Lin Xiyue didn't say anything. She sat cross-legged next to the ice coffin and started refining.

The black stuff didn't dare to disturb it, so it could only float around in boredom.

Less than an hour later, the sound of a car came from the door of the abandoned building.

Lin Xiyue, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly opened her eyes, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

However, in just half an hour, Heiqiqiwu felt that her aura had changed.

The originally gentle and indifferent girl suddenly became cold and sharp at this moment, like an unsheathed sword.

The black thing subconsciously took a step back.

He was a little afraid that Lin Xiyue was going crazy.

But soon Lin Xiyue's aura became calm and gentle again.

The black thing rubbed his eyes, thinking that the moment just now was his illusion.

Lin Xiyue didn't give him a chance to think. She walked over, put her hand on the ice coffin, and then flew out of the pit with the ice coffin.

The black stuff looked dumbfounded as Lin Xiyue carried the ice coffin on her shoulders and walked downstairs.

By the time Brother Lin walked into the abandoned building, Lin Xiyue had already placed the ice coffin in the lobby on the first floor.

Brother Lin was followed by Brother Lin and A Li.

Everyone looked surprised when they saw the ice coffin next to Lin Xiyue.

Especially looking at this ice coffin, it is still freezing.

A Li was curious and just wanted to put his hand up to touch it, but was blocked by Lin Xiyue.

"This is made of thousands of years of ice. Ordinary people should not touch it easily, otherwise the cold air will enter the body and cause serious illness or paralysis."

When Lin Xiyue said this, A Li was so frightened that he quickly retracted his hand.

"Sister Xiyue, how did you discover this thing?" Thousand-year-old ice sounds very powerful.

Lin Xiyue said nothing. She looked at the large truck at the door.

Then he directly reached out to lift the ice coffin and put it on his shoulders.

A group of people watched in stunned silence as she easily placed the ice coffin on the truck.

It seems that this huge ice coffin has no weight at all, it is just a light item.

Lin Xiyue followed the ice coffin directly into the car, and then looked at the people standing there.

"Let's go..." She waved to them.

Only then did Brother Lin and the others realize that several people were running toward the carriage.

"You all sit in front. This thing is too cold. You'd better stay away."

"Little sister, what about you?" Brother Lin looked at Lin Xiyue with some worry.

"Brother, I'm not afraid of these."

As Lin Xiyue said, Brother Lin was relieved. He walked to the carriage and closed the carriage directly.

He shouted loudly from a place where Brother Lin and the others couldn't see him.

"Sister Sui Sui, you must remember to come to rescue me. I'm waiting for you!"

Ever since Lin Xiyue said she would save him in three months, he has been drawing a stroke on the wall every day. It has been more than two months now, and there are less than twenty days left before the three-month deadline.

Thinking of this dark thing, I was excited and gearing up.

I can finally leave this hellish place.

Probably because Lin Xiyue was sitting alone in the back compartment, Brother Lin drove the car very smoothly.

After arriving at the Lin family villa, the car drove directly into the underground garage.

Brother Lin, who was sitting next to the car door, got out of the car and opened the car.

"Little sister, are you okay?"

"It's okay, second brother, please give in..."

Brother Lin heard Lin Xiyue's voice and quickly got out of the way, and saw Lin Xiyue jumping out of the car carrying the ice coffin.

She walked directly towards the basement.

The three people behind her followed her uneasily.

After all, with such a heavy hotel, they were afraid that if they accidentally pressed it down, Lin Xiyue's small body would be crushed.

But what they were worried about didn't happen. Lin Xiyue walked smoothly to the basement.

Place the ice coffin in the largest empty room in the basement.

The large room was originally a mahjong room, with a simple bedroom and lounge adjacent to it.

However, no one in the Lin family likes to play mahjong, so this room has never been used once.

Lin Xiyue directly placed the ice coffin in the corner of the room, then turned to the three of them and said, "I will be in seclusion for a month. No one should disturb me during this month."

With her current cultivation level, it would take at least a month to purify and absorb all the spiritual power in the evil spirits in her hands.

Only by recovering most of her cultivation can she be able to investigate the cause of all this.

If ordinary people said this, they would probably think he was crazy, but as a member of Xuanmen, it seemed normal for Lin Xiyue to go into seclusion and so on.

Brother Lin's expression was a little hesitant, and Brother Lin was also a little worried.

But they didn't say anything, they just nodded in cooperation.

"Little sister, then I will come down and bring you food every day. You must remember to eat. Seclusion and other things can't damage your body."

Brother Lin pointed to the door to the side, meaning that every time he delivered something to the door, he would not disturb her.

Lin Xiyue nodded: "Okay."

Her current cultivation level has not yet reached the realm of fasting. Even in the previous life, her cultivation level no longer required eating anything. She would still eat three meals a day normally.

"Little sister, would you like me to clean this room first? No one has lived here for a long time and it seems a little dirty." Brother Lin was worried about the living environment of his little sister.

"Second brother, you don't have to worry about this, I can do it myself." After Lin Xiyue said this, she directly issued an eviction order.

"Big brother and second brother, please tell your parents."

Brother Lin, Brother Lin nodded.

"Don't worry, parents, we will also help take care of Nuomi Dumplings."

After explaining this, Lin Xiyue looked at A Li again: "You can live peacefully in my house. I can't use the formation in this house, and ordinary ghosts can't get in."

"If someone wants to cast a spell to harm you, as long as you are in this house, I can sense that you will not be in any danger."

Hearing what Lin Xiyue said, Ali nodded repeatedly.

"Sister Xiyue, I am not afraid as long as you are here."

After explaining everything, Lin Xiyue directly issued an eviction order for the three of them to leave.

As soon as the people left, Lin Xiyue took out a piece of talisman and threw it out.

The talisman paper seemed to be alive, drawing circles in the air to form a vortex.

In the end, the vortex sucked in all the dust in the room. In an instant, the entire room was as clean as ever, with not a trace of dust in sight.

The rotating talisman finally fell and turned into a round ball of dust.

Lin Xiyue threw the dust balls directly into the trash can outside the door.

Then she walked to the ice coffin, as if talking to herself or to the people in the ice coffin, "Master, you always said that I like to study these strange talisman papers, but now I know that these things are actually very useful." It’s useful.”

Lin Xiyue sat cross-legged in front of the ice coffin, then closed her eyes and began to use her spiritual power to purify the evil spirits.

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