The reporter's assistant and photographer, who was stunned by the tragic situation of the female reporter, was pushed hard from behind by someone who was running away or a zombie.

There was a sudden spin from north to south, and the assistant photographer also staggered and fell towards the ground in front of him.

With a "Bang!", the assistant photographer's body fell right in front of the female reporter who was being torn and eaten.

The camera in the photographer's hand also fell completely from his hand at this time.

With a sound of "Boom...", it fell beside him.

The lens used by the camera to shoot also "clicked... clicked..." to pieces and stopped working completely.

"Beep...", the scene that was being broadcast live on the TV was delayed for a few seconds and disappeared completely. The interview shot finally settled on the scene of each person biting into the abdominal cavity and quickly devouring flesh and blood.




"Ouch!...Old man!...Quickly, open your mouth and take the medicine."

"Hello? 120?... This is Sports Center Street, Dongfengli Community, Gate 3-101. Someone in the family has a heart attack, please come quickly!"


Some viewers who were watching the live news on TV at home screamed out in shock at the bloody scenes played on the TV.

Some elderly people with poor heart conditions may even have relapses of heart disease caused by direct stimulation.


In Chengdu, after the gray-black rain stopped falling, complete chaos broke out.

You can see them everywhere in and outside shops, residential buildings, universities and hospitals, etc., wearing all kinds of clothes, ranging in age from the youngest babies who can’t crawl, to the flowery teenagers of the motherland, to the hard-working builders. The cultivators range from young and middle-aged to the most hunched old.

Either they are infected by the gray-black rainwater and become zombies, or they are infected into zombies after being scratched and bitten by people infected with zombies. They chase them for fear of being scratched by them and turn into zombies or directly eat them clean, while struggling in all directions. Behind the men, women and children running away.

The closer you get to the center of a bustling urban area with a large population, the more people will be infected and become zombies.

If a human is unfortunately knocked down by a zombie, nearby zombies will also swarm up.

Together they bite and devour the captured "prey".


On the roads, you can see everywhere that the vehicles that were going out to go shopping, relax, or return home because the white fog dissipated lost control because the driver or someone else was suddenly infected with zombies, and they collided with each other.

Some small cars, which were more tragic, were directly hit by the big cars and flew out. They flipped over the viaduct and fell under the bridge, making a "bang" impact sound, and the film was shot from three-dimensional to flat.

Especially in busy sections or places with large supermarkets, the roads are almost completely blocked.

Unless you are riding a portable bicycle or walking on Route 11, you cannot pass.

The police officer who received Zhang Ren's call to the police and was sent to the villa area was trapped halfway, unable to advance or retreat.

The two police officers, who were lucky enough not to be infected into zombies, could only use the radio in the car to frequently call the 110 command center.

If you want to report the situation on the road to your superiors, ask the people in the command center to arrange for the nearby traffic police department to maintain road order, so that the already blocked traffic order can be sorted out as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the radio station in the 110 command center is frequently unavailable.


Villa area



In the security booth, there was no longer An Ning holding the Tang Dao.

At this time, only Zhang Ren was left sitting on the chair, with his head buried and cheeks waving, he quickly picked up the food placed on a wooden table in the pavilion and munched on the dry rice.

The food on the wooden table was originally saved for lunch and dinner by him and Xiao Liu. Four barrels of braised beef-flavored instant noodles, four roasted donkey meat, two roasted skin, plus four eggs and Two thick hams.

Zhang Ren is a strong man and usually has a big appetite.

After suddenly possessing the metal power, he didn't know whether it was because he had resisted the virus before and awakened the power again, which consumed too much energy in his body. Zhang Ren felt that his stomach was completely filled with gastric acid from digesting food, and it was burning. of.

He and Xiao Liu were two big men, and he rinsed the two meals in one go, and they all went into their stomachs, and there was still something left to be desired.

Zhang Ren touched his belly, looked at the bit of soup left in the last bucket of instant noodles on the wooden table that he had just finished cooking, and picked it up.

"Gudong... Gudong..." He took two big mouthfuls and drank all the soup.

"Finally full." Zhang Ren whispered.

After finishing his meal, Zhang Ren took out a white crystal core the size of a walnut from his pants pocket and looked at it carefully up and down, left and right.

The white crystal core shone with a strange light under the light of the energy-saving lamps in the pavilion.

Zhang Ren could feel that there was a kind of energy inside, which had a great attraction for him, attracting him to absorb it.

The crystal core was taken out from the head of Xiao Liu who was infected into a zombie. After he called the police and no one answered, An Ning told him to leave the security booth when he decided to dispose of Xiao Liu's body himself.

Since she planned to recruit Zhang Ren as a team member, An Ning told Zhang Ren some of the things she knew about zombies before returning home.

Including zombies whose only weakness is their heads, which are infected by gray-black rainwater and become zombies, or zombies that have evolved from the primary level and have a crystal core that stores energy in their brains.

Because Xiao Liu was subdued by Zhang Ren, An Ning left the crystal core in his brain to him in accordance with the principle of distribution according to work.

When Zhang Ren, who had obtained the crystal core, was tightly attracted by the crystal core, An Ning reminded him that the energy in the crystal core might be the embodiment of the energy in the zombie body.

After absorbing it, it may be helpful to improve his abilities.

But because it was found from zombie heads, no one has tested it yet, so it is not known whether there is any danger in absorbing it.

Zhang Ren looked at the crystal core, thinking about the city now full of zombies, his eyes darkened, and he clenched the crystal core in his hand.

Although there are dangers in absorbing crystal nuclei that he doesn't understand, in order to improve his abilities and protect Miss An who saved his life in a zombie-infested mode, he decided to give it a try.

Now that he had made his decision, Zhang Ren did not hesitate any longer.

Close the doors and windows of the security booth and lock it directly from the hall to ensure that no one or zombies will suddenly appear and disturb him.

Then he found a spacious place on the ground and sat cross-legged on it.

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