It was an extremely normal weekend. Tang Qiuyi happily put on his horse riding equipment and followed his grandfather to his horse farm.

It is said that this horse farm has been passed down in his family for at least three generations.

However, Tang Qiuyi had never been here before.

Because Grandpa said it is a very dangerous sport, and it is better for a girl to do it safely.

That day, the sun was shining brightly.

With the help of the staff, Tang Qiuyi rode a white horse, which was said to be the most docile white horse in the entire racecourse.

At first, they were pulled by staff and slowly circled the track. Everything went very normally.

Later, a huge explosion seemed to suddenly come from a distance.

The sound came suddenly, startling everyone.

Including horses.

The white horse was suddenly frightened. It raised its front hooves and got rid of the restraints of the staff. Then it roared loudly and ran violently with Tang Qiuyi on its back.

Tang Qiuyi was still calm at this time. She held the reins tightly with both hands to prevent herself from being thrown away.

But the white horse seemed to be crazy and jumped out of the racecourse fence!

It rushed all the way and ran all the way to the road.

The road is now a mess.

It appeared that at least three vehicles had crashed into each other, and one of the vehicles was on fire, sending out thick black smoke.

Tang Qiuyi saw a boy lying on his back on the hood of a white car.

His limbs could no longer move, and only a pair of deep eyes were watching her.

Tang Qiuyi was suddenly stunned. This look was so familiar to her!

She wanted to get closer and take a closer look at his face, because his face was now covered with blood and fly ash, making him unrecognizable.

Asked her but forgot that she was riding on a crazy horse at this time!

As the horse drifted sideways, she was thrown high by it.

The moment she took off the reins, she didn't even think about the seriousness of the matter.

It wasn't until she almost landed on the tip of the boy's nose that she realized that half of her life had been lost in this fall.

The door was pushed open and the servant came in to wake her up.

She didn't sleep well at all this night, so how could she get up at this time.

But now that she remembered what happened before, she understood even more why her grandfather cared so much about her.

She has never tasted what it feels like to lose a loved one, but now, she seems to understand something.

However, who was the boy who appeared in her memory?

Is it Su Li?

She recalled it fiercely, but she had no clue.

It seemed that Su Li was just a name to her.

She had no idea of ​​his appearance!

She might not even know him!

But where did she get the obsession to find him before?

The headache came again, but this time it was not as severe as last night. She just frowned slightly, and soon the feeling was suppressed.

Suddenly, the idea of ​​looking for Su Li didn't seem so strong anymore.

Even after seeing him, what should I ask him?

Although grandpa said that their two families are close friends, it seems that she and Su Li don't have much interaction, right?

They are of different genders, and although they are similar in age, they seem to be still two or three years apart.

There is a high probability that we won’t be able to play together.

How did my original obsession come about?

Tang Qiuyi didn't understand.

Anyway, if you don’t understand, just don’t understand!

She thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it didn't make any sense to her current life, whether she saw him or not.

She stood up immediately.

Grandpa was still waiting for her in the restaurant, holding a newspaper in his hand.

Tang Qiuyi glanced at it casually. The newspaper was full of dense small characters, and it was hard to see what was written.

However, at the top of the newspaper, there was a line of numbers written in bold font, "0".

Tang Qiuyi hesitated for a moment. The numbers looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen them before.

She sat across from her grandfather and started eating breakfast.

Grandpa was in a good mood today. He looked in the direction of the yard and pointed it to her, "Xiao Yi, look, the rain outside has stopped. Don't you want to go to Su's house today?

After dinner, we'll go there. "

Tang Qiuyi hesitated. She put a piece of steak into her mouth, smiled and shook her head.

"Grandpa, I've thought about it, so I might as well not go!"

"Well, why don't you go? Weren't you very anxious to go yesterday?"

Tang Qiuyi also looked out the window. In fact, she didn't know what she was thinking now.

"No, Su Li and I are not familiar with each other at first, so it's still a little embarrassing to visit us unexpectedly.

The weather is so nice today, I’d better accompany grandpa! "

When grandpa heard what she said, his eyes narrowed with joy.

He immediately put down his knife and fork and ordered to the butler behind him, "Go and make arrangements. Today, I want to take my precious granddaughter to play golf!"

The butler responded, turned around and left.

Two hours later, Tang Qiuyi had already stepped on the soft green grass.

She took a deep breath and felt the warm sunshine shining on her body.

Grandpa was currently chatting with old acquaintances he met, several grandpas of similar age to him.

Their chats were almost all about golf. Tang Qiuyi sounded bored, so he greeted his grandfather first and went to rest under the pergola alone.

There are comfortable lounge chairs and a variety of drinks.

Because grandpa ordered her, she ordered a cup of warm tea.

The warm aroma made her whole body feel warm. Tang Qiuyi couldn't help but close her eyes and relax, feeling this beautiful moment.

Suddenly she felt a shadow blocking her face, because the shadow of that thing blocked her sun.

She originally thought that someone might be passing by accidentally and left after a while, so she didn't pay attention.

But two full minutes passed, and the thing showed no sign of leaving.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but Tang Qiuyi actually felt that the thing should be a person, and it was watching her!

After having this idea, an inexplicable feeling of fear suddenly hit my body.

She opened her eyes suddenly, trying to see what the man looked like.

But when I opened my eyes, there was nothing in front of me!

There was only a slender shadow on her body, and it seemed that it was not very far away from her!

From her current angle, there was no one around her, but that shadow was always on her body!

She was immediately nervous and quickly sat up. Only then did she realize that there was a person sitting on her right side.

A young boy.

He was sitting in an electric wheelchair and wearing a black jacket.

He watched her get up, with a strange emotion hidden in her eyes.

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