The Romance of the Immortal Cauldron

Chapter 1161 Entering the Third Channel

After dripping a few more drops of blood into the egg, Matthew put it into the spirit beast bag.

He now had to explore two other forks in the road and had no time to pay too much attention to this egg.

Anyway, I already have it, and there is plenty of time to study it slowly.

Matthew was not in a hurry to enter the second fork.

First, we rested outside for a while, and then entered the middle fork in the road.

Not long after entering the middle fork, Matthew saw a corpse.

This corpse is from Lingyao Mountain, and the storage bag on the body is still there.

Moreover, the body had not yet rotted, and Matthew knew that this person was one of the last people who entered this place.

He found it a little strange why people from Guimen and Lingyao Mountain chose to come here.

After taking the storage bag and throwing the corpse to the Seven-Colored Treasure Scale Dragon to be swallowed, Matthew continued to move forward.

With the experience of taking the fork on the left.

Matthew was much faster this time.

These three forks in the road were all created by the same person.

The situation inside is pretty much the same.

However, there were only two bodies inside.

They are all monks from Lingyao Mountain.

Matthew also discovered that the danger inside the middle fork was much less than the one on the left.

The restrictions encountered were not very powerful.

Matthew reached the innermost part as quickly as possible and found that everything inside had already been taken away.

Come to think of it, there is not much danger here.

It’s hard to leave things behind.

After Matthew came out of the middle fork, he immediately walked towards the one on the right.

If you haven't met Yan Pu at this fork in the road, it means that he has left this place.

Entering the last fork in the road, Matthew also sped up.

After he walked forward for about an incense stick's time, he saw two bodies lying in the passage.

The one on the left is a Ghost Gate monk, and the one on the right is a Spiritual Medicine Mountain monk.

The two men looked unfamiliar, and they were not part of the group that came in this time.

After checking, Matthew found that the storage bags of the two men were missing.

Not only was I not disappointed, I was actually a little happy.

At least, it means someone has been here.

Then it could be Yan Pu.

After picking up the two bodies on the ground, Matthew continued to walk inside.

A moment later, he saw a pool of blood at a corner.

The blood splattered on the rock wall, with a faint smell of blood.

After smelling it, Matthew could already tell that the bloodstain had not been there for long, perhaps just a few hours or a day or two ago.

The bloodstain was very light, and it would have been difficult to see if Matthew hadn't been very vigilant.

The bloodstains on the rock wall looked like they had been wiped by someone.

But what Matthew found strange was that there was no danger here.

Moreover, there are many ways to wipe off blood stains, so no traces should be left.

Also, how could someone spray blood here?

After looking for a few times, Matthew turned his gaze to the ground again.

There was a purple light flashing in his eyes, and Matthew raised his eyebrows immediately.

Although the ground had been deliberately wiped, he could still see some slight footprints.

Matthew squatted down and carefully identified the footprints on the ground.

Soon, he realized that the footprints here were not left by one person, but by two people.

Looking at the bloodstains on the wall again, Matthew had a new idea.

Perhaps two of them entered here together.

One of them suddenly attacked the other, causing the other person to spurt blood on the rock wall.

The injured person did not die immediately, but fled inside.

The attacker didn't have time to completely wipe the blood off the wall before he chased after the fleeing person.

This is also the biggest possibility Matthew can think of based on the current clues.

Matthew looked again at the path he had come from. All the footprints on the ground were going inside, and there were no footprints going out.

I think the two of them should still be in the passage.

Matthew did not dare to be careless. He summoned the phantom armor and held the black shield to protect himself.

After taking out the Hunyuan Wuchan Sword, he walked inside.

Not long after, Matthew saw some blood on the ground again.

This time the bloodstains were not wiped off, and there was a hint of foul smell in the bloodstains encountered this time.

After Matthew tested it with the poison gas, he confirmed that the blood contained a highly toxic substance.

"Poisoning... The first blood stain I encountered did not contain poison, which means that the injured person had not been poisoned at that time. Or the poison had not yet erupted."

Matthew stroked his chin, muttered to himself, and continued walking inside.

On the rest of the journey, Matthew encountered more and more bloodstains.

Moreover, the color of these bloodstains gradually changed from bright red to dark red, and finally turned into drops of black liquid.

Matthew knew that this was the result of a complete outbreak of the toxin.

But as he walked along, he didn't see anything other than blood.

There wasn't even any sign of a fight.

"Could it be that the poisoned person has been running? But why didn't he run outside?" Matthew thought as he walked.

A moment later, when he turned a corner, he finally saw something different.

In addition to the blood, there was an arm lying on the ground.

It was obvious at first glance that it was a human arm, with something held in the palm.

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