I took the square field equal tax written by Wang Anshi on bamboo paper and read it. I was shocked when I saw it. This old man is really awesome! The main contents of the square field tax are: 1. The land belongs to the imperial court. 2. The court allocates land to farmers for farming according to standards. The difficulty is that a large amount of land is in the hands of the landlords and gentry.
In order to attract people to cultivate the land, Wang Anshi, an old man, came up with two clever tricks: 1. All those who came to the government to register their household registration would be given land on a per capita basis. If you have cattle at home, you can also get an extra portion per head. 2. The government does not collect taxes according to the number of people in a household, but according to the amount of land cultivated.
What if the people don’t have money or seeds to farm in the first year? This is Wang Anshi's (Green Crop Law). The Green Crop Law not only solves the problem of people having no money, but also solves the problem of people having no seeds for farming. The Green Seed Method is a good way to help people if used well, and to a certain extent, people will definitely support it.
After seeing these two reforms, Wang Anshi had finished his meal. He was looking at me eagerly, waiting for my evaluation of those two reforms. My opinion and support are crucial to him. His previous reforms failed because he did not get the support of Emperor Song Huizong.
Looking at the nervous Wang Anshi, I said: These two reforms are good things that benefit the country and the people, but they still have flaws. After hearing this, Wang Anshi finally let go of his hanging heart. As long as the emperor supports it, a few changes are harmless. He immediately asked: Your Majesty, please point out the shortcomings.
I looked at Wang Anshi and said: It is unfair to measure the acres of land with steps. The First Emperor was able to unify weights and measures. Why can't we unify weights and measures? If you have nothing to do these two days, please unify the weights and measures system! It will be used uniformly by the country in the future. After hearing this, Wang Anshi was overjoyed and immediately knelt down and said, "I accept your order." Wang Anshi was very happy. This was a great achievement and could be recorded in history books. Can Wang Anshi not be excited?
I looked at Wang Anshi who was kneeling and said: Get up quickly and don’t kneel down all the time in the future. In the future, you can tell me any good things that will benefit the country and the people, and I will definitely support them. After hearing this, Wang Anshi immediately said: I would like to thank the emperor for the people of the world. After hearing what Wang Anshi said, I immediately said to Wang Anshi: My people don't need you to thank me on their behalf.
Then I looked at Wang Anshi and said: I want you to go with General Xin to conquer Fang La this time because I want you to measure the entire land in the south for me. The capital is now almost overcrowded with refugees fleeing the famine. This time you will take [-] victims with you. There will be a steady stream of disaster victims passing by in the future, and you must make proper arrangements.
You must promise me that no one will starve to death, and that each of them will be given seeds of land and food. You don’t have to be afraid, General Xin will cooperate with you. What's more, Fang La has almost killed all the landlords and gentry, so you can pick them up. By then there are still three taels of nobles left. You should be able to handle it. When you set out, I will give you the Shangfang Sword. Officials of the third rank and below have the right to kill first and report later.
Wang Anshi was overjoyed after hearing this. He knelt down again and said: Thank you for your kindness. I helped Wang Anshi up and said to him: Do you know how to make people rich? After hearing this, Wang Anshi was confused and said: Please make it clear, Your Majesty. I laughed and said: I once heard a great man say that if you want to get rich, you must first build roads. Can you understand the meaning of this sentence?
Wang Anshi thought for a while and said: Is there any connection between the prosperity of the people and the construction of roads? In fact, I really don’t blame Wang Anshi for not remembering it. In ancient times, it was very difficult to build roads. Tens of thousands of farmers were often recruited to build roads, and there was no wages. A large number of farmers died of exhaustion and starvation, so many upright officials were unwilling to have any major projects by the emperor.
I said to Wang Anshi: After the roads are built, the capital's local management can be deepened, and food from the south can be continuously transported to the capital in the future. People can take the grain they grow and sell it in the city! People can also buy the chickens, ducks, and geese they raise at home! The government manages the people better and manages them better! What's more, when people build roads, they still get paid! With so many refugees in the capital, there will definitely be many people willing to build roads.
After hearing this, Wang Anshi immediately said: Your Majesty, do the people who build roads still get paid? I said: Of course we will get paid, otherwise who will help us build the road? Wang Anshi said: Where did your majesty get the money to build the road?
I looked at Wang Anshi who looked suspicious and said: Just wait! Within three days, I will have countless silver. When the time comes, I will allocate two million taels of silver to you to implement your Green Seeds Law. The Green Seeds Law does not sound good. Just change it to Royal Farmers Bank! When the people are rich, they can deposit their money with us, and when there is a shortage of money, we can also give it on credit to the people for emergencies. Remember, no interest can be charged on money given to people for farming on credit.
After hearing this, Wang Anshi knelt down and shouted again: Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness! Long live my emperor. I looked at Wang Anshi and said helplessly: I have told you not to kneel down every now and then. I will keep you here where you will be of great use, you old coward.
After Wang Anshi got up, I said to him again: Don't be anxious this time when you go to conquer Fang La. You drive Fang La around the whole Jiangnan. Fangla occupies a place and you manage it. When the time comes, you have to build water conservancy and schools. You can choose the officials above the court. I will give you two hundred thousand craftsmen, and each craftsman will be given a salary of two taels of silver a month.
Wang Anshi said: Your Majesty, do you want to give me that much? Two taels of silver can help a family of five live happily for two months! I said to Wang Anshi: I'm already very sorry for them, it's just a little money. I will definitely give them more in the future. The refugees who build the roads should also be given one tael of silver a month!
Seeing the distressed look on Wang Anshi's face, I said to him: I will definitely make a small fortune after raiding the houses of Qin Hui and Gao Qiu and their accomplices in the past two days. Although there are many places to use silver, I can spare one million taels of silver for you and General Xin to use.
By the time you conquer Fang La, Fang La will definitely be full of fat. You can use the money. When the time comes, if you have more money, you will bring it back to help me solve my difficulties! You must not be corrupt, you are still useful to me! When I become rich, I will give you a salary increase. If you commit corruption, you will follow in the footsteps of Qin Hui and Gao Qiu.
After hearing this, Wang Anshi immediately expressed his position and said: I will definitely live up to your majesty's high expectations. I said to him: Use the money of the southern landlords and gentry to build the south. I will see the results in five years. Time waits for no one! I will bear the pressure of the capital for you, so you can do it with confidence and boldness. Kill those who deserve to be killed without mercy, and reward those who deserve rewards without being stingy.
After hearing this, Wang Anshi knelt down again and said: I will definitely not live up to the emperor's high expectations. I will be shattered to pieces without hesitation. I pulled up Wang Anshi and said: I believe in you.
At this time, Shao Chengzhang knocked on the door and said: Your Majesty, it is already the second watch! Your Majesty, please rest early. You will have an early court appearance tomorrow! This is Shao Chengzhang reminding me that something will happen tomorrow morning. Yue Fei and the others should be ready to launch tomorrow morning.
After Wang Anshi and I heard about it. I said loudly to Shao Chengzhang: Go find a quilt for Mr. Wang, let Mr. Wang rest here today, and we will go to the morning court together tomorrow. After hearing this, Shao Chengzhang immediately went to prepare. Yue Yinping disappeared at some point. The two of us were too engaged in chatting just now.
Then I slept on the dragon bed, and Wang Anshi slept on a long chair. I asked the little eunuchs to carry the chair very close to the dragon bed, so that the two of us could still chat.
When I was lying on the bed and still not asleep, I told Wang Anshi how long the ruler of later generations was, how many decimeters, and how many centimeters was one meter long. I also casually told him how much a pound weighed. Wang Anshi is indeed a veteran of three dynasties, and you can fully understand it if you just listen to it. When he makes weights and measures in the future, he will refer to what I told him.
The two of us chatted until late at night like old friends. Wang Anshi was completely impressed by my erudition! What erudition can I have? It's just that he has more than a thousand years of experience in later generations than him.
The two of us didn't know when we fell asleep. We had a very solid and comfortable sleep.
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