu only need to be responsible for happily petting the dog, and don't have to worry about anything else.

Who doesn’t like raising dogs this way?

An Lingrong was extremely satisfied and wanted to work harder for the emperor that night so that he could spend a passionate night.

But unexpectedly, when it was time for dinner, An Lingrong suddenly felt that the food was extremely greasy, and the smell made her feel nauseated.

"What, it's not to your liking?"

The emperor noticed her hesitation and asked Su Peisheng to change the meal.

An Lingrong shook his head.

A thought suddenly flashed through her mind. Is this month's bath change... a few days too late?

Since giving birth to Hong Yu, her menstrual periods have not been so punctual. It's common to have one day early and one day late.

After experiencing several misconceptions about pregnancy, Chuntang also relaxed her vigilance.

After all, An Lingrong was pregnant once. After giving birth to Hong Yu, she did not deliberately use contraception. At most, she avoided ovulation.

Hong Yu is already two years old, so it is not unusual for him to be pregnant.

She looked at the emperor and said with a smile: "Don't change the food. I think it's time to ask the imperial doctor."

The emperor was stunned, and suddenly became nervous in his heart.

"But where does it feel uncomfortable?"

As he said this, he picked up An Lingrong. I wanted to carry him into the bedroom, but was stopped.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I'm fine."

The emperor hesitated and carefully placed her on the imperial concubine's couch, for fear of hurting her.

Seeing his nervous look, An Lingrong burst out laughing.

"Your Majesty, my concubine is really fine."

The emperor didn't quite believe it, and looked outside displeased: "Why is Su Peisheng so slow?"

Hurrying slowly, Su Peisheng, who was sweating profusely in a hurry, finally ran over dragging Bai Qishu.

Bai Qishu was also extremely nervous. He relaxed a little when he saw An Lingrong's rosy complexion.

Look, hear and ask, at least with this look, nothing will happen.

He took a pulse from An Lingrong and his face suddenly lit up with joy.

After learning that An Lingrong's menstrual period had been postponed for a few days, Bai Qishu immediately knelt down to the emperor and said, "Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the empress, Concubine Xian has a happy pulse and is already more than 10 months pregnant."


The emperor was stunned for a moment, and then a smile instantly spread across his handsome face.

He excitedly hugged An Lingrong into his arms: "Rong'er, you are pregnant!"

This is undoubtedly the best news for the emperor.

In the past two years, except for Rong'er who narrowly escaped death and gave birth to Hong Yu, no princess brother has been born in the palace.

Thinking of this, the emperor's heart became excited again.

"Concubine Xian had difficulty in giving birth to her sixth brother. How is her pregnancy now?"

Bai Qishu's heart suddenly shrank. He hurriedly lowered his head to hide the look on his face: "Your Majesty, don't worry, your Majesty has been doing very well in the past two years, and her pregnancy is going well."

"In this case, Concubine Xian's fetus will still be taken care of by you."

The emperor was cheerful and trusted Bai Qishu very much.

Rong'er was able to be saved from dystocia back then, which shows that her medical skills are excellent.

"Yes, Wei Chen will do his best!"

Bai Qishu left quickly after receiving the reward, fearing that staying any longer would make the emperor see his guilty conscience.

After all, that difficult childbirth...

Can't think, can't think.

The news of An Lingrong's pregnancy spread throughout the harem the next day.

After hearing this, the queen grabbed Jianqiu's arm tightly.

"She's pregnant again!"

Jianqiu felt a little pain, but she didn't dare to break away, and hurriedly whispered to comfort her: "Mother, it's only been a month, and there will be many more days in the future. Are you afraid that you won't have a chance?"

The queen let go of her hand in despair and whispered: "You don't understand... Concubine Xian is not like Concubine Hua."

If Nian Shilan was pregnant, she would only be anxious but not worried.

But Concubine Xian is different. She is smart and scheming. Now that he still holds the power of the palace, it is really difficult to take action.

When Concubine Xian gave birth to her sixth brother, she was dodged every time she tried to make a move. Do you still have a chance to take action now?

Also, who was behind Concubine Xian's difficult delivery?

She originally thought it was Concubine Hua, but Zhou Ninghai never admitted the matter, which showed that it had nothing to do with Concubine Hua.

Then who else... could it be Concubine Duan?

When the queen thought of this, her heart suddenly sank to the bottom of her heart.

Concubine Xian already has six elder brothers by her side. If she has another elder brother...will she still have a place for herself?

Concubine Duan is already very thoughtful. If she tries to trick her again, then she may not be stable as the queen.

When the queen was thinking about this, she felt her head hurt like a leaking wind.

Broken Yuxuan.

"Concubine Xian is pregnant again?"

When Zhen Huan heard the news, she felt instantly depressed.

She touched her belly. If the baby hadn't fallen out, it would be half a year old now.

Thinking of this, Zhen Huan's hatred for Nian Shilan deepened.

He hurriedly called in the eunuch who was following him.

"Have those who spied on Broken Yuxuan a few days ago been here again?"

The eunuch shook his head: "Go back to the young master, I didn't see it."

Su Xi is reckless, maybe because he has never done anything before, so he is not very cautious.

Not only was An Lingrong bumped into him, but Sui Yuxuan's servants also discovered something fishy.

But since Xiao Yunzi disappeared, the eunuchs sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been clumsy and far different from Xiao Yunzi.

So although he found someone peeking at Sui Yuxuan, he didn't find out who it was.

Zhen Huan sighed secretly after hearing his answer.

I miss little Yunzi a little bit in my heart. Although we have not been together for a long time, little Yunzi's cleverness cannot be concealed.

He is both clever and good at boxing and kicking, but it's a pity that he can't be found like this anymore.

Zhen Huan thought about it again and again, and finally felt that the person peeping at Sui Yuxuan should be related to Nian Shilan.

But why didn't the other party make any move?

She was puzzled. At this moment, Concubine Duan arrived.

Since Nian Shilan's downfall, Concubine Duan felt as if she had taken a panacea, and her body was mostly healed.

He no longer stays indoors on weekdays, but instead walks out from time to time.

"What are you thinking about? Look at your eyebrows, you can almost squeeze out wrinkles."

Concubine Duan joked to Zhen Huan. Zhen Huan was worried, so she told the matter.

She was stunned and said in a very determined tone: "It must be what Nian promised to do!"

Zhen Huan was convinced, but she was still puzzled: "But in the past few days, there has been no trace of the other party."

An idea vaguely appeared in Concubine Duan's mind. Since Nian Shilan didn't want to take action, why not give her a push?

It was hard to get Nian Shilan down, if he didn't take the opportunity to kill him. I'm afraid that after a while, the emperor will think of each other again.

She could clearly see that the emperor had some feelings for Nian Shilan.

I must never let Nian Shilan continue to live! to start?

An icy glint flashed in Concubine Duan's eyes.

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