"I have to say, after you equipped yourself with a personality, your tone has changed. How is it? Does your injury still hurt?"

Olivia was no longer riding her headless horse, but was playing the role of a dragon knight. Of course, she was a little dissatisfied with her father, but she shrugged her shoulders and decided to fight quickly.

"Let's go, let's kill this guy quickly. I have a suspicion that he will be able to pull other legendary Pokémon into the battle soon. That will definitely be a very scary experience. By then, it may not only be us who might be in trouble, but the whole city may be torn down."

"By the way, did you say this?"

It was very abnormal. Carlos seemed to have heard this sentence before, but he didn't know where he had heard it. Ever since he began to transform into a dragon, his mind had become a little unclear. At any time, he might suddenly feel like he had heard this sentence before.

"Who cares..."

Ever since he saw the skull, he felt his head aching more and more, but he didn't have time to care about so many things now. Everything else was more important than these things, especially when he was in the middle of a battle... But the vague uneasiness in his heart and intuition made Carlos extremely uncomfortable.

Intuition is something that may or may not exist depending on whether you believe in it or not. However, Carlos has escaped numerous life-and-death crises with the help of his intuition. Intuition is his sixth sense. Sometimes, only after experiencing certain things, will you believe in the existence of certain things.

So his anxiety will grow day by day. After all, what he hates most is things that are out of control. If nothing is in his hands, there will be all kinds of potential dangers.

"Focus on the battle..."

Sometimes I don't quite believe what he says. It's just that the beast instinct swallows up my rationality. But when I regain my rationality, I feel my mind is in a mess.

"Okay, let's get started!"


In a space, an alpaca was talking to Old Bones about a topic. The old father felt more indebted to Carlos, his child. He should not have shouldered such a heavy mission, but fate had tied everyone's lives to him.

"He walked this path, not me, nor you. You don't seem like a good father at all. You seem to treat him as a puppet, don't you? Do you dare to say that sending his soul to the city was not your doing?"

Old Bones' words seemed to break through a line of defense in the alpaca's heart. This guy could see what the alpaca was thinking, or maybe the alpaca was conscious and wanted him to see his thoughts. The alpaca answered Old Bones' words with silence.

"You made him bear the consequences of your own sins. Didn't you create him just to be a 'cleaner'? If you could still judge him with your previous cold-blooded thoughts, you wouldn't be so miserable."

"You created a "machine". You looked at him as the creator, but slowly developed feelings for him. You watched him grow, watched his pain, and gradually melted the cold and ruthless thoughts in your heart about him. You treated him as your real child, so you tried to atone for your sins..."

"Are you a creator or a father? But you are unqualified in facing Carlos. As a creator, you are cold-hearted and gave Carlos the most strict orders, asking him to follow your ideas completely."

"As a father, you treat your child as a tool for your own ideals, you turn a blind eye to his suffering, and you treat him as a tool to achieve your goals. In summary, both of your identities are unqualified."

"Your so-called 'compensation' is just to comfort yourself. He will eventually understand in his own way, and you just accelerated the process. It's not a real gift, so no matter how you look at it, it's extremely unqualified."

"We may have said this many times in the endless time and space. You have witnessed Carlos's ending at the end of each story, but only "one" Carlos reached the end of the story."

"You have seen the so-called 'ending'. This is just a part of history. If I were you, I would do nothing and just watch the end of the story quietly, because no matter what, you have really affected him."

"There's a saying that goes, 'If you give birth but don't raise a child, you can return it if you cut it off.' You created him, but he never treated him as his own child. You used him to achieve your own goals. He should have returned you long ago. In a sense, what you did is really disgusting."

When they said they were hiring a psychologist for Carlos, Old Bones started by assessing the alpaca. Should I say anything? They are indeed father and son. Both of them have serious psychological problems. Old Bones, who temporarily played the role of a psychologist, felt helpless, but after all, he had promised the man, so he had to do something about it.

"Thank you for your help. It's really troublesome for you to come here to handle the matter between us father and son..."


Looking at the enemies summoned by Shadow Hoopa on the opposite side, Carlos felt a headache. He had three brothers, Kyurem, Flyingless and Gigantic.

"This is getting damn bad... Carlos, do you have any good ideas?"

Looking at the enemy with a strong aura in front of her, Olivia did not show cowardice, but had a firm will to fight. She believed in Carlos, and Carlos would give the right method, because Carlos would always solve the problem at the critical moment.


Carlos's head was getting more and more painful. Olivia's absolute trust made him feel very stressed. If Olivia was not there.

He would definitely give it a try and use all his strength to fight all of them alone. He was confident that he could suppress them by force at the cost of destroying a city. He just didn't believe that four altars plus the spiral of doom could not defeat them.

But what is the price? The destruction of the entire city. If Olivia and Xiaozhi were not there, Carlos would definitely do this, but the problem is that Xiaozhi and his friends are here now, and Xiao Hupa is also here. They can come up with a better solution, so Carlos can't use absolute violence to solve it.

He tried other methods, but Olivia's absolute trust made Carlos a little difficult to deal with. To be honest, he really didn't want to be a hero. If he wanted to be a hero, he would have to bear the expectations of others. It was difficult for him to bear the expectations of his family, let alone outsiders?

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