As soon as Lin Xiyue reached the stairs, she met Brother Lin who had just watched her live broadcast in the living room.

Seeing the younger sister coming down, Brother Lin hurriedly greeted her.

"Little sister, it's late at night, where are you going?"

"Something happened to a friend, and I have to rush over now."

Brother Lin can guess what could happen late at night.

It must be something crazy.

A small flame of excitement in my heart immediately sprang up.

He had just watched the live broadcast, and he still felt that he was still unfinished. Is my little sister going to catch ghosts in the middle of the night?

Not to be missed.

It's better to catch him than to hit him, it's his turn!

"It's hard to call a taxi in this area at night, so I'll take you there!" Brother Lin looked excited.

It looked like he was about to take an adventure, and his hands were just gearing up.

Lin Xiyue did not refuse, after all, she could not drive.

There really weren't many taxis in their affluent area at night.

Especially theirs, after all, haunted houses are quite taboo.

Taxis generally take a detour when passing here.

No one is better informed than a mobile taxi driver.

Yao Lao received a call from Master Qiao, and he called A Li's roommate. As expected, A Li has not returned to the dormitory yet.

He rushed out without even having time to change his shoes.

There are many roads back to Ah Li School. In order not to miss any, they sent out more than a dozen vehicles to go through every road.

And they took the same route that A Li often took.

But now they have walked back and forth on this route twice without seeing Ali.

The same is true for other lines.

A Li seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and neither the car nor the person could be found.

When Lin Xiyue arrived, Yao Lao and Master Qiao were standing next to the viaduct, and their car was parked in the emergency lane.

The always steady Yao Lao paced back and forth anxiously beside the car. When the two saw the familiar Wuling Hongguang, they hurriedly greeted him.

"Master Lin, you are finally here, A Li is missing, we can't find him anywhere!"

"Master Lin, how did you know that something would happen to my A Li before?"

The two people spoke in tandem, very eagerly.

It seemed like he was really anxious.

"I looked at his face this morning and found that he would be in trouble soon, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. The elixir has my mark on it. It can help him withstand an attack when he is in danger. And just now I discovered that I left The mark disappeared, so I guessed that he was already coping with his disaster."

Lin Xiyue's words shocked both of them.

Yao Lao didn't expect his grandson to be in such a calamity.

Master Qiao was shocked that he didn't notice it at all. It was only after Lin Xiyue reminded him that he figured it out.

And this was after A Li had already had an accident.

It is conceivable that the girl in front of him has far surpassed him in moral conduct.

Lin Xiyue looked at the night sky in the distance, and then pointed ahead.

"We got in the car and I felt his breath right in front of me."

After hearing this, the few people didn't have time to say anything and hurriedly got into the car.

The white Wuling Hongguang ran in front, followed by a black Bentley.

The car drove for less than five minutes and stopped.

Lin Xiyue got off the car and stood on the viaduct looking down.

It was pitch black down there, not even a street light.

She closed her eyes, and the faint smell of blood in the air made her frown slightly.

right here--

She opened her eyes suddenly, pointed her finger, and a golden light flew out from her fingertips.

Everyone was stunned.

The golden light flew into the air and seemed to break through an invisible wall. In the blink of an eye, the scenery under the viaduct changed.

A dilapidated sports car rolled heavily to the ground, and next to the vehicle, A Li, who was covered in blood, was already unconscious.

Yao Lao exclaimed and saw Lin Xiyue holding the railing of the viaduct with one hand and jumping directly.

Brother Lin screamed in fright and almost jumped down.

Until he saw the little girl landing firmly on the ground and walked quickly to A Li's side.

At this time, Ah Li was still breathing weakly in his chest, but there was more air coming out and less air coming in.

If the pill hadn't been hanging on to his life, I'm afraid he would have lost his life by now.

Lin Xiyue put her palm on his shoulder, and a stream of spiritual power traveled through his body like a warm stream of heat.

A Li, who was in a coma, felt warm all over his body, as if the sun was shining on him, and he felt extremely comfortable.

Because of Lin Xiyue's elixir to protect her body, the bleeding areas slowly stopped, but the internal organs that were hit showed signs of damage.

If you accidentally hit it while moving, your life will be in danger.

At this time, Lin Xiyue's spiritual power was slowly repairing the damaged internal organs. She waited until a thin layer of sweat broke out on her forehead before she finally withdrew her hand.

At this time, others also came down hanging on ropes.

"There's nothing wrong with him anymore. He just needs to rest for a while."

Lin Xiyue stood up and her feet faltered and she almost fell.

Fortunately, Brother Lin at the side supported her with quick eyes and hands.

Sure enough, her spiritual power was still too thin, and this loss had already made her hands and feet weak and exhausted.

He was too familiar with Lin Xiyue's method of rescuing A Li just now. His legs were just like this.

With the restoration of Lin Xiyue's spiritual power, Ahri, who was originally immortal and disabled, now looks a little more seriously injured.

The injured internal organs and meridians have been completely repaired.

Yao Lao quickly called an ambulance, and A Li was sent to the hospital safely.

When people in the hospital saw Ah Li's condition, they all felt that the child could not be saved.

After all, he looked so miserable, his whole body was broken after the fall, only his neck was still intact.

In this way, even if the external injuries are not fatal, the internal injuries are enough to prevent him from surviving.

But the strange thing is that the child is still breathing, and on the way to the hospital, his breathing becomes more and more stable.

Finally I opened my eyes and cried out in pain.

When they entered the emergency room, the attending doctor was even more confused.

Why did the test result show that the child's internal organs were intact, only a few ribs were broken, and other bones were only slightly fractured. It looked a little twisted but not serious, and even comminuted fractures were not seen.

how to say?

It was like a major surgery with a narrow chance of death, suddenly turned into a simple bandaging and bone setting, without any challenge.

A Li was quickly transferred to the general ward. Although his body was fine, his injuries were severe and he was wrapped like a mummy.

The first thing he did when he returned to the ward was to ask to see Lin Xiyue.

"Grandpa, didn't you say that the little sister also came to save me? Why didn't you see her?"

The small round face has become a big round face, but the speech is still unclear.

Yao Lao struggled all night and was so frightened that he finally felt relieved. Hearing his grandson's words again, he said angrily: "You didn't even look at what time it was. Do you think everyone is worried like me?" Are you here to guard you?”

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