The Romance of the Immortal Cauldron

Chapter 1408: The Power of the Beast

After entering the cave, a dark passage appeared in front of him.

Matthew released a ball of light to illuminate the road ahead and then walked forward.

This time the passage is winding, and sometimes you have to go around several bends in a row.

And at this time, the golden man came in handy.

Under Yueru's command, the Jin people explored the way ahead. Occasionally, they encountered some evil insects or the like, but they were all solved by the Jin people in advance.

"Master, there's something going on ahead!" Suddenly, Yueru, who was walking beside Matthew, whispered to him.

After saying that, Yueru rushed forward without any explanation.

Seeing this, Matthew and Xingyan hurriedly followed.

After quickly turning a few bends, Matthew arrived in front of a cave.

As soon as he arrived here, Matthew smelled a strong smell of blood.

And inside this thing, there are corpses.

There are monsters and there are human monks.

Some of the bodies had turned into skeletons, while others were in a semi-decayed state.

Matthew even saw a familiar figure on some of the corpses at the top.

"Mrs. Lan!"

At this moment, Mrs. Lan had already died, and even her body was incomplete.

He glanced around but found no trace of the other three people who came in with Mrs. Lan.

Madam Lan, who was at the Nascent Soul stage, died here. This made Matthew start to be alert.

"Master, I have just checked it out. There are corpses everywhere. There is only one exit, and I don't know where it leads to. Also, take a look at this."

Yueru said softly after returning to Matthew.

As he spoke, a golden man appeared from behind Yueru, holding a monster that looked neither human nor beast in his hand.

The monster's body shape is similar to that of a human, but its hands and feet are the limbs of a demon beast.

Especially the head, which looks flat as if it has been crushed.

There is a moon wheel on the monster's body, and one can tell at a glance that it was Yue Ru's doing.

"What is this?" Matthew asked, looking at the monster in the golden man's hand.

"I don't know. This is the first time I've seen it. When I first came here, I saw this monster lying on a corpse and gnawing on it." Yueru shook her head.

"The aura of this monster is not very strong. Those cultivators and monsters here should have been killed by this thing." Xing Yan said softly as she looked at the monster in the golden man's hand.

Just as Xing Yan finished speaking, there was a commotion.

The three of them immediately looked in the direction where the sound came from.

It’s just that the pile of corpses in front of them was swelling up little by little, as if something was about to come out of it.

When Matthew saw this, the Hunyuan Black Toad Sword immediately appeared from his sleeve.

Just as the three were on high alert, the evil beast flew out from Matthew's arm again.

After it landed on the ground, it opened its mouth and its mouthparts pierced directly into the body of the monster in the golden man's hand.

After sucking the monster dry, the beast suddenly leaped up and rushed towards the pile of corpses.

The mouthparts pierced into the pile of corpses and with a strong push, some corpses flew in all directions.

And above its mouthparts was a monster that looked like the one captured by Yue Ru.

The monster was sucked dry before it could even struggle a few times.

Matthew and the other two stared in wide eyes at the evil beast that was rummaging through the pile of corpses.

This evil beast is only a level six demon beast, yet it is so brave and not afraid of any possible danger.

At this moment, a hoarse roar came from inside the pile of corpses.

Then, several monsters jumped out and pounced towards the evil beast.

But the evil beast was not afraid of it at all.

Its head shook and its mouthparts stabbed out rapidly.

A monster leaping in the air was pierced by the sharp mouthparts before it could dodge.

The evil beast shook its head, and the monster was thrown out, then fell lightly to the ground.

At this time, several other monsters had also pounced over.

However, the beast's body is also quite agile.

A monster pounced in front of him and grabbed him with its arms.

The evil beast retreated with force, its body suddenly standing upright.

The monster missed its grasp and was about to continue attacking.

The beast's pair of front limbs with sharp claws grabbed the monster's head.

While the evil beast was dealing with the monster, its head suddenly swung to the side.

The sharp mouthparts instantly pierced through another monster that was about to rush over.

The monster in front of it was also pressed heavily to the ground.

The beast's mouthparts shrank rapidly, and its head stretched forward, with its sharp teeth already biting the monster's neck.

As the beast's head shook violently a few times, the monster's neck was bitten off.

A stream of smelly blood spurted out, but was sucked up by the evil beast in one gulp.

In just a blink of an eye, several monsters that rushed out were all dealt with by the evil beast.

After the evil beast used its claws to lift the corpse of the monster under it away, it raised its head and let out a roar.

As soon as this sound was heard, large pieces of bones turned into ashes.

Even Matthew, who saw this scene, was stunned.

The strength of this evil beast was far beyond his expectations.

At the same time, a burning feeling rose in his heart.

This evil beast is so strong, so we will have to focus on training it in the future.

Once this beast grows up, it will definitely be a great help in the future.

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