Yuyao suddenly felt as if the world was out of control.

Yu Yao felt terrible when he thought that these things could silently control humans.

He couldn't believe the people around him.

Lin Xiyue's eyes fell on the building.

Those low-level Yin ape statues still need to be worshiped for a long time before they can control humans and even occupy human bodies.

But those encountered now are clearly of a higher level.

As long as the other party inhales their evil energy, they can be controlled by them.

They do not require human sacrifice. When evil spirits enter the body, they can affect people's minds and control human behavior.

"What on earth is this? It's too scary." Yuyao didn't know if he would be tricked again if he encountered these things again.

Fortunately, those in the Dragon Group just used violence to deal with him instead of controlling him.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know what he would do.

Suddenly he heard Lin Xiyue ask, "Do those Dragon Team members live in this building?"

Yu Yao nodded, "Yes, all the members of our special operations team live there."

Because they have a special profession and may go on missions at any time, their food, accommodation and training are all in this building.

"When they said the gods appeared, did they say the time?"

Yuyao: “Three days later, but I don’t know the specific time.”

Lin Xiyue thought for a moment after hearing this, and then said, "Let's go to the Xu family first."

Several other people immediately understood what Lin Xiyue meant.

"Xu family, which Xu family?" Yu Yao was a little confused.

A Li explained to him what happened in Miyagi City. After hearing this, Yu Yao frowned more and more.

"It seems that this layout is far deeper than I thought." It actually started ten years ago.

Now, he doesn't think that Xu Qianqian is really just an impulsive revenge because of love.

The Gong family's strength is one of the best in City A. That thing lurking in the Gong family must have other agendas.

Soon the car arrived at Xu's house, and the guard originally wanted to stop their car.

When the housekeeper at the door saw Lin Xiyue, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Ms. Lin, it's great that you're here. My wife is just looking for you."

The housekeeper said and asked the doorman to open the door and let them drive the car in.

The car drove to the basement, and the housekeeper led a group of people into Xu's house.

After coming out of the elevator and arriving at the lobby, Lin Xiyue saw several familiar faces.

Master Qiao, Master Mo and Master Ding are all here.

Everyone was sitting on the sofa in the living room and stood up when they saw them.

Mrs. Xu walked directly towards Lin Xiyue.

"Master Lin, why are you here?"

Because the housekeeper brought the person in directly, Mrs. Xu didn't know she was coming.

But she was more of a surprise.

Seeing such a large group of people behind her, Mrs. Xu was also a little confused.

"I have something to do with Miss Xu Er." Lin Xiyue said.

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Xu's expression was very strange.

"Ms. Lin, my daughter is missing again." Mrs. Xu sighed deeply.

Compared to the last time her daughter disappeared, she was much calmer this time.

"Does she know I'm coming, so she's avoiding me?" Miyagi said in a bad tone.

Mrs. Xu had already met the Gong family.

They are all well-known figures in City A, and they have many opportunities to interact with them on weekdays.

However, the third child of the Gong family seems to rarely appear in the public eye.

The reason why Mrs. Xu knew Miyagi was because his daughter had a relationship with this man when she was young.

Although she didn't know why it was settled later, she still had some impressions.

"What do you mean by Mr. Gong's words? Why is my daughter avoiding you?" Mrs. Xu's tone was a little unhappy.

Ten years have passed since the affair between the two of them, and there has been no contact between the two of them for a long time. What does it mean to say this now?

"She knows what she did!" When he thought about the other party causing him to be trapped for ten years, Miyagi was full of anger, and his tone was naturally not good.

Although Mrs. Xu was a little angry, she was more confused.

After all, too many things happened to her daughter Xu Qianqian this year, and every one of them was extremely strange.

She was a little unsure for a moment whether his daughter had really offended someone.

Mrs. Xu turned to Lin Xiyue for help, "Master Lin, my daughter has been missing for a whole day. Can you help me find her?"

Xu Qianqian lost her memory after she came back last time, and she finally asked a doctor to recover for a while.

Who would have thought that one day ago, her daughter suddenly disappeared again.

Unlike last time, they directly checked the surveillance and found their daughter.

This time my daughter disappeared directly from the room.

The surveillance in the lobby did not capture her leaving her villa at all.

That's why Mrs. Xu urgently called Master Qiao and others to see if her daughter had encountered any evil spirits again.

But a group of people explored the house and found nothing strange in the house.

While they were sitting in the living room discussing, Lin Xiyue and others arrived.

"Master Lin, how could my daughter, a living person, disappear alive? Moreover, because of the previous incident, surveillance cameras have been installed in our house. As long as she leaves this villa, surveillance cameras will definitely capture her."

Mrs. Xu took Lin Xiyue's arm, her tone a little anxious and frightened, "So she must have encountered something bad, and that thing was taken away by her."

"Take me to her room first and let me take a look."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Li Xu did not hesitate and immediately took Lin Xiyue upstairs.

Lin Xiyue was no stranger to Xu Qianqian's room. When they opened the door and walked in, everyone immediately felt a cool breeze blowing in.

"Is the air conditioner on in this room? Why is it so cold?" A Li followed behind and couldn't help but shudder.

"In summer, the central air conditioner controls the temperature of our house, but for some reason, this room seems to be particularly cold."

Mrs. Xu said and went straight forward to open the window.

Strangely enough, when you open the window, the hot air outside seems to be blocked out.

Mrs. Xu stood by the window, turned back to Lin Xiyue and said, "Master Lin's room is very strange. It feels like no heat from outside can get in. With the window open like this, I can't feel the temperature change."

At this time, the sun was shining brightly outside, and I felt waves of scorching heat as I walked on the road.

Summer in City A seems to be extremely long, and it doesn’t feel like autumn until October.

At this moment, everyone heard a meow, and then saw a cat coming out from under the bed.

As soon as Mrs. Xu saw the cat, she immediately exclaimed: "Yaoji, what are you doing?!"

I saw a snow-white Persian cat biting something desperately.

The thing was a dark and slimy insect, struggling desperately in its mouth.

Lin Xiyue knelt down and pinched the back of the white cat's neck.

The snow-white Persian cat's body immediately arched into a ball, and the contents of its mouth fell out.

The bug was squirming on the floor, leaving behind thick slime that looked extremely disgusting.

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