Monthly Calculation System in Pokémon

Chapter 17 The Awakening System

three hours ago...

After finishing the work, Gardevoir lay down on the sofa tiredly, and Carlos covered her with his coat. Both of them looked very tired.

"My dear wife...what are you having for dinner?"

Carlos asked Gardevoir while drinking coffee.

"You really just finished tossing me... It's really bad to ask me to cook."

Gardevoir said angrily.


"I'll fry you some rice when I get home... remember to buy a pack of salt."

After saying that, Gardevoir used teleportation and went home to cook.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

A familiar voice suddenly came from his mind.

"Master, you have very good physical strength."

"Pfft! Cough cough cough!"

Carlos spat out all the coffee in his mouth and asked in disbelief.

"When did you wake up, Brain Machine, and what did you just see?"

"Well, just when you two started."

Naoji said awkwardly.

"... "

Carlos was silent. He silently took out his revolver and put it in his mouth.

"Don't! Don't let your mind wander, Master! Didn't you just see a little bit of something you shouldn't have seen? Besides, I had blocked my sensory system at the time."

When Naoji saw that he was going to play for real, he quickly persuaded him that he had just woken up. He had not finished enjoying this colorful world, so he couldn't let it go.

"You guys finally woke up after sleeping for so long... By the way, you helped me adjust the skills in my skill list, right?"

"Yes, the last time the master used the perfect body, the master's genes had collapsed. In order to save you, the two of us consumed all the energy to find two personalities and merged with the master, allowing the master to save a life."


Carlos was lying on the boss's chair, smoking a cigarette.

"I didn't expect that after ten years, my master would change from a novice to the current master of World Wings. This transformation is really big."

Naoji looked at the now-developed master. He must have suffered a lot in the past ten years without the two systems, right?

"Boom boom boom!"

Just then it started to rain outside.

"Damn it, I still have to buy salt for my wife...why is it raining?"

"The system equipped me with the personality of Heathcliff, the fox umbrella."


In an instant, Carlos' clothes began to gradually change. The suit he was wearing remained unchanged, but there was a brown raincoat on the outside, and he was holding an umbrella in his hand.

"WOW, this equipment is pretty good...but why does it have a gloomy feeling?"

"After the owner wears this piece of clothing, his personality's own emotions will be affected, so it's normal to be depressed. Moreover, this piece of equipment is originally extracted from abnormal bodies. The wandering fox itself represents meaningless concern for those who have been abandoned. .


Carlos stretched, locked his office door and prepared to get off work.

The rain outside gradually became heavier. Thanks to these clothes and this umbrella, the rainproof ability is really strong.

"'s the salt you asked for."

After buying salt in the supermarket downstairs, Carlos decided to take a shortcut home.

"I have to say that this dress really affects my mood. The more I walk in the rain and step over puddles, the more I feel abandoned."

Carlos found a closed shop. He sat on the ground and leaned against the door of the shop, looking up at the dark clouds in the sky. He didn't know why. He only knew that he was very tired now and wanted to find a place to sit for a while.

"Speaking of the system... Do you think anyone can really wear this persona all the time? I feel like a person will go crazy if he wears it for a long time."

Carlos raised his head and let the rain fall on his face. There was a faint scent of grass in the rain. He lay next to the store and asked about the system.

"As the saying goes, it's not that you choose your ego, but your ego that chooses you."

"Although ordinary people can also equip this version of equipment, it will be rejected by itself. In other words, the fusion is not very good, but most people are controlled by this type of equipment. Only the equipment from the Lobotomy Company era is It can be equipped by everyone without rejection (of course, if it is a high level, your staff level needs to be relatively high), or it can be expressed in the form of a ultimate move just like the host's first ego."

"Does that mean I have to find a suitable person for this equipment? ...Forget it, stop thinking so much and hurry up and go home with the salt."

Carlos stood up. At this moment, there was a life in the alley next to the waveguide on his body, and the breath of that life was pain.

"Looks like something's in trouble."

Thinking of this, Carlos raised his umbrella and walked into the alley.

Then he met the long-tailed fire fox.

"Ding he comes."

Gardevoir pushed open the door and what came into view was Carlos's figure in a raincoat, and next to it was a long-tailed firefox with an injured arm and a dirty body.

"Who is this child?"

Gardevoir asked.

"An abandoned little guy... I guess she has been wandering for a long time. I met her in the alley on the way back and brought her back."

"Poor little thing...I'll take her to the bathroom, wash her and bandage her injuries."

"The rice is in the pot... take the salt you just bought and fry the fried rice. If you fry more, this little guy will probably be very hungry too."


Carlos had his personality removed, and because of the removal of his personality, the clothes underneath him were not wet at all, and even his shoes were not wet.

"That little one you brought back is special. She seems to fit this outfit perfectly."

Brain Machine whispered beside him.

"Maybe this is fate. The waveguide guided me to find her and she is very suitable for this equipment.

Carlos added oil to the pot, then put the steamed rice, cut vegetables, beaten eggs and salt he bought into the pot and started to fry the rice. It must be said that the skills he learned are not available yet. If you are unfamiliar, it is no problem to make a stir-fry.

"All right."

After a while, Gardevoir came out of the bathroom with the long-tailed fire fox. The injury on her arm was treated by Gardevoir with drops of life water. The mud and dirt on her body were also washed away, and she looked more energetic.

"Eat your wife."

Carlos served a bowl of rice to Gardevoir and Long-tailed Firefox. The little guy obviously hadn't had a decent meal for a long time. She hurriedly thanked her and started to wolf down the food.

"Carlos, give this kid more food...see how hungry she is?"

Gardevoir spoke softly beside him, and Carlos nodded and went to the kitchen to bring the rice pot.

Five minutes later, she ate all the fried rice on the table by herself, and even the fried rice for the two of them was given to the child... However, after meeting the child's hungry eyes, the two looked at each other and smiled helplessly. The child cooked another pot of rice.

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