When at home, An Ning would clean the house every one or two days.

An Ning opened the closet inside. Because it was well protected, the clothes stored in the closet were not damaged and could still be worn.

An Ning found a pair of casual clothes that her father had bought before and planned to wear them for the man downstairs.

When An Ning went upstairs, she took a careful visual look at the man's body shape. Whether it was height or weight, he should be similar to his father.

After taking the clothes, she walked out of the room, closed the door, and walked downstairs. After taking a look at the blood-stained man, An Ning stopped approaching the man. Instead, he walked to the sofa in the hall and put the clothes he planned to change into for the man on the sofa first.

Since she was planning to change his dirty clothes, An Ning might as well do it to the end and scrub the blood on his body to make the man look the same on the outside.

This time she didn't ask the man what his wishes were. An Ning walked directly to the bathroom on the first floor. Although no one lived downstairs, everything inside was fully stocked.

The man lying down saw the woman bringing the clothes over, but she didn't give them to him. Instead, after taking a look at him, he placed it on the sofa not far from him.

It's like I am not worthy of wearing those clothes now. Just like the sofa in this hall, I can only look at it from a distance and cannot desecrate it.

But the man didn't say anything. He was still very self-aware. I know that I am now in a state of being dependent on others, and there is no room for me to be picky.

Besides, he's a grown man and doesn't really care about this. Before this woman appeared, he thought today would be the last day of his life.

I didn't expect to be rescued unexpectedly, and the god of luck was already looking after me.

Soon, An Ning brought a basin filled with half a basin of room temperature water, a clean towel, and walked back to the lying man.

An Ning placed the basin next to the man and said, "You have a lot of blood stains on your body caused by the blood shed by you and others. Let me help you clean it first and then change your clothes."

"Ahem... Well, there's no need to scrub." The man's first reaction was to refuse. After all, they were different between men and women.

"Be good and be obedient. You should have experienced it just now. My movements are very fast and I won't hurt you." An Ning pretended not to hear the rejection words from the man's mouth and began to face the man on her own. Take action. When taking action, An Ning did not forget to comfort the resisting man.

"Ah!" He didn't expect that the woman in front of him was so unconventional and made a move without caring about himself. The man was shocked and let out a soft cry.

An Zai squatted quietly beside him, silently looking at his master and the strange man who came to the house for the first time today.

From time to time, he blinked, and his pair of titanium alloy dog ​​eyes revealed some confusion, wondering what his master was doing with that man.

If someone didn't hear the conversation between the two of them before, but suddenly appeared in front of them and saw what they were doing. You might misunderstand that this is a picture of a villainous woman and a strong weak man, and in a bad way, an audience of a different race is around.

The man wanted to resist the woman's movements, but his body, which had just bandaged the wound, now had no strength at all to resist the movements of this strangely powerful woman.

But in the end, seeing that this woman would not give up until she achieved her goal, he had no choice but to compromise. Mainly because his recovered strength was really vulnerable in the hands of a woman.

In order to save some face for himself, he simply gave up the unnecessary resistance.

Without the man on the side to "make trouble", An Ning quickly cut off a piece of the man's shirt in order to facilitate the treatment of the man's wound. Now there was a piece of clothing missing on the chest, revealing the white gauze for bandage, and gave it to Take it off.

"You have a pretty good figure." Looking at the man's eight-pack abs and inverted triangle figure, An Ning praised in her heart. But it was just a simple compliment. After all, she had seen too many such figures, even herself.

The movements of An Ning's hands were not affected at all. She soaked a dry towel with warm water in the basin next to her, and then carefully cleaned the dried blood on the man's upper body.

Although the movement was very fast, An Ning was very careful during the process and did not touch the man's newly bandaged wound.

As a man in the new century, it is still acceptable to expose one's upper body to others. Although the person I was looking at today was not a group of rough guys, but a woman, which made me feel a little uncomfortable, it was not unacceptable.

After all, in the army, especially in today's extremely hot weather, after a day's training or when resting in the dormitory, many teammates will directly expose their upper bodies in order to cool off.

The man can feel that the warm towel held by the woman is moving on his upper body, and the clear water eyes are also moving on his body wherever the towel passes. .

Although there was no direct physical contact with the woman, the man could not help but turn his earlobes slightly red, and there was a hint of shyness in his eyes.

In order to relieve his discomfort, the man tried his best to empty his mind and put himself in a sluggish state.

At this moment, the man suddenly realized that something was wrong with the woman's movements.

But when the man realizes something is wrong, he may have misunderstood the meaning of the woman's previous words. When a woman not only wants to take care of his upper body, but also wants to treat his lower body in this way, the man's originally calm face becomes a little unbearable.

Just now, the man thought that An Ning's so-called scrubbing was just to wipe his upper body, but he didn't expect that there was something below.

When he saw this woman's hand extending to his lower body without any scruples, the man hurriedly said to her: "Wait a minute."

Unfortunately, it was too late for the man to stop him. An Ning had already pulled his pants, and at the same time as his voice sounded, he pushed down hard.


Although the weather was very hot, the man still felt a sudden chill coming from his lower body.

The man glanced down. Very well, his pair of pants changed from ordinary to fashionable, beggar's pants, but in the end he failed to defend his treasured land.

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