Wander around the streets for a while.

A huge seven-story attic appeared in front of Ye Lingtian.

Bright blood-colored lanterns are hung around the attic. The lights are bright and brilliant. Sanskrit sounds are filling the air inside, and music and music are abuzz. A golden plaque hangs on the door with three big Chinese characters: Hongyan Pavilion!

Hongyan Pavilion is the largest gold-selling cave in Gusu City. It is a place where rich and powerful businessmen spend huge sums of money. Ordinary people are not even qualified to set foot in it.

It is rumored that there are all kinds of interesting things in this attic, as well as countless beautiful beauties. Once a man sets foot in it, he will be intoxicated and never want to leave.

And this Hongyan Pavilion is the treasure trove of the Bai family. It is guarded by the Jiangnan Bai family. No one dares to mess around here...

"The Beauty Pavilion, the Tomb of Heroes, how many ancient kings are there?"

Ye Lingtian smiled softly and walked inside.

"This guy......"

Not far away, in a hidden location, the tourist and storyteller looked strange.

They all thought that Ye Lingtian would go to Zongpai's old house with a jade ring.

After all, the first thing a person holding a Zongheng jade finger ring should do when he arrives in Gusu City is to find someone from the Zong sect, but instead he turns around and enters the Hongyan Pavilion.

Where is Hongyan Pavilion? To put it bluntly, it’s a brothel!

Third Young Master has a special liking for brothels!

Along the way, I visited Huansha Tower and Hongyan Pavilion, and I felt carefree and happy. Ye Lingtian was such an enviable person.

"The Third Young Master is a man of great temperament and a role model for our generation. If I have the chance, I really want to have a few drinks with him."

The tourist said with a smile.

"Maybe there's something fishy hidden there."

The storyteller shook his head. Things had exceeded their expectations and it was hard to see through.

The tourist said: "Yun Mo has already rushed to the old house of the Zong sect with a jade ring finger. As expected, the leader of the Zongheng sect should be him. You can follow me now and take a look. As for me, I have to Go to Pingnanhou Mansion, there will be a good show there!"

What on earth did Chu Jiuge possess that could actually enable the Purple Clothes Marquis to send Mo Qingwu?

Mo Qingyang from Fenglei City is dead, and the Ben Lei Sword is at the Pingnan Hou Mansion. Maybe Chu Jiuge has some kind of handle on Ziyi Hou!

If Luo Sheng can get this handle, he can do a lot of things.

"We are all gone, who will keep an eye on Ye Lingtian?"

the storyteller asked with a smile.

The tourist looked at the storyteller speechlessly: "Isn't this asking for death if I still insist on seeing a situation I can't see clearly? Along the way, I almost died once, how about you?"

The storyteller smiled bitterly and said: "We are all fallen people in the world, and I am the same."

In that mountain inn, even Sword Master Bu Qianchen appeared. If he really took action against Ye Lingtian, maybe his own life would be decided there.

Is the appearance of Sword Master Bu Qianchen really just a coincidence?

"So, can you see through it?"

The tourist said meaningfully.

"I can't see through!"

The storyteller shook his head.

"Everyone's appearance is just right, and so are you and me. On this chessboard, you and I are just pawns! There is only one thing we have to do now, follow the steps of the chess player."

The tourist picked up the wine gourd, took a sip of wine, and then walked in a certain direction.

"You're right. If you want to survive, you have to stay away from that guy Ye Lingtian. He is too weird. If you get too close, you can easily enter a bigger quagmire."

The storyteller smiled lightly and left quickly.

The Lantern Man, the Blood Skeleton, the Medicine Demon Gu Qianhe, Zhuang Xiaoyao... these guys are a lesson to others.

Another location.

Hua Jieyu and Nian Hongyu were staring at Hongyan Pavilion.

"Do you think we are overthinking it?"

Nian Hongyu spoke curiously.

Hua Jieyu's pupils shrank, and she suddenly felt something was wrong, and immediately said: "This place is dangerous, leave!"

The two women left quickly without any hesitation.

It didn't take long.

On a roof not far away, Xiaosheng, the six-fingered piano demon, appeared. He put his hands behind his back and stared at the entrance of Hongyan Pavilion with a smile on his face.

"Xuan Zhang has seen clearly. How can you, the Third Young Master, be so evil-minded that he will follow the rules step by step? It seems that the Bai family is definitely ruined by you."

Yan Xiaosheng chuckled.

The Zong faction thought that Ye Lingtian would go to the old house and would definitely mobilize all their troops and focus all their attention on the old house. However, they never imagined that Ye Lingtian's real target was actually the Bai family.

If the Zong faction transfers all its power to the old house, the Bai family will appear extremely weak. It will be much easier to take advantage of them at this moment.

The Bai family is a big piece of meat, but no one force has been able to eat it up because the Bai family is backed by the vertical faction, and no one force has the ability to monopolize it.

Now that the focus of the major forces is no longer on the Bai family, Ye Lingtian can naturally eat this piece of fat quietly.

What a trick to attack the east and attack the west. This is a strategy that kills three birds with one stone!

After entering Hongyan Pavilion.

Ye Lingtian started to find a place to play, and with the remaining five hundred taels of silver notes, he started to have a little fuss, as if he didn't care about tonight's events at all.

This made some of the guys staring at him extremely puzzled.

Hongyan Pavilion.

seventh floor.

This place is not open to the public. On weekdays, only important figures from the Bai family can enter.

"Hong Fu, how are you?"

A graceful woman wearing expensive colorful neon clothes slowly spoke.

She has a snow-white and delicate oval face, eyelashes as curved as the moon, and a pair of willow-leaf eyes. She is narrow, seductive, delicate and graceful. She has the unique poetic talent of a woman from the Jiangnan water town and the unique shrewdness and intelligence of a merchant family.

This is the eldest lady of the Bai family in Jiangnan, Bai Qingyan!

Bai Qingyan is an extremely extraordinary being. What makes her extraordinary lies in her ability to do business. In just three years, the Bai family's industry spread throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty, and even outside the Great Zhou Dynasty. The Bai family's industry.

This woman's business ability is very terrifying.

In front of Bai Qingyan, there was a woman in a red dress named Hong Fu, who was the top leader of Hongyan Pavilion.

Hongfu replied respectfully: "The third young master has been placing bets since he entered Hongyan Pavilion, but it was always a small fight."

"How many taels of silver did he bring?"

Bai Qingyan asked.

"Five hundred taels!"

Hong Fu replied.

"Five hundred taels..."

Bai Qingyan frowned slightly, what exactly did Ye Lingtian want to do?

Logically speaking, the other party should be heading to Zongpai's old house at this moment, but instead he came to Hongyan Pavilion to have fun.

On the other hand, Yun Mo, who had stayed at the front door and was extremely quiet before, was now walking around the street wearing a jade finger ring, and it seemed that he was planning to go to Zongpai's old house.

It is certain that since he wears a jade ring to go to the old house of the Zong sect, it means that he wants to fight for the position of leader of the Zong sect, and Ye Lingtian is excluded.

It's just that the more I think about it, the more wrong I become.

What's the plot behind this?

"Hongfu, go and invite Ye Lingtian up, and I'll find out what he really thinks."

Bai Qingyan said thoughtfully.

Since you don't know Ye Lingtian's true thoughts, let's test it out.

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