After the two big birds left, Matthew immediately took out a pill, drank it, sat cross-legged on the ground, meditated and adjusted his breath.

Although a small life was saved this time, the injuries inside the body were already serious.

Li Mu took off the storage bags from the two corpses on the ground, brought them to Matthew's side, put them down gently, and stood beside him.

Matthew knew that Li Mu was protecting himself.

It took several hours for Matthew to stabilize the injury in his body and prevent it from getting worse.

As for recovery, it won't take more than a few months.

After finishing his meditation, Matthew took out Li Mu's map and read it.

"Our current location is roughly here." Matthew pointed to the location on the map and said to Li Mu.

"Yes, it's still a little far away from where we want to go." Li Mu looked over and took a few glances before nodding.

"How did you get out of the bottom of the pit?" Matthew put away the map and asked after standing up.

"For some reason, there were a lot of zombies at the bottom. They were made of steel and iron, and they were invulnerable. Many people died inside. I wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but accidentally fell into an underground river and was rushed here. Originally, I thought I had escaped successfully. I didn’t expect these two guys to come out with me." Li Mu shook his head helplessly.

What Li Mu said was almost the same as what he encountered, so Matthew didn't have much doubt.

After grabbing the two storage bags on the ground and scanning them with his consciousness, Matthew's expression changed slightly.

There was a storage bag with very few things in it, and it should have belonged to the man.

But the other storage bag was full of things, and Matthew even saw a beetle grass.

"The green-haired one is the Son of God of Tiemuzhai, and he has a very high status in Tiemuzhai. The tree man cast earlier was the curse seal left in his body by the old woman, and was used to protect his life." Matthew saw the change in his face. , Li Mu explained softly.

"The most valuable thing inside is the armored grass. Take it and swallow it. It can increase your life span by twenty or thirty years." Matthew took out the armored grass from the storage bag and handed it to Li Mu. .

But Li Mu shook his head and did not pick up Jiazicao.

"In my current situation, the jiaozhicao has no effect on me at all, and it does not increase my longevity." Li Mu looked at the jiazicao in Matthew's hand and said.

"How long can we hold on?" Matthew asked with a darkened look.

"Only two months at most." Li Mu said with a smile.

"Let's go, leave the abyss as soon as possible." Matthew nodded, put away the jiaozhicao and said.

When leaving, Matthew also put away the purple-striped insect that was resting on the ground covered in injuries.

Through the fight with the man, Matthew already knew that, apart from their special abilities in dealing with ghosts and the like, purple-striped insects had almost no means of defeating the enemy when fighting against monks.

Because the situation of both of them is very bad, whenever they encounter any danger, they will immediately change direction.

I would rather take a long detour than fight with anything again.

However, if he encounters a ghost, Matthew will still release the purple-striped insects.

Although the purple-striped insect was also injured, it had no problem dealing with ghosts.

Moreover, he also found that the purple-striped insects were recovering quickly from their injuries after devouring those ghosts.

Li Mu was also very curious about Matthew, this strange spiritual insect.

Out of curiosity, he had no intention of asking.

Everyone has their own secrets, how can they tell others.

After that, the two of them specially selected places with ghosts and let the purple-striped insects clear the way in front.

After being injured, the purple-striped worm's food intake obviously increased. After eating the previous amount, it could continue to devour ghosts.

"Senior brother, have you noticed that we seem to be encountering more and more ghosts?" When the two came to a mountain col, Li Mu said with some worry.

This was the eighth day since they left the plains.

Along the way, we encountered fewer and fewer monsters, but more ghosts, and some powerful ghosts appeared.

Those powerful ghosts, even the purple-striped insects, are a bit difficult to deal with.

This mountain col is the only way for them to pass through. When they come here, the purple-striped insects have already devoured a large number of ghosts.

"How long have we been here?" Matthew asked a little confused.

"There are only seven days left until one month." Li Mu accurately reported the time.

"How do you calculate so accurately?" Matthew asked in surprise.

"Ever since my body was fused with that branch, I have become extremely sensitive to the passage of time, and I will never make a mistake." Li Mu said with a rather proud smile.

After Li Mu finished speaking, Matthew held his chin with one hand and began to think deeply.

After silently estimating the time in his mind, Matthew made a decision.

"Junior brother, the injuries in my body are getting more and more serious. I have to stay in seclusion for some time. In a month at most, I should be able to recover to [-]% or [-]% of my injuries." After looking up again, Matthew looked at Li Mu firmly and said. .

"Okay, then I will protect you." Li Mu agreed without thinking.

"I'll leave the bugs outside. If a ghost comes over, you can take care of me. I'll be in seclusion underground. Don't call me for anything." After Matthew finished speaking, he immediately gave the purple-striped bug an order. .

Then, he took out an Earth Escape Talisman and submerged it into the ground.

He plans to enter the mysterious space here.

According to the current situation, if you don't increase your strength, it will be difficult to reach that place even if there are purple-striped insects on the road behind.

After diving down to about five feet, Matthew dug down a few more feet with his bare hands, and then he felt a little more at ease.

After taking out the small tripod and throwing the fragments in, Matthew came to the mysterious space with the things beside him.

Time was running out. After Matthew came in, he first picked up the elixir beside him and began to heal his injuries.

After spending some time to recover from his injuries, he immediately understood the remaining chapter of Thunder Jue that day.

Now the only thunder magic in his hand is this one.

It's a fragment of a book, so it's not very difficult to understand.

After he fully understood it, he began to practice the secret technique.

The secret technique recorded in the fragments of the Heavenly Thunder Jue is called the Flying Thunder Technique.

The heart-centered formula was running, and after making the formula with both hands, traces of white arcs appeared on Matthew's hands.

However, the arc only lasted a few breaths before dissipating.

Matthew knew that this was the result of the spell's failure.

This situation is normal and will happen to everyone who is just starting to practice magic.

Anyway, the mana in the mysterious space would not be consumed, so he continued to practice the flying thunder technique.

As the number of times he practiced gradually increased, more and more arcs could be gathered on his hands.

When he released the arc in his hand, the arc condensed into a ring and flew into the purple mist in front of him.

A few breaths later, a series of crackling arcs came from the purple mist.

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