An Ning looked at the corpse that she had broken into four pieces on the ground and said, "Xiaohua, these on the ground are for you to nourish.".

"Thank you, Master. Hee hee." The little flower stretched out its vines and pulled the severed hands, legs, torso and head on the ground one by one, dragging them into the flower and swallowing them into the flower's belly.

Although the little flower is not a mutant plant but a demon plant, it is the same as those mutant plants. It can absorb humans, animals, plants, and zombies as its own nutrients.

The flesh and blood in the bodies of superhuman beings is different from that of ordinary people. It contains some energy and is a good choice of nutrients.

The reason why Xiao Hua has not been seen eating people before is because the owner of Xiao Hua's contract, An Ning, is a human being. An Ning will not allow Xiao Hua to attack and devour humans at will like other mutant plants.

Another point is that An Ning can provide enough purer nutrients to the little flowers. Who would still worry about those inferior things when there are better ones.

Wen Yufei, Gao Lin and others in the room saw Zhang Liang being hacked to death by An Ning and then eaten and wiped clean by Xiao Hua. They just sighed at Xiao Hua's strength and did not feel that An Ning's behavior was cruel.

They all heard Zhang Liang's words clearly word for word just now.

Those who treat women as playthings and people as livestock will deserve to die.

It was too easy for Zhang Liang to die so happily.

"Team An, shall we leave here now?"

"What should we do now? Should we wait here for the instructors or go find them?"

Seeing that Zhang Liang was dead, Wen Yufei and others asked about the next plan.


While everyone was talking, An Ning was interrogating Zhang Liang. Yang Ziling, who was standing by the door and keeping a vigilant eye on the movement outside the door, heard "ta da da", "ta... da da", "ta da... da" echoing on the street. He heard the sound of footsteps and quickly reminded: "Sister An, someone is here again."

Listening to the obviously different footsteps, Yang Ziling added: "It's not one person." However, because of the distance, it was impossible to determine the specific number of people.

Let the others continue to hide in the inner room, while An Ning and Yang Ziling continued to guard the door with weapons in hand.

"Creak", it was just that the courtyard door, which was ajar and unlocked, was pushed open from the outside inward again.

A figure on all fours entered the courtyard gate and ran towards the room where An Ning and the others were.

"Master, An Zai is here to find you."

An Zai did not bark like a "wangwang" dog, but communicated with An Ning in the sea of ​​consciousness through a contract.

An Zai, Xuanyuan Zunqi and others were imprisoned together. After leaving the livestock farm, An Zai led the way. Xuanyuan Zunqi and four others came directly to find An Ning and the others while the villagers were eating.

An Ning put away the Tang sword and said, "It's An Zai, Long Dui and the others.".

As An Ning finished speaking, closely behind An Zai, the figures of Xuanyuan Zunqi and the four others also appeared in the field of vision of An Ning and Yang Ziling.

Seeing An Ning, Xuanyuan Zunqi asked with concern: "Are you okay?" Although he knew that nothing could happen with An Ning's ability, he still couldn't control the worry in his heart.

An Ning: "It's okay, how are you doing there?".

"We are fine over there. There are no villagers guarding us there, so I asked Zhu Neng and Ling Yingjun to stay there and wait for us."

After Xuanyuan Zunqi and his party met with An Ning and his party, they did not stay at the village chief's house anymore. After plundering all the supplies stored in the village chief's house, they rushed to the Niuyuan to meet up.


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