The Romance of the Immortal Cauldron

Chapter 1739: Color Doctor

After seeing Qibao's reaction, Matthew was not angry at all. Instead, a look of emotion appeared on his face.

Ever since he learned about Qibao's situation, Matthew often asked Yueru to report on him.

However, Yueru’s answer every time was Qibao, and it was still the same as before.

Even Matthew himself checked it several times, but Qibao had no reaction.

Unexpectedly, this time the woman in the colorful skirt just stabbed twice casually, and Qibao actually reacted.

"It is true that I am the only one who can heal your spirit beast. There is an extremely terrifying energy in its body. If it were not for the fact that the spirit beast itself is extremely powerful and could control that energy, it would have exploded and died long ago." The woman in the colorful skirt said softly after pulling out two thin needles.

"Treatment? Do you know medicine?" Matthew was slightly stunned when he heard what the woman in the colorful skirt said.

He had never thought that the woman in the colorful skirt would know medicine.

"You don't know my identity?"

Now it was the turn of the woman in the colorful skirt to be confused.

"Someone told me there is White Jade Red Sun Grass here, but no one else mentioned it." Matthew shook his head.

"My name is Caiyi. I am born with a unique medical method. Therefore, people who know my identity call me Caiyi." The woman in the colorful skirt said with a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

She originally thought that Matthew did this because he knew her identity.

I didn't expect Matthew to know nothing.

If Matthew had expressed his intention to heal Qibao from the beginning, they might not have had to do anything at all.

As for the White Jade Red Sun Grass, Cai Yi can give it to Matthew as long as the treatment is completed.

Therefore, her healing method is very special.

After each treatment, she would give the healed person elixir as a reward.

After the doctor introduced her identity, she also told Matthew about these things.

"Why do you give away elixirs after treatment?" Matthew asked in confusion.

In his understanding, not all injured people pay the doctor.

Why is it the other way around when it comes to Dr. Cai?

"Because my healing method is different, I will extract some of the patient's original power during the healing process. Those original powers are the basis for me to improve my cultivation, so I will give them some benefits as compensation. Don't worry, those who come to me are seriously injured, and those with minor injuries will not come. Even if they come, I will not treat them."

The doctor had obviously answered this kind of question many times, so he just said it without thinking.

After listening to the doctor's words, although Matthew still found it a little unbelievable, he was able to understand it roughly.

"Can you heal my spirit beast?" Matthew asked.

This is what he cares about most.

"This is the first time I've encountered such a situation. I need to check her condition thoroughly first. I just did a rough check just now. If you are at ease, you can follow me into the cave." The colorful doctor turned around and pointed at the cave entrance and said.

"Okay." Matthew nodded.

There was still the mark of his fiefdom in Cai Yi's body, and Yue Ru had just explored the cave and found no danger, so Matthew naturally agreed immediately.

Follow the doctor into the cave.

This cave is only shown to outsiders and is not a real cave.

After the doctor's operation, Matthew finally entered the real cave.

He had already figured out that the real cave was inside the mountain.

The colorful doctor's cave was very large. As soon as Matthew entered it, he immediately smelled a strong medicinal fragrance.

This is not just the smell of spiritual medicine, but a mixture of many kinds of spiritual medicine smells.

After entering, Doctor Cai asked Matthew to place Qibao on an ice bed that was emitting cold air.

"You need to concentrate all your attention while I examine you. You can watch from the side, but don't make any noise."

As the doctor spoke, he took out a set of ice needles of different lengths from under the ice bed.

"Don't you need to heal your wounds first?" Matthew asked, looking at the doctor's body.

"It's okay. There is a trace of the original power of the Sky-Swallowing Clam in my body. As long as you don't die on the spot, your injuries will slowly recover. However, that trace of original power will also be consumed." The colorful doctor waved his hand and said.

At this moment, the doctor seemed like a different person, with a serious expression. After he finished speaking, he even waved his hand to signal Matthew to move away.

Matthew immediately stepped back a little, but his eyes were always fixed on Doctor Cai.

At this time, Xingyan and Yueru also came back from outside.

Standing next to Matthew.

The two girls also looked at Qibao on the ice bed with some concern.

The colorful doctor had no reaction at all to the two women who suddenly appeared.

She took out ice needles and quickly stabbed them into various places on Qibao's body.

Every time the stab was made, a look of pain appeared on Qibao's face.

Especially when Doctor Cai gave him the last injection, Qibao's body immediately began to tremble.

At this time, Cai Yi's nails turned into a thin needle again and quickly pierced Qibao's ten fingers.

Suddenly, ten drops of colorful blood flowed out from Qibao's fingers.

When the colorful blood fell onto the ice bed, it immediately made a hissing sound.

Ten drops of colorful blood burned ten small holes in the ice bed like magma.

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