Secret live broadcast, a hundred times the explosion rate helped me make a lot of money

Chapter 69: Playing a game and being targeted by the Supervisor?

Tang Qiuyi felt that the person coming was evil, so he took a step back.

Unexpectedly, the man in black took out a work permit from his pocket and handed it to her hand.

"Hello, Miss Tang Qiuyi, I am the manager of the super-real and mysterious world.

There are some issues that require your cooperation in the investigation.

Don't worry, we won't delay you for a long time.

It's not convenient here. Please come with me. "

After he finished speaking, he took back the work permit from her hand, turned around and left.

He didn't even get Tang Qiuyi's consent. It seemed that in his understanding, Tang Qiuyi would definitely cooperate and go with him.

What he just said was not asking for her consent, but a notification.

Tang Qiuyi was a little dissatisfied with his attitude. She stood there, which was considered her greatest respect for this man, even though it was her first time to see the game staff here.

"I have urgent matters and can't leave with you.

If you want to do research or something, you might as well find another person!

I really don't have time right now. "

After she said this, she wanted to find another way to go.

Just when she turned around, she found that there was a man in black standing right behind her.

She was not mentally prepared in advance, and the sudden appearance of this person scared her.

Although the man behind him looked younger than the previous man, he was serious in speech.

In fact, without even saying a word, he put something cold on her head.

Tang Qiuyi instantly felt a numbness spread throughout her body, and her mind went blank.

In front of his eyes, he seemed to see a small patch of sky between the cracks in the buildings.

She clearly knew that she had fainted at this moment, because she felt that she should be carried on the body of someone in black.

They walked through the messy streets, but no monster took the initiative to attack them.

They even carried her to her current destination, the pier where they landed on the island.

She even saw Su Li lying on top of the giant insect with a frown on his face.

At the moment they missed it, Su Li opened his eyes suddenly.

At this time, their eyes were looking at each other.

She clearly saw the shock and surprise in Su Li's eyes.

He seemed to struggle, but couldn't get up.

Seeing Tang Qiuyi leave, Su Li turned over suddenly, but at the same time, he seemed to have exhausted his last bit of strength.

He just stared in the direction Tang Qiuyi left, his lips trembling slightly, but he couldn't say a word.

For some reason, Tang Qiuyi felt at ease at this moment.

Maybe it was because she saw that Su Li was still alive. As long as he was alive, there was still hope.

Then, the man in black got on a big ship.

This ship was even more luxurious than the ships of the four-star anchors she had seen.

That's right, they are the managers here, so it's not surprising that they have a luxurious ship.

As she thought this, she saw that she seemed to be on the second floor.

The second floor looks like a large laboratory.

The entire space is in an O shape and is enclosed by glass.

At this time, there were many devices similar to space sleeping cabins in those spaces.

At this time, she had been placed in a device.

Slowly, she felt the device being raised upright.

At the same time, a thin needle pierced her arm.

She woke up instantly as if awakened from a dream.

In the room, apart from a dozen people in black, there was only a girl in a red coat sitting opposite her.

She wore a red mask on her face with a black horn on it. It was unclear whether it was an animal or something else.

When the girl saw that she was awake, she let out an artificial sigh.

"Are you awake? How are you? Are you scared?"

What she said was meaningless, and Tang Qiuyi didn't understand it at all.

"Are you the manager here?" She suddenly remembered what the man in black had said before, and she could only confirm the other person's identity first.

"Isn't that obvious?

Strictly speaking, I am responsible for the security of the entire mysterious world. "

The girl opened her arms, her tone full of arrogance.

Tang Qiuyi snorted coldly, "Since you are responsible for security, how do you explain everything that happens here?

Isn’t Muyun Plaza a safe zone?Why do so many monsters gather?

So what should the anchor do if he is hurt by a monster? "

When the girl in red saw what she said, she snorted coldly at first, and then shrugged indifferently, "This is just a system failure, and we have already started to remedy it.

By the way, are you caring too much?

I asked you to come here to ask you a few questions.

As the anchor player in our mysterious world, this is your responsibility! "

Tang Qiuyi didn't know why, but when she first saw this girl, she felt uncomfortable all over.

A natural hostility arose.

She imitated her and sneered, "I really haven't heard that players are tied up if they ask them to do research!"

The girl didn't care about it. She stretched out her hand to the men in black behind her, and one of the men in black handed her a document.

She opened the file with her hands painted with red nail polish, "Tang Qiuyi, female, two-star anchor player.

System: The best leak detection system

Weapon: The best mountain ax

Element: First level water element"

She threw the report on the table casually, "It's nothing special!"

Tang Qiuyi didn't understand what this girl was going to do, but it looked like she was deliberately trying to make things difficult for him.

She was about to get angry when she saw the girl say coldly, "After in-depth investigation by our security department, this system collapse was completely man-made.

This person is you, Tang Qiuyi, Miss Tang.

Tell me, what method did you use to invade our service terminal!

You have to know that your behavior not only caused the temporary paralysis of the entire mysterious world, but also had an irreversible impact on the lives and property of the host players.

Therefore, our security department decided to immediately repatriate anchor Tang Qiuyi. "

After she finished speaking, she snapped her fingers very proudly. It seemed that just now, she had done something particularly refreshing.

Tang Qiuyi looked confused. She didn't even understand what happened.

"Okay, the anchor player has no objections, we can start execution!"

The girl suddenly pressed a red button in front of her. In an instant, Tang Qiuyi felt as if her body had been folded in half, and the pain was unbearable.

"You are slandering me! What evidence do you have!" Tang Qiuyi shouted. She has never suffered such grievances in her entire life.

The girl didn't intend to answer her. She just walked up to her and whispered in her ear, "Don't you like money? Don't worry, I will give you a lot of money, so you can go in peace!"

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