She suddenly thought of her grandpa and felt a little sad.

Although Su Li said everything here was fake, she still had a lot of things she couldn't let go of her grandfather.

However, she can't do anything abnormal now.

Inadvertently, two lines of tears flowed down his cheeks.

She turned over, trying to get these messy thoughts out of her head.

"It's all fake anyway. If it's fake, there's nothing to miss!


When you wake up, you will wake up from this dream, and everything will be fine! "

"Tang Qiuyi! Tang Qiuyi, wake up quickly!"

Tang Qiuyi sat up suddenly, and the surroundings were pitch black.

The voice of a strange man just now made her break into a cold sweat.

She seemed to be in a huge empty space at the moment, with no bed, no room for her, and no villa containing her grandfather.

At this time, there was only a light source cast from her head when she moved.

As she walks, the light source follows her.

When she stops, the light source stops too.

"Tang Qiuyi, what are you doing there!" It was the voice again, but this time, the voice was much clearer.

He originally thought it was his grandfather's voice, but now it sounded much younger.

"Could it be Su Li?" She raised her head and suddenly realized, could it be that Su Li had succeeded?

Did he really "wake up from the dream?"

She immediately responded loudly, "Su Li, is that you?"

Her voice spread out, but suddenly it became quiet.

Tang Qiuyi was a little confused for a moment. She suddenly appeared here, not knowing where she was or which direction she should go.

Even now, I can't even hear my voice!

When she was confused, a beam of warm white light came from the front.

She followed the light source and found that there was a door!

She hesitated and opened the door!

Outside the door is an island.

The sea breeze carries the salty and bitter smell and lifts her long hair.

She didn't know why, but she found this island very familiar.

There are huge rocks everywhere on this island, and a lot of golden sand has accumulated in the rocks.

She didn't know why, but something there seemed to be attracting her, and she began to walk deeper into the rocks.

By the time she reached the foot of a huge tree, she was so tired that she had no strength left.

She sat down against the tree trunk, breathing heavily.

Suddenly, a squirming feeling came from the tree.

At first she just felt a little itchy on her back, but suddenly, some pictures flooded into her brain!

The giant insect with nine heads and nine tails in the picture made her hair stand on end!

She slowly moved her body away from the tree, and sure enough, she saw my tiny tentacles wriggling on the tree!

At this time, she had no time to be afraid or afraid. She just swallowed and slowly moved her body away from the insect tree!

Little did she know that at this time, dozens of centipedes of different sizes and sizes had gathered around her!

She took a step back and subconsciously extended her right hand.

As if the voice in her head blurted out, she actually called out, "Water element!"

At the same time, transparent water droplets quickly gathered in her palm, and then turned into a huge ice crystal phoenix!

The phoenix spread its arms and swooped down against the insects' bodies.

In an instant, all the bugs were frozen.

She couldn't tell if it was a habitual action or something else, but she unconsciously took out an ax from her back.

The ax flew up and down in her hand, turning the insects into a pile of minced meat.

She looked a little disgusted and couldn't help but tighten her nose.

At this moment, the giant insect tree finally woke up!

She immediately took a defensive stance, but at that moment, someone seemed to pull her arm.

The man was so powerful that she took a few steps back. Everything in front of her disappeared at the same time!

"Tang Qiuyi!

Wake up! "The body seemed to be violently shaken by a man.

Tang Qiuyi suddenly felt a little dizzy. She opened her eyes and saw Youyou holding up her palm. It seemed that if she didn't wake up, this thing would fall on her face!

She sat up in surprise, feeling as if she had had a long dream and her whole body ached.

But when Youyou saw that she was already well, he no longer felt pity for her and withdrew his strength.

Tang Qiuyi said "Ouch" and fell to the ground.

She originally wanted to curse, but when she saw Youyou hugging Su Li, her heart tightened.

"Why is Su Li injured so badly!"

Youyou glanced at her, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't. He carried Su Li on his back and walked out first.

Tang Qiuyi only knew that Su Li had been stabbed on the shoulder before, but when he actually looked at it, he still gasped uncontrollably.

At this time, Su Li had at least a dozen wounds all over his body.

Every wound is deep!

I don't know what happened between Su Li and that woman after she disconnected.

In short, now is not the time to get hung up.

They must return to Su Li's home as soon as possible and help him treat his wounds.

The three of them immediately returned the same way. Fortunately, there were not many monsters left in Muyun Square.

And there are game staff and four-star or above anchors everywhere dealing with the aftermath.

They walked very safely, at least they didn't have to worry.

After entering Su Li's house, Tang Qiuyi started to prepare to bandage Su Li's wounds.

Because Su Li's injury was for Tang Qiu Yi's sake, the pair of wandering eyes full of hatred were always fixed on her body after Tang Qiu Yi came back.

This made her slightly uncomfortable.

Although she understood his behavior, this look that looked like a love rival really put a lot of pressure on her!

She even felt that if she accidentally struck too hard while bandaging Su Li, this guy would jump up and twist her throat!

Fortunately, with her trembling and carefulness, the bandaging work was finally completed.

Zhang Haoyun fed Su Li a few anti-inflammatory pills, and Su Li fell asleep peacefully. Tang Qiuyi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Haoyun winked at her at this time, Tang Qiuyi understood, and the two of them came to the kitchen one after another.

Zhang Haoyun first handed her a bottle of drink, then opened a bottle of beer himself, and asked curiously, "Sister, what have you been going through these days when you have been missing?

Say it to your brother. "

Tang Qiuyi recalled it briefly, and it seemed that there was nothing special. What was special, "By the way, how did you find me after you found out that I was missing?

Could it be that the world I was in at that time was also a copy of this place?

Also, Su Li over there is said to be Su Li's clone, so how did he manage to make such settings in other copies?

Also, what happened to the woman in red in the cabin and Su Li in the end?

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