
Xiao Ping listened to and watched what the princess said and did: "What do you mean?"

"I always feel like it's going to be the end." Liu Zihu couldn't help but say after hearing what the princess said.

This posture is basically one of giving in to the bad while trying to drag oneself and others into the abyss.

"There is a problem." Qingyue stared at the princess in front of her, knowing very well that this level would be difficult...

Su Yun gave the current answer affirmatively: "During the course of our game, the princess's goal has changed."

Everyone heard this and their brains turned.

In addition to Liu Zihu,

Basically everyone understands the current situation.

"What happened to cause his target to change... How come his target suddenly seemed to be targeting us? He was clearly the only one who was emotionally attached to the Black Emperor..."

"It was very obvious just now that she wanted to keep us here with her. But after Su Yi told her the truth, she, as Cosi, said that the truth was not important..." Xiao Ping was very confused.

"What should we do now?"

Su Yun remained silent and stared ahead from Su Yi's perspective.


The truth is not that important?

Su Yi has a headache.

What kind of words are these?

What on earth happened to cause such a change in him?

Su Yi couldn't think of any other reason.

There are two reasons in his eyes.

One is that the princess in front of him, that is, Cosi's love emotion was controlled by someone,

Second, she learned the real truth, which led to a change in her goal.

Su Yi didn't know whether it was one or not, and there was no way to stop it at the moment.

But Su Yi obviously thinks the probability of two is higher.

After experiencing the replay of World 2,

Whether it was Cosi's love emotion, the princess in front of him had already got the answer she wanted.

And when the truth was known,

His plans changed again.

Now it has become...

And what is your goal?


Obviously, the threat I am facing is huge.

On the one hand, there is the princess's oppression. If I agree, I will be trapped in the quagmire of this world.

On the one hand, he refused, and the princess seemed to have the power to kill him.

Then survival becomes a false proposition...

Survive, survive...

Everyone's goal is to survive.

Who survives?

Is it them?

No, now let's see...

It's Cauchy!

It’s the Black Emperor!

If I die here and stay with this princess, will the Black Emperor still be able to survive?

This is the player's task.

If I were to fall, then the Black Emperor's survival would be in vain...

So... this princess in front of me,

The Black Emperor's emotions...want to kill the Black Emperor!?

"Don't want to live anymore?" Now that his cards were revealed and he didn't have to maintain his persona anymore, Su Yi spoke boldly.

"Answering my question doesn't seem that difficult, right?"

The princess seemed to have issued an ultimatum.

"I really want to know, are you talking to me as a princess, or as Cosi? Or as the Black Emperor?" Su Yi continued to ask impolitely.

"Is there any difference?" The princess approached Su Yi step by step.

Su Yi had no choice but to retreat.

"You don't even have the courage to be with me? Cosi!" The princess was still smiling.

Are you kidding me? What kind of courage is that? The courage to die?

Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Can you tell me one thing? Then I will talk to you about courage."

He was testing the level of anxiety of the princess in front of him.

"Well...it doesn't matter whether you ask or not, or whether I answer or not. The facts are already there, and I can't change them even a little bit." The princess chuckled, still moving lightly, trying to get closer to Su Yi.

Su Yi did not dare to run around aimlessly. What if he really ran away and the princess caught him in seconds? It seemed that he had to ask the princess for help in solving all the problems at the moment.

So I just kept backing away at the same pace as her.

What is meaningless?

Su Yi exhaled lightly.

"What is the truth? Why do you want to die?"

"What's the meaning of your sacrifice?"

Su Yi thought of this,

Suddenly, an idea came to me!

Yes indeed,

Why did he sacrifice?

has no meaning?

He is the emotion of love...

Then of course it’s because of love!

No problem, explain it this way!

So why did she make such a choice because of love...

There is only one reason, by doing this, she can save the princess!

"You want to save the princess?"

"What princess? Am I not one? Isn't it good for us to stay together forever?" The princess walked quickly forward, and Su Yi could only step back.

"What happened to the princess?"

"Didn't she resurrect and live forever?"

This is the point that Su Yi couldn't figure out.

She had seen with her own eyes in the previous dark game that all these plots were set up by the princess.

Every step was within the princess's calculations.

what happened?

If Cosey knew the truth, he would be angry...

How could I give up living just because of love?

Could it be that... the Black Emperor really lives in this world?

It's not just about surviving in the cracks of the curse.

Cosi was resurrected and became the Black Emperor?

This is completely different from Su Yi's previous thoughts.

Su Yi thought that maybe Cosi was infected by the curse, and perhaps he became the Black Emperor in the cursed world.

Or maybe due to some coincidence he reappeared in this world.

Because he knew that the curse was a real fact and was initiated by Cosey himself.

Otherwise the last round of the game would not exist.

And he also verified that the princess was the ultimate winner and beneficiary.

So how did Cauchy survive?

Su Yi once again turned the question back to the "Princess".

Why does Cauchy's love emotion do this?

Why would you want to save the princess who is already alive and immortal...

Could it be... that the princess is dead?

"The princess is dead?" Su Yi calmly threw his conclusion to the princess in front of him.

"I'm here." The princess persisted and walked towards Su Yi step by step. Su Yi felt like a bird that could not fly away and felt a huge sense of oppression.

Su Yi was thinking.

What kind of person is the Black Emperor...

If it was not to save the princess, then what was the purpose of Cosi's love at that moment?

Could it be that something is happening in the real world right now that threatens someone's life?

Su Yi had no idea what kind of person the Black Emperor was.

But combine them based on the current information.

In fact, because the Black Emperor has the emotion of love, even without the other six emotions, he is still a flesh-and-blood person.

And judging from the knights who followed the Black Emperor, they were all people trusted by the Black Emperor, which was also a hint.

The Black Emperor is not a cruel emperor!

1. Save the princess.

2. Save someone in the real world.

The princess in front of me is Cosi's love emotion...

Analyzing this,

Su Yi had an answer in his mind.

He did not forget that in this illusory world there is also the princess's love!

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