Lin Xiyue and A Li didn't expect that even if they saved the girl, the fire would still start.

Could it be that saving this girl is not the key to the entire fantasy?

Without any time to think, Lin Xiyue quickly walked to the bed. Although she knew that the person in front of her was just a ghost in the illusion, she still couldn't bear to leave her alone in this sea of ​​fire.

So she stepped forward and wanted to carry the girl out together with the quilt.

But I heard the girl on the bed whisper, "Go away quickly and don't worry about me."

Her voice was calm, and she stroked her flat belly with both hands, with some nostalgia, "I want to be with my child..."

Her child, the little life she had just lost, was now gone.

Lin Xiyue knew that even if she was rescued now, when the illusion disappeared, the girl in front of her would also disappear.

So she didn't force it, but turned around, pulled A Li and jumped out before the fire spread to the house.

The two of them arrived in the back garden again.

The house was still filled with screams and fire.

Probably they came out earlier this time.

A Li also saw the security guards and housekeepers rushing into the sea of ​​​​fire regardless of their own safety.

And then never came out again.

When the fire covered the entire villa, the belated rain finally fell.

The cold touch on his face seemed to make all illusions real.

Ah Li felt that if he came again a few times, he would be lost in such an illusion.

So why does this illusion restart again and again?

If the girl's death isn't the key, then what is?

At first he thought that the girl was the builder of this illusion, but now it seems that this is not the case.

So who created this illusion?

The tip of his nose suddenly smelled the faint fragrance of jasmine. When he came back to his senses, he saw that the scene in front of him had returned to its original appearance.

This is another reincarnation.

The only difference this time was when the girl took A Li's hand and wanted to lead him upstairs.

Lin Xiyue took A Li's other hand.

A Li felt a little uncomfortable with both hands being held.

There was a warm touch on one side, and a bone-chilling coldness on the other, a weird feeling like two heavens of ice and fire.

"Miss Tan, I wonder if you can let me go and visit with you?" Lin Xiyue said with a smile on her lips.

The eyes of Tan Mingzhu in front of him were flowing, and those who looked at him were dazzled by his beautiful eyes.

Lin Xiyue, a woman, felt as if her heartbeat had skipped a beat when she saw it.

But for such a beautiful girl, who would have thought that her body would be covered with scars.

She looked at that smart smiling face, and the more she looked at it, the more she felt like a flawless and delicate mask.

"Miss Yu, three people are not fun~" Tan Mingzhu's voice was deliberately prolonged, and the people around her laughed ambiguously.

The gazes looking at A Li and Tan Mingzhu should not be too obvious.

"It doesn't matter, you just get used to it." Lin Xiyue's expression remained unchanged and she was not affected by those gazes at all.

"It's good for sister to come with us." A Li on the side also quickly answered.

Tan Mingzhu bit her lip and shook her head helplessly, her eyes flashing, "Okay, let's... visit together."

The three people walked to the corner of the stairs again.

At this time, the waiter with two glasses of champagne appeared. Before Tan Mingzhu reached out, the two people beside her, one on the left and one on the right, picked up the champagne on the tray in a tacit understanding and took a sip each of them.

Ah Li was well prepared this time and was not as hasty as last time, but he did not choke on his drink.

Lin Xiyue secretly took a sip and then spat it out while wiping her mouth.

Several people quickly returned to the room.

As soon as he arrived at the room, A Li walked a few steps and fell to the ground.

He fell directly onto the thick cashmere blanket on the ground.

Lin Xiyue walked to the table, and just as she sat down to speak, she suddenly fell into pieces and fell on the table.

When both of them were silent, Tan Mingzhu breathed a sigh of relief.

She took out a worn-out piece of clothing from the closet and quickly took off her clothes.

The darkroom door creaked.

Mr. Zhang walked out of the darkroom with a smile on his face.

Tan Mingzhu whispered and quickly covered her body with her clothes.

"Zhang...Mr. Zhang, why are you here?"

"Little Zhu'er, hehe, come here and let Mr. Zhang and I kiss you..."

As he spoke, Mr. Zhang rushed towards the girl. His speed was very fast, and he looked like a hungry tiger pouncing on food.

But someone is faster than him.

Lin Xiyue, who was lying on the table, suddenly raised her head, as if she was lying dead. She came to Tan Mingzhu's side in an instant, and then kicked her over.

A loud bang.

Master Zhang's body was kicked out like a cannonball.

I don't know if it was because he flew out with too much force or because he was too heavy. His body hit a chair against the wall. The chair was hit so hard that one of its armrests was broken.

Mr. Zhang didn't even have time to scream, so he just rolled his eyes and fainted.

Tan Mingzhu was so frightened by this sudden change that she had no time to react.

Until Lin Xiyue's voice, as cold as a clear spring, came, "Put your clothes on, he's going to wake up soon."

The person Lin Xiyue was talking about was naturally not Mr. Zhang who had just fainted, but A Li who was lying on the ground.

But no matter who they are, they are two grown men, so Tan Mingzhu naturally has to put on her clothes first.

After being reminded by Lin Xiyue, Tan Mingzhu realized that she was feeling chilly.

There was a girl in front of her, and she was not that ashamed.

She quickly put on her clothes and looked at Lin Xiyue with a red face.

"Miss Yu, thank you for saving me just now." There was a hint of gratitude in her eyes, but her body was trembling slightly.

Lin Xiyue thought about the scars all over her body, and she had an idea.

At this moment, A Li, who fell to the ground, touched his head and got up from the ground in a daze.

he muttered as he stood up.

"There is indeed something wrong with the champagne... Fortunately, I was smart this time and only drank a little." As he said that, he looked up and saw two women staring at him.

A Li was startled.

"Why are you all looking at me like this?" He touched himself.

It was clean and not wet with water.

"You know there's something wrong with the champagne?"

Tan Mingzhu naturally heard what Lin Xiyue said just now.

Her expression was somewhat unnatural.

"Just a little guess. What a coincidence. Every time I go upstairs, I drink the champagne and then I faint..."

A Li answered subconsciously.

Tan Mingzhu's expression was a little confused.

"What every time?"

A Li was a little confused by the question, and he didn't know how to answer.

Should you tell her that you are actually a ghost, reincarnating in this illusion and repeating the same things?

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