Internet sites in various countries, large and small, are all filled with information about white mist containing mysterious substances, many people suddenly falling into coma due to inhaling the mist, and other related and similar information.

As more and more people fall into coma, hospitals and other places that treat patients and save lives are beginning to be full and can no longer accept other patients.

As a result, some family members of patients who are unconscious in late childhood have no choice but to choose to place the patients at home and provide care and treatment by themselves.

After having nowhere to seek medical treatment, many people began to become panicked.

There are even cases where people with some serious underlying diseases have lost their breath in a coma due to lack of timely treatment. Unable to accept it, their family members get emotional and argue or fight with medical staff in the hospital.

When the government departments saw this situation, they immediately organized personnel and quickly prepared to build Fangcang Hospital to receive patients who were unconscious due to the white fog.

When diseases like the epidemic appear on a large scale, people have to go out and run around due to life reasons. Most people take a vacation of about a week.

If you choose to stay at home for free, or work and study from home, you are afraid that you may accidentally inhale those unknown substances and become a member of the coma.

However, people have great trust in the government and feel that this crisis will be resolved soon.

But before the problem is solved, in high-rise buildings, office buildings, factories and other places, excluding those who are unconscious and those who are taking leave to work at home, the number of people who can be seen is less than one-tenth of the original number, and everything is empty.

Nowadays, the most popular videos on the Internet are from the so-and-so young girl’s night party with so-and-so girl, Da Gua, and so-and-so superstar’s secret marriage and childbirth, and the media reports about so-and-so and so-and-so’s passionate video of four people, and the naked scenes are eye-catching! Someone's invitation to someone's press conference to apologize... has become a variety of methods on how to prevent the invasion of white fog.

Including covering all the doors and windows with multiple layers of tape, filling the holes with cotton, sponges, and glue...

In addition, eschatological remarks have begun to spread overwhelmingly on the Internet again.

Some young people began to post on the forum how they should deal with the coming of the end of the world. In short, they meant stocking up on food, water, and medicine.

The long-overstocked N95 masks, gas masks, air purifiers, oxygen concentrators (there are old people and children at home, almost every household has one), and 84 disinfectant are sold on online e-commerce apps. In the meantime, the price has doubled several times, but even so, all of them are still sold out, and even the pre-sales are not scheduled until after January.

In each online factory, one person's salary was increased several times, and they began to recruit a large number of people to increase the number of goods produced online.

"Boss Li, how many masks do you have there? I want them all?"

"There aren't many left. Boss Liu just bought all the inventory from me and ordered an additional . Now I don't have any inventory in the warehouse, so I have to let the workers work overtime."

"Hahaha, yes, it doesn't matter. I'll reserve units first. I'll transfer the payment to you first." I used to hesitate to pay a deposit, but now I haven't seen the goods, so I paid the full amount directly. Boss Li, if you have the goods, send them to me first! "

"Easy to say, easy to say."


The once humble little boss suddenly became a hot and popular figure.


"Ding Lingling...Ding Lingling...", in the quiet living room, the landline suddenly rang.

"Hello, hello."

"Hello, Miss An, this is the property management office. Due to the white fog that suddenly appeared during the day yesterday, many people are now in a coma. In order to ensure the safety of the owners in this community, the property management company has decided to remove all the people currently living in the community. All owners set up a mobile phone group so that they can be notified and contacted easily if anything happens.”

In order to protect the privacy of the owners, the villa area where An Ning is located did not join a group of owners after moving in like other residential areas. Instead, it only registered a phone number with the property that could contact people.

"Okay. Tell me the group number of the owners group, and I will search for it and join." An Ning also wanted to know the dynamics of other people more intuitively, so An Ning did not reject the property staff's request.

"Miss An, please remember, our group number is..."

"'s been added, take a look."

Because there are fewer owners in the villa area, there is no need for the group owner to verify the newly added members. According to the group name mentioned by the property staff on the phone, An Ning directly searched on her mobile phone, clicked to join the group, and directly entered the owner group of the villa area.

"Ms. An, I see you here. Thank you for your cooperation with our property management."

"You're welcome, you should."


"Drip drip..."

"Drip drip..."


After An Ning hung up the phone, she didn't have time to set the message do not disturb mode for the new mobile phone group she joined. She only heard someone in the group sending messages, and the beeping sound of her mobile phone kept ringing. stop.

Unexpectedly, the unit price per square meter is more than yuan. It can be said that the rare owners in the villa area where every inch of land is expensive are not as aloof as imagined. The newly formed owner group of the property is actually quite lively.

The tranquil consciousness entered the space, quickly took out a bottle of coffee, and sat leisurely on the sofa in the hall, drinking the milky coffee.

I clicked on the mobile phone group with my hand. Unexpectedly, in the newly established group, there were already more than new message owner groups displayed.

An Ning took a look and saw that almost all of them were discussing news about Bai Wu.

The owner of villa 11-05 said, "We live so low, there is white mist outside the windows."

The owner of 3-08 villas said, "Now the white fog has covered the tallest sky tower in the city. It's the same wherever you live. The main thing is to take good protection."

The owner of villa 8-06 said, "Nowadays, white fog exists all over Blue Star, but don't worry too much. Governments of various countries have arranged researchers to study the white fog. I believe it will be solved soon."

The owner of 6-05 villas said, "Yes, just prepare food and drink now and prepare to stay at home in the next few days.".

Owner of 1-03 villas, "Has everyone prepared food at home?".

The owner of villa 2-05 said, "I have enough food in the refrigerator for my family to eat for about a week. I am planning to celebrate my birthday today and invite people to get together, so I specially prepared it."

The owner of villa 4-01 said, "It's already pretty good. I only have a bag of eggs in the refrigerator. But luckily I'm the only one at home. I can save a lot of food with a bag of eggs, and it's enough for a few days."

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