I returned to Chengde Hall and had breakfast with Shao Chengzhang serving me but had nothing to do. The matters in the court have been given order, and they are all busy with their own affairs. Xin Qiji and Wang Anshi will report later, and then they will go to conquer Fang La.

Thinking of Wang Anshi and others going to conquer Fang La. It suddenly occurred to me that I could make some good things for future generations and give them to Wang Anshi! He might come in handy for building bridges and paving roads.

Why should Wang Anshi build roads? One of the biggest reasons is to enable the imperial power to spread to the countryside. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that imperial power does not go to the countryside. I want to change it. He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world. The previous emperors didn't know how to win the hearts of the people, but I still know a little bit.

So, while I was waiting for Wang Anshi and Xin Qiji to report to me in the Chengde Hall, I made a simple pulley and crane set. (Anyway, I also graduated from junior high school. I don’t know too much knowledge. I still learned the small pulley.)

Then I wrote down what I knew about the golden ratio of gunpowder. When the time comes, it will be left to Wang Anshi. There are many mountains in the south, and the mountain roads will definitely be difficult to build. We can't let him imitate the Foolish Old Man who moved the mountains. If he had powerful gunpowder, he could explode all the way, create a prosperous road, and create eternal peace.

It's a pity that I don't know how to make cement. It would be great if I knew (I checked Baidu and found it very troublesome. With the industrial level of the Song Dynasty, cement should not be fired), so I had to find another shortcut. I know how to make asphalt. Make it! (I used to play with asphalt a lot when I was a child.) Put the oil in an iron can and burn it to separate the gasoline.

So I also wrote about the wonderful uses of asphalt. Asphalt can not only replace lomi juice for pouring roads, but also make tarpaulin to prevent rain. There is a lot of rain in the south, so tarps can also come in handy. Gasoline can be used for lighting and is also very important for military purposes.

I just finished sorting this stuff out. Shao Chengzhang came in and said to me: Your Majesty, Grand Master Wang and General Xin are outside the door asking for an audience. I nodded and said to Shao Chengzhang: Let the two of them come in! So Shao Chengzhang walked to the door and called Wang Anshi and Xin Qiji in.

After Wang Anshi and Xin Qiji paid their respects to me, I asked the young eunuch to prepare stools for them. Because we're going to talk for a long time.

After Wang Anshi and Xin Qiji sat down, I said to them: Are you all ready? The two of them quickly stood up and saluted and said: Return to the emperor, we are ready!

After hearing this, I said: That's good, I will see you off in person tomorrow. The two of them quickly thanked me. I said to the two of them: "Sit down, I'm in a good mood today, let's have a good chat." You can tell me any ideas or requests you have, and I won't blame you if you make a mistake.

After hearing this, Xin Qiji immediately stood up and saluted and said: Your Majesty, I heard from Grand Master Wang and asked me not to be in a hurry to quell the rebellion. Instead, let me drive Fang La around the sixteen states in the south?

After listening to what Xin Qiji said, I knew that our General Xin was going to practice swordplay in his dreams again!

So I quickly consoled myself: The South has been corrupted for a long time, and corrupt officials, landlords, and gentry have squeezed the people into misery. We can't kill all the corrupt officials, landlords, and gentry! But Fang La and the others dare! After they kill the corrupt officials, landlords and gentry, it will be easy for us to take it over from Fang La and manage it.

The first thing you should do is to go to the south to find a way out for the people in the south and the refugees in the capital, and the second is to put down the rebellion. The people are living a good life, so who the hell would rebel?

Xin Qiji suddenly understood after hearing this. He immediately knelt down and said to me: Your Majesty is wise.

I helped Xin Qiji up, and then said to him: My General Xin, don't be anxious, you have a battle to fight. You don’t know how to govern a place, so give me a good training. Give me and you five years, I will get the rear in order, and you will train the troops well.

When the time comes, I will lead you in a full-scale counterattack, not only to regain the lost ground, but also to drink from the vast sea. Before fighting against the outside world, you must first settle down the inside. You must cooperate with Grand Master Wang and do not act too hastily.

After hearing this, Xin Qiji felt as if he had been given blood. He said loudly: This is the emperor, and I must obey the instructions of Grand Master Wang. Create a stable rear area for the emperor.

I patted Xin Qiji on the shoulder and told him to sit down, and then said to him: You are really my Zhao Zilong! Loyal and full of courage. When you go to conquer Fang La, you can take Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen with you. They are both highly skilled in martial arts and will be of some help to you later. Then Lin Chong is good at training troops. You can ask him to help you train troops.

After explaining Xin Qiji, I looked at Wang Anshi. Pick up the tips and tricks I just prepared. Then he said to him: I have three tips here, which may be helpful to you. After saying that, he handed the three tips to Wang Anshi!

After Wang Anshi took it, he didn't know what to do! I laughed and said: Open it and take a look. After hearing this, Wang Anshi immediately opened the first tip bag and saw that it was something he had never seen before. So he looked at me with confusion.

So I explained to Wang Anshi and said: This is the pulley crane group, which I personally researched. Once the upper part of the lifting unit is fixed, the lower part can lift several thousand kilograms of heavy objects with only half the strength. The more pulleys used in a pulley hoist, the smaller the force used. This will help you build bridges and pave roads.

Wang Anshi was very shocked after hearing this because he knew that if what I said was true. This will bring him great convenience. It is an arduous task to build bridges and roads in the sixteen states in the south. It is very troublesome to lift many heavy objects by manpower alone.

If we really have this so-called pulley hoisting set, it will get twice the result with half the effort. It's a pity that I don't know if it is as good as the emperor said.

Looking at Wang Anshi who was doubtful. So I said to him: When you are fine, you can ask a craftsman to build one first and try it out, and you will know the effect.

After hearing this, Wang Anshi thought it was right. He could make one first to test the effect. If it works well, he would do it in batches. At that time, I will have another reputation that will be passed down to future generations.

Wang Anshi opened the second tip bag and saw only a piece of bamboo paper inside. The golden ratio formula of gunpowder is written on the bamboo paper. Wang Anshi looked at me suspiciously again.

So I once again said to Wang Anshi: The gunpowder we are using now is not powerful enough because the proportion is wrong. According to the proportions I wrote for you, find a craftsman who makes gunpowder to make one to test its power. You will know how wise and powerful I am! Remember, be careful when testing the power of gunpowder. The safe distance must be more than three times greater than before.

After hearing this, Wang Anshi immediately carefully put the bamboo paper into the brocade bag, and then put the brocade bag into his arms. If it is true as His Majesty said, then this strengthened gunpowder is crucial for digging mountains and building roads.

He took out the third tip bag and saw that it was also a piece of bamboo paper. So he started to study it, and after reading it, he looked at me confused. This time Wang Anshi didn't understand at all. He had no idea what oil was. Not to mention asphalt.

Because there are two tips above, Wang Anshi knows that if the two tips above are really what I said, they will definitely have a huge effect. So he was looking forward to this third tip, but unfortunately he didn't understand what oil was at all. I am so knowledgeable that I don’t even know what oil and asphalt are.

So Wang Anshi asked in shame: Your Majesty, what are oil and asphalt? I was confused when I heard it, what is oil? Oil is oil! Don’t everyone on earth know this? Non-renewable resources, black gold! This is really stupid. His mother opened the door for stupid, and stupid is home.

For a moment I didn't know how to explain it to him.

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