"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Snowflake's group went much smoother. Little Mercury and Snowflake rummaged through many useful parts, while Musen, who was standing guard, shot and killed many crabs.

Musen discovered a very buggy method. When he fired the first bullet, she directly released the personality-removing magic bullet buff, and then refreshed the skill by attacking other garbage. In this way, she gained a lot of shooting skills through this method. Skill, continuously snipe and kill those crabs from a distance.

"Hey, Musen, you'd better be careful not to break those crabs too much when you cum. These are also our dinner today."

Snowflake, who was cleaning the battlefield with Little Mercury, looked at the burnt crab meat. The smell inside made her feel a little nauseous, but the key point was that there was no other food here. If she didn't eat it, she would starve to death here.

"Instead of thinking about this, you should think about how to remove this garbage from it. After all, if you don't remove it, you won't be able to talk about any parts or even eat."

"This is simple, it's up to me."

Snowflake was equipped with the N Company personality, and the hammer he raised made a "bang" sound, and all the parts on it fell to the ground, with only a few pieces still stuck to it.

"Although the number of usable parts is instantly reduced after you hammer it down, I still recognize you in terms of speed."

After Musen looked at it, although he also had some headaches and there were a lot of missing parts, the disassembly speed was still very fast.

"Well, sisters, I want to ask a question."

Little Mercury on the side suddenly interjected a word, and the two people's eyes were also attracted by Little Mercury.

“Is our purpose to bring back this crab and its parts?”


"Then why not just drag the crab carcasses over and dismantle them after returning to the camp? Now with so many crabs, we not only have to drag the crab carcasses but also carry the parts."



Both of them fell silent at the same time, feeling so stupid.

the other side…

"Hurry up to Qingyu!"

"Stand by your side and defend!"

Under the command of our heroic captain Fireheart, the trio hunted crabs very quickly. Needless to say, the Great Lakes Terminator was pretty good at hunting these crabs.


The sharp harpoon penetrated the gaps in the garbage that was used as armor, and penetrated directly. Then there was an explosion. The crab was directly blown to pieces, and the parts (in the biological sense) were scattered on the ground.


Sunny rain fell from the sky, and a harpoon pierced the head of a crab. As the harpoon pierced his carapace and shattered his brain, the crab collapsed to the ground helplessly.

"Hey, I found something interesting here."

Olivia was hit by a crab just now. Although his harpoon pierced his brain, the collision caused the garbage pile behind him to fall down, and Ollie was buried under the garbage pile. Via struggled to get out but found something interesting.

"Speaking of which, no matter how long this thing lasts, I will still remember its disgusting smell."

Qingyu also felt nauseous when he looked at the green water emerging from the garbage crabs. When he was equipping this personality, he clearly remembered the disgusting feeling of eating this thing at that time, but it was not impossible that there was nothing else on the sea. Can be eaten.

"Oh, sometimes I really miss mermaid jerky, especially when I have to eat this thing."

In fact, to be honest, human beings have a very cheap feeling. Things that once felt very unpalatable become extremely delicious when they encounter something even more unpalatable and cannot survive without eating it.

"Come take a look at this big baby and if we fix it we can go for a ride again."

Olivia came to them carrying a small boat. Yes, it was too light to carry. She was the best harpooner on the boat. She was really strong. (Of course, there is also some credit for the incomplete strengthening of the tattoo.)

"Ha! Olivia, you are indeed my lucky star. I will go out to sea to catch some mermaids later. It will also taste good to eat some mermaid meat slices."

Fireheart looked at the small boat in front of him that was somewhat damaged but could still be used after some repairs. He was really lucky this time. He could go to the shore and try his luck. Maybe he could actually encounter something else.

"There is nothing wrong with the boat's engine. It's just a pity that there are no spare oars. Some of the oil tanks are missing and there are a few holes in the boat. It can really be repaired."

As the first mate on the ship, Qingyu still has some knowledge about maintenance. As a first mate, it is normal for him to know a little bit about everything. The more he knows, the more he can know more about some key choices.

"Don't you think this is all risky?"

Olivia said on the sidelines, although he also hates crab meat and mermaid meat tastes pretty good, but do he really want to risk going to sea? Carlos went crazy when he found out.

"Don't forget who your captain is. You can trust me when it comes to sailing the ship."

Fireheart said confidently, and they were just going to the offshore for a stroll, not really to the open sea. His personality was inconsistent, but that didn't mean he was stupid. If they just went to the open sea with their small boat, wouldn't that mean they were going to the open sea? Deliver food?

"Don't worry, we're just going offshore to try our luck. It's nothing serious."

"Okay then, let's repair the ship and go to sea directly."

Olivia knelt down, took out the wrench and screwdriver for disassembly, and found some usable parts from the garbage. Qingyu poured some fuel from an abandoned car, while Fireheart poured out some fuel from an abandoned car. Repair the holes in the boat.

"Well, let's spend the night here."

Carlos used wire and a screwdriver to easily pry open the door in front of him. This abandoned repair shop seemed to have been uninhabited for a long time, but now it could be used as a temporary place for them to stay.

"Your lock-picking skills are six. How did you manage to pick locks so skillfully?"

Gardevoir said curiously, with such skillful lock-picking skills, you wouldn't believe her if you said Carlos hadn't practiced it before.

"In the back alleys, people can learn a lot of things in order to survive. In other words, those who haven't learned those skills are basically dead."

Maybe this is the so-called survival of the fittest, which is equivalent to the Pokémon world. People know that Pokémon of different colors are very powerful, but have you ever considered that just because it is a Pokémon of different colors and has a high mortality rate, only strong Pokémon can survive? Only then can he survive?

daily urban jokes

The Godfather went to the premiere of the movie and laughed while the movie was playing. However, when the movie was over, he suddenly asked.

"Okay, I have to admit I loved the movie, but why does the Harlequin in the movie have the same beard as mine?"

All the thumbs were silent. Only the second boss Carlo asked in a low voice.

"Master Godfather, why don't you let the actors shave their beards?"

replied the godfather.

"Good idea to shave him off before shooting him."

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