Monthly Calculation System in Pokémon

Chapter 274 Search Operation

"Damn, why is there a power outage at this time?"

Musen said impatiently. She took out the candlestick from the counter and lit a fire on the candle. Everyone gathered at the dining table and was forced to have a "candlelight dinner".

"How's it going? How's the generator?"

Gardevoir looked at Carlos and Lei Yu who came back in the rain and wiped the rain off their faces with a towel.

"Well...unfortunately, the generator was struck by lightning...I guess there will be no power supply for a while."

"So children, do you still want to continue exploring the manor? This "unexpected surprise" will make your adventure a lot more exciting, right? Although it may be accompanied by fright, if you want to explore, you can go to the manor. If you are afraid, you can go back to your room first."

"I'm sorry, you three. Everything was fine originally, but we have prepared your rooms in advance. Let's go over there. In addition, these children may be wandering in the corridor and may disturb your rest."

"Don't worry! Well... a little something happened here, and it may have a little to do with ours... Let these children explore the manor."

"Okay, so who wants to take a look around the manor?"


There was timidity in Little Eclipse's eyes, and Dorothy and Rui Ri noticed this. Although both of them wanted to take a look inside the manor (mainly Dorothy), they both decided to stay with her. With a small lunar eclipse.

"Let's stay in the room with Little Eclipse."

The three of them exited and returned to the room first. Looking at the rest of the people in the manor who were waiting to explore, Carlos gave everyone a candlestick and reminded them that if they were grouped, they could only be divided into two at most. group, because the only ones who can see "them" are Musen and Mercury.

"Okay, let's group up now. We must go outside the manor. Which of you wants to go outside the manor with Little Mercury?"

"I'm with Lucario!"

Big Cat hugged his dog and raised his hand. Snowflake on the side was also standing on Mercury's side. It looked like they were the only ones.

"Okay, then put on your raincoats...are the rest of us in the manor?"

Fireheart took out a few sets of raincoats from the tool cabinet and gave them to them, while they had to stay in the manor to inspect the manor.

"That's right! I also found some flashlights here. Take them. You already knew I should buy more flashlights."

Fireheart took out a few flashlights from his butler's backpack and gave them some batteries, while they explored the manor with candlesticks.


Violent lightning tore through the sky, and the originally dark manor was illuminated by lightning. Everyone was also in the corridor on the second floor, using the only remaining light source to illuminate the darkness in front, and moved forward.

At this moment, they really understood how big this manor was. Apart from their rooms, there were hundreds of rooms in this manor. At the same time, there was a large library, a billiards room, and a room for processing documents. There is an office, a battle venue, and Carlos even built a playground for the children, and there is a large wine cellar underground.

Although many of the above-mentioned facilities have not been completed, it is estimated that it will only take three or four days. Needless to say, we cannot experience the happiness of rich people, especially rich people like Carlos.

"I finally understand why my mother complained that it feels weird here. After all, these rooms are too empty, aren't they? Walking into them is like walking into a huge maze."

Olivia's scalp went numb looking at the intricate map in Mu Sen's hand. There were hundreds of location marks on one floor. The wind blew through these buildings and the sound of the doors clicking made people cautious just listening to it. Panic.

Gardevoir complained when he was cooking in the kitchen that the manor was a bit too big. Originally, he was considering hiring a maid to clean the vacant house, but now, there are ready-made maids. .

"...Don't move! There are sounds around..."

Musen suddenly pulled Olivia beside her. From her perspective, someone walked through the door in front of her. The door seemed to be gently moved by it, and passed through them aimlessly. Then, walk towards the end of the corridor.

"Did you see that thing?"

Everyone followed Musen's gaze, and it seemed that there was really some terrible monster watching them in the darkness?

"I don't know, but it does look like a human figure... It's weird... If it's a ghost, it's either because of obsession or it's a ghost-type Pokémon. It's even weirder. Why is there such a thing here?"

"You said... he might not be a ghost?"

"Then what should we do?"

"Follow that guy and we're going to see where he's going?"

At this time outside...

"It's raining so hard... Are these hedge mazes real plants?"

Snowflake touched these plants with his hands, and then realized that these were real plants, not plastic at all. It seemed that Carlos had invested a lot of money in these plants.

"I have a feeling there will be something interesting in this..."

Little Mercury walked into the hedge maze first, and everyone else followed, but what they didn't know was that the moment they stepped in, the plants began to grow wildly, and the ground was gradually covered with thorns and roots.

"Click... click..."

Some originally normal plants were gradually affected. They expanded crazily, and the hard thorns and roots sealed the exits from here.

"This is an unbuilt area..."

"Whatever, just go inside."

Jiutian didn't care so much and just cut open the warning rope with a knife, and then everyone walked in.

"What a huge hole for me..."

When everyone looked up on the second floor, they saw a first-class scene below but could not see the scene underground. The wine cellar being built underground had not yet been repaired, and the floors in the southern area of ​​the first and second floors had not yet been installed. good.

"You said that guy won't go down, right?"

Musen looked around and expressed his judgment. At this moment, Jiutian's foot suddenly cracked when he stepped on the floor.


"Nine days!"

"What do you hear that sound is?"

At this time, the three little Eevee in the room suddenly heard a scream, and Lunar Eclipse immediately realized that it was Jiutian's scream.

"It's Sister Jiutian! They won't be in danger!"

"Then what do we do now?"

"Let's go find them quickly!"

Seeing that his family might be in danger, Xiao Yuexiang ignored the fear in his heart and rushed out to find Jiutian and the others.

"Hey! Just wait for us!"

daily urban jokes

What is the Spring Festival like at Lobotomy Company?

Their dragon dance may be made of genuine products.

So what is the Spring Festival like in the city?

Their Andy Lau may really be thawing once a year.

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