Tian Lu took the water bottle and looked at it carefully, then opened the lid of the cup and smelled the smell carefully. It was colorless and odorless, and it felt like ordinary water.

Watching her son's movements, Grandma Yan'er took the covered water bottle from her rough son's hand.

Although the material of the water bottle seemed to be very strong and not afraid of being dropped once or twice, Grandma Yan'er still carefully placed it on the coffee table next to her.

Then he looked at his son and said, "Hey, what are you doing? Be careful. This water cured our Yan'er. It's holy water and it's precious." The son didn't believe it, but the old woman couldn't believe it. letter.

Tian Lu didn't say anything when his wife took away the water bottle. After all, the fact that Yan'er can talk is right in front of him. This water should really have something magical about it. Just as my mother said, it might be holy water.

Tian Lu looked at his wife and continued to ask: "What is the name of that kind lady and where does she live? Didn't you ask?".

Yan'er's mother shook her head and said: "The lady left too quickly at that time, put down her things, and drove away before I could react. She didn't even have time for me to say no, let alone ask her name and address. ."

Except for Xiao Yan'er, the rest of the Tian family nodded.

The old woman touched her granddaughter's head and felt glad that An Ning left quickly. If she had been slower, her daughter-in-law would have returned the things to others because she never wanted to owe a favor. If so, their words would have I don’t know when I will be able to speak yet.

"Then I don't know what the name of this thing is, and I don't know where it came from. Where should we find it so that we can thank you?" Tian Lu said.

Hearing everyone talking about the beautiful aunt they met today, Xiao Yan'er also said: "The beautiful aunt is very good.".

Looking at her granddaughter who spoke, Grandma Yan'er, who believes in gods and Buddhas, sighed: "We Yan'er have met a living Bodhisattva, but we must keep this great favor in our hearts for the rest of our lives. If we are lucky enough to meet him in the future, Even if we work like cows or horses, we still have to repay others."

"Your mother is right, in life you must know how to repay kindness." Grandpa Yan'er said.

"What our parents said is that we must keep it in mind and we will never be ungrateful." Tian Ludao.

"Don't worry, parents. Even if I don't meet Yan'er's benefactor in the future, I will provide her with an immortal tablet and pray for her benefactor's happiness and longevity every day." Yan'er's mother said.

After hearing her daughter-in-law's idea, Grandma Yan'er smiled and said, "Okay, that's a good idea. That is our family's benefactor. Our whole family will give her a longevity tablet and pray that the benefactor can live long and have no disasters. Oops!..." , because she was too excited when talking, she accidentally pulled her twisted waist, and Grandma Yan'er screamed in pain.

His wife's sudden cry of pain made Grandpa Yan'er worried, "Old lady, what's wrong?".

Looking at her worried wife, Grandma Yan'er comforted her: "It's okay, don't worry, I just accidentally pulled my waist."

Yan'er, who was staying in her grandma's arms, left her grandma's arms, walked to the coffee table, reached out to pick up the water bottle that her grandma had placed on it, walked back to her grandma, handed the water glass to her, and said, "Grandma. , drink water, feel comfortable after drinking it, and the pain will disappear." She thought of the refreshing feeling she had when drinking water.

The concern of the little granddaughter made Yan'er's grandma smile. "Hahaha, be good Yan'er, grandma is fine. This water is the holy water given by the Living Bodhisattva. It is for Yan'er's throat. Grandma won't drink it."

Grandma's words didn't make Xiao Yan'er change her mind. She saw her grandma's brows furrowed together due to pain, and said stubbornly: "Yan'er is fine, give grandma some water."

At this time, Yan'er's mother next to her also said: "Mom, having a twisted waist is not a trivial matter. You should not be careless. Besides, Yan'er's throat is healed now."

Tian Lu, who also wanted to witness the effect of this magical holy water, also advised, "Mom, there is still a lot of water in this water bottle, why don't you drink some and try it.".

Master Yan'er also spoke: "Old lady, the children have spoken, so just give it a try."

Seeing her son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter and wife all trying to persuade her, Grandma Yan'er no longer refused, nodded heavily and said, "Okay, then I'll take advantage of Yan'er and drink some of this holy water."

Seeing her mother-in-law agree, Yan'er's mother got up and took an empty water glass from the coffee table. She took the water bottle from her daughter's hand and poured some out.

Seeing the holy water in the water bottle being poured into the water cup for her by her daughter-in-law, the old woman said sadly: "That's enough, that's enough. No need to pour any more, it's enough." Although her granddaughter could already do it. Although she spoke, Grandma Yan'er still felt that drinking this holy water would be a waste for someone like her whose body was half buried in the soil.

The water in the water bottle has just been poured out, which is only one-fifth of the amount, and there is only water at the bottom of the water glass.

However, Yan'er's mother saw that Grandma Yan'er's refusal was too strong, and she was afraid that if she continued to fall, her mother-in-law would ignore her waist injury, get up and snatch the water bottle from her hand, adding more injuries to her waist, Yan'er's mother Then he stopped pouring water.

Following her mother-in-law's wishes, she capped the water bottle and placed it again on the coffee table. Then she picked up the water glass, handed it to her mother-in-law, and said, "Mom, drink the water."

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