"Eh? There seems to be a purple light flashing. Am I dazzled?" When Matthew turned around, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a purple light under the place where he had just peed.

But the light was quite dim, and it flashed by again.

If the moon hadn't been bright tonight, I wouldn't have been able to see it in the dark.

After living in Wangxian City for more than ten years, Matthew has also heard many rumors about adventures. When he saw the purple light, the word treasure popped up in his mind.

Suddenly, Matthew's sleepiness disappeared and he patted his face again to wake himself up.

He lay down, moved little by little to the edge of the cliff, stuck his head out and looked down.

Although he saw the purple light, he didn't know what was going on underneath, nor where the purple light came from.

"It seems to be on the cliff. Is there a hole there?" Matthew, who was lying on the edge of the cliff and looking down, whispered to himself.

After looking up at the moon and then looking at the surrounding environment, Matthew decided to go down now to see what was going on.

Dawang Mountain occasionally has immortal cultivators flying over here. He is also afraid that if there are immortal cultivators passing by, he will have no hope at all.

After making up his mind, Matthew stood up and picked up the tools he had carried on his back.

It's said to be a tool, but it's actually just a bundle of rope and a machete.

He tied one end of the rope to his side and tied the other end to the thickest tree.

This rope was specially made by shopkeeper Chen to make it easier for Matthew to go up the mountain to pick herbs. It was made from the skin and tendons of monster beasts. It is extremely tough and is not afraid of being cut by the sharp rocks on the cliff.

According to Shopkeeper Chen, this rope alone cost him thirty spiritual stones. Since Matthew used it frequently, Shopkeeper Chen gave the rope to him for safekeeping.

The rope is more than [-] meters long, enough to pick most of the herbs on the cliff.

Using the bright moonlight, Matthew visually determined that the location where the purple light was emitting was not deep, and it probably did not reach the limit of the rope.

He wrapped the extra rope around his body and tugged hard. After confirming that the tie was very strong, Matthew flipped over and jumped off the cliff.

If a normal person walks to the edge of the cliff and then moves down little by little, after all, if there is a slight mistake on this bottomless cliff, he will be reincarnated on the spot.

But Matthew always does it in this way that others can't imagine. This is something he has figured out by himself, and it is only suitable for him.

After falling off the cliff, Matthew's body rotated rapidly during the fall, and the rope wrapped around his body gradually loosened as it rotated.

After spinning more than ten times in a row, Matthew held the rope with one hand and quickly grabbed a rock protruding from the cliff with the other hand.

All of this was calculated in his mind before going down.

After grabbing the stone, his falling speed suddenly stopped.

At the same time, his feet suddenly kicked off the rock wall, thus canceling out most of the force generated by the fall.

After stabilizing his body slightly, Matthew lowered his head and looked down to confirm the position of the purple light again.

"It should be two or three feet away." Using the moonlight above his head, Matthew judged the approximate distance.

The purple light does not appear all the time, but flickers with a certain frequency.

Next, he followed the normal falling method, loosening the rope little by little and letting himself go down slowly.

Unfortunately, when Matthew was about to approach the purple light, a mountain wind suddenly blew from the side.

At this moment, there was nothing around him to stabilize his body, and the only thing he could borrow was the rope on his body.

The unblocked mountain wind blew Matthew back and forth on the cliff, like a leaf that would fall at any time.

But Matthew didn't panic at all. He had experienced this kind of thing many times, and his biggest reliance was on the strength and tenacity of this rope.

After dangling in the air for a long time, the mountain wind gradually weakened, and Matthew slowly regained control of his body in the air.

While wandering around, Matthew was not idle either. His eyes moved around, but he accidentally saw the azure flower he wanted to pick.

The blue and purple flowers were in opposite directions that day. He originally planned to wait until tomorrow to pick the blue and purple flowers.

But when a mountain breeze appeared again, he immediately changed his mind.

Now that we're down, we'll get everything done at once.

Taking advantage of the mountain wind blowing from the side, Matthew swung his body vigorously, and after swaying for a few times, he finally got close to where Tian Qinghua was.

Holding the rope with one hand, he quickly grabbed Tian Qinghua with the other hand.

It's a pity that he was a little short of Tian Qinghua and didn't catch it.

Feeling a pity in his heart, Matthew shook his body again and increased the amplitude of the shaking.

After trying several times in succession, he finally pulled off the azure flower.

With a proud smile on his face, Matthew immediately stuffed the azure flower into a leather belt tied around his waist, and then tightened the mouth of the leather belt.

After successfully putting away the azure flowers, Matthew breathed a sigh of relief.

This mission has been completed, and the next step is to see what the purple light is.

Now the mountain wind is not blowing in the direction where the purple light is emanating, and coupled with the continuous exertion just now, Matthew is also a little tired.

After swinging to the protruding rock and grabbing it, he hung on the cliff to rest.

It was very difficult to maintain such a state. Matthew was still young and not strong enough. Coupled with the previous strenuous exercise, his stomach was already growling.

But the mountain wind has no pattern. It blows eastward for a while and then west again. The only thing Matthew can do now is to wait for the wind to blow towards Zimang.

Soon, the mountain breeze appeared again, and this time it was what Matthew was looking forward to.

The mountain wind blew one after another, and Matthew swayed hard and took advantage of the wind to swing towards the purple light.

This time the mountain wind was stronger than the previous waves, and Matthew was already close to where Zimang was before he exerted much effort.

As expected, there is indeed a cave here, and the purple light emanates from inside.

The hole doesn't look particularly big, but it shouldn't be a problem for him to climb in.

After wandering for a few times, Matthew saw the right opportunity and successfully grasped the hole with both hands.

This time he held it with both hands to prevent himself from being blown away by the mountain wind.

With a strong push, half of Matthew's body got into the hole.

Fortunately, he is still young and his body is not fully developed. An adult would definitely not be able to get in.

The cave was full of gravel, and there were also a lot of weathered bones. Matthew's whole body ached.

Matthew climbed very slowly, constantly loosening the rope around him as he climbed.

After climbing for a while, Matthew paused and the rope had reached the end.

In desperation, Matthew could only untie the rope tied to his body and tie him to a raised rock.

This is his life-saving tool, and he cannot let it be blown away by the wind.

I don't know how deep this cave is, but fortunately there is purple light, so it is not completely dark.

Matthew moved his body little by little, and gradually he found that there were fewer and fewer gravels inside, and in the end even the bones were gone.

Just lying on his back and crawling like this, Matthew's hands and feet soon became scratched, and the excruciating pain always accompanied him.

When he stopped to rest, Matthew was a little confused as to why he had to crawl inside so desperately.

He didn't even know what was inside, and there might be unknown dangers inside.

After thinking about it, maybe the desire in his heart that he was unwilling to be a mere mortal for the rest of his life was urging him to continue climbing into this unknown depth.

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