Monthly Calculation System in Pokémon

Chapter 243 Looking for foreign aid

"So what should we do next?"

At the tea table, Gardevoir was the first to open the topic. Now to deal with that evil guy, you need to make a lot of preparations. Without these preparations, the chance of winning against that guy is almost zero.

"It is indeed a problem. That guy is stronger than most of us. To be honest, if the mirror hadn't been inserted into his body and made him temporarily weak, Jiutian might not be able to defeat him."

While Carlos was drinking tea, he thought about the scene during the battle. That guy had a terrifyingly strong personality. Those weapons in his hands were like batons in the hands of a conductor. Every weapon was extremely powerful.

"Well, maybe I think you should go find some of your brothers."

At this moment, Xiao Mengmeng was talking while drinking tea. She knew her son's plight, and the advice she could give was to let him find his brothers.


Carlos was a little confused. She said she was looking for her brother, was that right?

"Yes, they are the three you are thinking of, Palkia, Dialga and Giratina."

"Wait a minute, I feel like they and I are not of the same species... Besides, can the three of them really recognize my brother?"

Carlos expressed his concerns. After all, the three of them felt that they were not very good-tempered, and every single one was a big trouble.

Not to mention anything else, the soul of my father-in-law is still wanted by my nominal brother, and the remaining two are even more violent. They beat each other when they meet, and they don't feel very easy to get along with.

"What is there to worry about? Let me ask you, are you the son of God in this world?"


"Did Arceus create you?"


"Isn't that enough? Although you guys look a little different, you are all from the same origin, and you don't have to worry about them fighting. Don't forget who is stronger than them. ?”

"Yeah...even if they fight, my nominal old father Arceus will come out to clean up the mess. After all, these careless children have been taught a lesson by their father, not just once or twice."

Carlos sighed. Now it has become difficult to improve his strength. The only hope is to use the personality system and find some strong foreign aid.

First of all, he has to admit that Mew's idea is very reliable. After all, he doesn't have any way to quickly improve his strength. Some powerful personalities need to pass Valpus Night, but after all, that guy can also pass Valpus. Traveling through Pujis is inherently risky.

"Okay, let's settle this matter for now. Go find my brothers, which means going to the Sinnoh region and avenge Jiutian."

Carlos took out a document from his arms. This was the document that the female boss of the black market collected for Carlos and the others. In it, they mentioned Team Galaxy's plan, which seemed to be to capture Palkia. and Dialga.

"Humph, it's all about to finally begin."

At this time, Jiutian came up with a plate of cake. As the kitchen knife penetrated the cake, the scarlet strawberry jam flowed out from the cake.

"What? Are we going to travel to the Sinnoh region? Oh my god! I have always wanted to go there. It is said that the Sinnoh region has many legends and stories, and there are also many famous historical places."

"I remember that the Sinnoh region is Miss Zhulan's hometown, right?"

"Yes, the branch office in the Sinnoh region is the most prosperous of all branches. This is also thanks to Mr. Carlos's investment in the Sinnoh region in the future."

Angel told everyone about the future of the Sinnoh region. After Carlos decided to invest, he established another city in the branch.

When the city was completed, the large flow of people also brought a certain amount of financial revenue to the tourism industry in the Sinnoh region.

"Angel can't you tell us more about the future? I really want to know what my future self will look like?"

Dorothy looked at Angel pleadingly. In fact, everyone also wanted to know what their future would be like. Due to the butterfly effect, no one dared to ask this question. After all, if there was a slight mistake, it would be over.

"Sorry Miss Dorothy, please forgive me for not being able to tell you the answer, but the future must be very good."

Angel squatted down and touched Dorothy's face with his hand. Although it was a machine, it was endowed with many human senses, such as smell and touch, because of K Company's superb mechanical technology.

The Dorothy in front of her was fluffy. For some reason, Angel felt a feeling called a good mood. She could feel that she was becoming more and more like a living being, but she still felt a little mechanical.

"Oh? Why are Angel's hands so hot?"

Dorothy asked this question curiously. Angel's mechanical metal arm was relatively cool before. Why does it feel hot now?

"It may be because the system is running too fast, causing the system to heat up. It doesn't matter. I have a cooling device on my body."

As he spoke, Angel raised his arm forward, and then a large amount of steam spurted out from his arm. It was more like a steam gun than a heat dissipation device.

"It's already past five o'clock in the afternoon. It's time for father to prepare some dinner and prepare some rooms for sleeping."

Musen took out a pocket watch from her arms. As the chief housekeeper, she controlled time very accurately. She only looked at the pocket watch to be accurate to the second.

"If you want to rest, there are many places here, but there are no beds to sleep on. In other words, you basically have to sleep on the floor."

Xiao Mengmeng said a little apologetically, but the children didn't have any objections. From the pile of debris, everyone began to look for some quilts that could be used for sleeping, while Jiutian led the others who had nothing to do. Go prepare dinner.

"This quilt is not made like this, look at me."

Musen looked at the somewhat untidy quilt Lucario had laid out, and shook his head helplessly. Finally, he knelt down and spread the entire quilt extremely smoothly.

"Musen is just taking a nap, isn't it?"

"When we were in the villa, if there was even a trace of dust on the quilt, the maid would be punished. Likewise, even if there was a little wrinkle in the quilt, it wouldn't work."

Musen said seriously, feeling like an old mother educating her children.

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