Also missing was the family’s puppy. The puppy had been raised for less than three months and was still a half-grown dog.

"Anchor, my son's disappearance is also very strange. He was with my dog ​​at the time. Our dog is very protective of his owner. If someone kidnapped my son, he would definitely bark. But my wife was in the kitchen that day, but what happened? No sound was heard.”

"It would be even more strange if my son was lost on his own. It had been less than an hour since my son disappeared. My wife found it after she finished cooking. She first searched around the house but couldn't find it. Then someone hurriedly called me back. Our village is not big, and it is surrounded by farmland, so we can't hide anyone. But even so, we can't find the child."

Hearing what Uncle Zhao said, everyone in the barrage speculated.

[Don’t hit Doudou: It’s very strange for the uncle to say this. If it was done by human traffickers, why did they take the dog away together? And why didn't the dog bark? ? 】

[Duoduo: Is it possible that the dog was drugged? I heard that many people in rural areas used to catch native dogs like this. Plus, the dog is a puppy, so it is easier to catch it. 】

[Coke loves chicken wings: What you say makes sense? After all, the uncle's wife was cooking inside, so maybe the dog barked but she didn't hear it. 】

[BiQiFuQiQi: Were the tools of human traffickers so complete at that time? Didn't he just cover the child's mouth and run away? 】

[Pooping in pants: Is there another possibility that an acquaintance committed the crime? If it was an acquaintance, it would be normal for the dog not to bark. 】

[Spear Warrior: What you said above makes sense. If an acquaintance committed the crime, it would explain why the child could not be found later. 】

[Open teeth and five claws: Uncle, are you sure you have searched everywhere? Like in the river? 】

Uncle Zhao had obviously seen these barrages, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Our family searched for three days without rest, and searched the entire small village. In the end, we also suspected that the child had accidentally fallen into the pond. There happened to be a pond not far from our house, and we spent a lot of money to drain out all the water in the pond, but we found nothing."

So he was sure that his child was abducted!

"Anchor, I just want to know if my child is still alive. As long as he is still alive, even if I can't find him..."

At this point, the uncle's voice became choked with sobs.

This is definitely not what he thinks.

He has been looking for his son for so many years and has never wanted to give up for a moment, but he also knows that nine years have passed and it is almost impossible to find his son in the vast sea of ​​people.

So now he just prays that the anchor can give him a little hope and tell him that his son is still alive, so that he will have a reason to continue to persevere even if it takes ten or twenty years.

[Alas, I have been missing for nine years. It is indeed difficult to find him, but as long as he is still alive, there is still hope for the uncle. 】

[Ugh, so sad... I just went to work and was away from my parents for a month. I miss them so much. I really don’t know how my uncle has been living these years! 】

[Suddenly I miss my parents so much...I'll call them later. 】

[No wonder the uncle's name is the forever little baby. It turns out he is talking about his own son. Indeed, the child is the forever little baby in the hearts of his parents. 】

[Oh, I'm afraid that the host will suddenly disappear like the last connection, and I will really cry to death! 】

[Don’t talk nonsense upstairs, no, uncle is such a good person, he will definitely get together with his son in his lifetime! 】

Lin Xiyue also saw the last barrage, and she nodded in agreement: "Your son is still alive."


Uncle Zhao sat up straight suddenly, his whole body trembling with excitement.

"Anchor, is my son really alive?"

Seeing Lin Xiyue nodding, Uncle Zhao's tears suddenly flowed down.

The heart that was raised so high finally fell to the ground.

He hurriedly wiped away his tears with the back of his rough hand, his eyes red and murmured: "It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive."

As long as he lives, he will find him one day, even if he spends his whole life.

[Fortunately, the boy was kidnapped and should be sold to a good family. 】

[What kind of good family is this? They are just a group of ignorant, patriarchal and legally illiterate people who buy other people's sons to inherit their own throne. Such people deserve to be damned! 】

[Anchor, please help the uncle again and tell him where is his son? 】

[The people upstairs really regard the anchor as a god. If so, wouldn’t all child abduction and trafficking cases be solved? 】

Uncle Zhao watched the barrage, his lips trembled and buzzed for a long time but he didn't say anything. He just stood up and bowed deeply to the screen.

"Thank you anchor, thank you everyone, don't embarrass the anchor anymore, I am satisfied to know that my son is alive, thank you."

Uncle Zhao's eyes were red, and after thanking everyone, he was about to disconnect.

But she heard Lin Xiyue say: "Don't you want to know where your son is?"

Uncle Zhao's hand froze there, and he was stunned. If you look closely, his hand was shaking.

"Anchor, do you know where Xiaocheng is now?"

His son's full name is Zhao Cheng.

"He is in Songshan Orphanage now."

【Orphanage? How can this be? How could a trafficker dump a child in an orphanage, even a boy? 】

[The anchor is not talking nonsense, right? Just name a place and let the uncle make the trip in vain. 】

[Songshan Orphanage is so close to my home, and I often do volunteer work during my breaks. 】

No matter what the barrage said, Uncle Zhao was already so excited that he almost jumped up.

He wanted to run out immediately, but was stopped by Lin Xiyue.

"When you arrive at Songshan Orphanage, go directly to a little boy named Duoduo. He will be your son."

Because after so many years, the child must have changed a lot. The uncle nodded. No matter what his son looked like, he would definitely recognize it.

When Xiaocheng was young, everyone said he looked like him, so how could he not recognize his son when he grew up?

"As for your son's disappearance, you should ask your neighbor from ten years ago. Did your neighbor move away soon after this happened to your house ten years ago?"

Uncle Zhao recalled it for a moment and then said, "Yes, I still thought it was strange at the time."

His voice was excited, "His house had just been built at that time, and nothing happened. Why did he suddenly have to move out for no reason? But at that time, I was immersed in the pain of losing my child and had no time to care about it."

Now that I think about it, it's very doubtful.

Why did the family just move away less than three months after their child disappeared, not even wanting to build a new house?

The house is still empty. When the villagers wanted to buy or sell it, the family was unwilling to sell it.

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