Douluo's Heavenly Master

Chapter 35 Settled

Chapter 35 Settlement

"Unfortunately, such peaceful days won't last long!" Buxiu sighed softly. In the future, the establishment of the Wuhun Empire will bring about the war of the three empires, and no country can escape.

After the two talismans attached to his legs burned out, Bu Xiu wiped the sweat from his forehead, tightened the spear on his back, and strode towards Soto City.

The scorching sun was in the sky, and the non-stop rush along the way made him feel thirsty.

Dressed in a green shirt, with a spear on her back, and a slightly immature face, Buxiu's attire attracted many people's attention.

In Douluo Dalu, ordinary soul masters don't carry weapons.

When ordinary people travel far away, they usually travel with caravans. Usually caravans hire soul masters or mercenaries to guard them. It is undoubtedly safer to travel with caravans. Some chambers of commerce will also pick up some when traveling. Private work, take some people with you on the journey.

There is strength in numbers, and some small bandits will take the initiative to retreat when faced with large-scale chambers of commerce.

Only some mercenaries who lick blood at the edge of their swords will rush alone.

Bu Xiu does not dress like a mercenary, and most mercenaries would not choose spears as their weapons. After all, spears are not easy to use compared to weapons such as shields, knight swords, knives, and bows. carry.

Spears are more of a weapon in the army.

Buxiu ignored these strange gazes, paid the gold coins for entering the city, and walked directly to a building in the center of Suotuo City.

Wuhun Temple.

Every city has a Wuhun Temple.

However, the Spirit Hall in Notting City is only the lowest-level Spirit Hall, while the Spirit Hall in Suotuo City is the third-level Spirit Hall.

Compared with the Spirit Hall in Notting City, the Spirit Hall in Soto City is undoubtedly much larger, and the number of spirit masters who register and receive subsidies is also much larger.

Bu Xiu has not reported to Wuhun Hall since he reached the second-level soul master. As long as he reports, he can receive a subsidy of ten gold coins in Wuhun Hall in one month.

And his three-month subsidy in the Star Dou Great Forest can also be reclaimed together.

As long as there are qualified reasons, you can apply for replacement of subsidies that have not been received in the current month.

If Bu Xiu wants to live in Soto City for a long time, he needs to buy at least a house and living expenses. He has more than a hundred gold coins that he can't spend.

After reaching the level of a great soul master, the subsidy of ten gold coins a month will undoubtedly make him have a lot more money.

The Wuhun Hall of Soto City occupies the best area of ​​Soto City. It is a building with a height of more than thirty meters. On the Wuhun Hall, there is also a long sword, a hammer and an overlord engraved on it. The symbol of the dragon and the strength of the guards at the door are much stronger than those in Notting City.

There were many soul masters coming in and out of the door.

Buxiu took out his martial soul badge and put it on his chest. A long sword represented his identity as a one-ring battle soul master. The guard at the door glanced at the badge on his chest and then looked away.

Walking into the gate, a golden hall comes into view, the hall is circular, except for the direction of the door, a row of counters spread directly, each counter has a young and beautiful girl, most of them are not souls. Teacher, but wearing a uniform golden uniform, is also an excellent temperament.

In the center is a huge spar board, on which tasks are recorded. Below the spar board is a wooden staircase spiraling upwards, leading directly to the second floor.

In addition to appraising and registering spirits and receiving subsidies, Wuhundian will occasionally issue certain tasks. Some soul masters who are living in poverty can receive tasks in Wuhundian to earn money.

In addition, the Spirit Hall in Soto City also provides a certain trading function. Some materials on the soul beasts can be exchanged for gold coins in the Spirit Hall.

"Hello, I'm Zhao Xue'er, counter at No. [-] of Soto Wuhun Main Hall. How can I help you?" Bu Xiu came to a counter, and the girl behind the counter smiled.

Although Buxiu didn't look as old as her, she was very polite, and there was no trace of condescension in her eyes.

Buxiu handed the Wuhun badge to the girl named Zhao Xueer, and said, "Hello, my name is Buxiu, and I want to make up for the subsidy for the past three months, and then go for the soul master certification!"

After Zhao Xueer took the badge, she inquired on a device for a while, and said, "Mr. Soul Master Buxiu, I really don't have any records of you receiving subsidies in the past three months. May I ask what happened to you in the past three months?" What about the delay in receiving the subsidy? I need to record here, please understand!"

"For soul master level certification, you need to go to the second floor!"

Buxiu's gaze paused for a moment on the instrument in front of Zhao Xueer, and said, "In the past three months, I have hunted the soul beasts needed for the second soul ring in the Star Dou Great Forest!"

The legacy of soul guidance technology.

Although most of the soul guide technology has been lost, but there is always a part left over, which naturally exists in such a big force as Wuhundian.

The second soul ring!

The smile on Zhao Xueer's face froze for a moment, but it soon became brighter and her expression became more respectful. She recorded it on the instrument, and quickly took out three gold coins, and said with a smile: "Mr. Buxiu, this is you For the three-month subsidy, I wish your journey as a soul master smooth sailing!"

"Thank you!" Buxiu took three gold coins and walked to the second floor.

During the certification period, if you break through the Great Soul Master, as long as you don't go through the certification in the Spirit Hall, the supplementary subsidies will only follow the level recorded in the Spirit Hall last time, so in theory, even if Buxiu broke through the Great Soul Master three months ago. Soul masters can only receive three gold coins if they make up for it.

"Soul power, level [-]!"

The blue crystal ball shone, and after a kind-hearted old soul master confirmed Bu Xiu's soul power, a kind smile appeared on his face, and his eyes said with a bit of enthusiasm: "Twenty-level, Bu Xiu, you You shouldn’t have joined the sect, right? Are you interested in joining our Wuhun Hall? With your talent, you will definitely be able to get the best training in the Wuhun Hall.”

An eight-year-old great soul master still possesses a thousand-year-old second soul ring. What an incredible thing! ?

If he could be recruited into their Spirit Hall, the above rewards would even allow him to go one step further and go to a higher level Spirit Hall!

"Grandpa Gesen, I haven't graduated yet, and I plan to practice for a few more years before joining the Spirit Hall!" Buxiu said without directly rejecting Old Gesen.

A hint of disappointment flashed in Old Gesen's eyes, and then he returned to normal, saying: "Okay, you can come to me at any time if you want to join the Spirit Hall in the future!"

"One more thing, you are the first soul ring I've ever seen that merged with a thousand-year soul ring, and it may even be the first in the history of Douluo Continent. This is a record worth keeping. If you If you agree, I will report this information to the Wuhun Temple on the upper floor!"

"But don't worry, Wuhundian will never reveal the identity of any soul master. All your information will be kept confidential, and no one will disturb your life. On the contrary, after verification, Wuhundian will give you a certain amount." reward."

"And if you are really the first soul master to possess a [-]-year soul ring, your name will always remain in the documents of Wuhun Palace. This is undoubtedly a great honor for you. , whether you join Wuhun Palace, a sect or a country in the future, it will be a good resume."

Buxiu thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Okay!"

A millennium second soul ring will attract some people's attention, but that's all, after all he is just a great soul master.

Moreover, the soul ring is not something else. As long as Buxiu uses martial spirit and soul skills, someone will know about it. , it must be reported.

However, this doesn't make any sense.

Buxiu always came to Wuhun Hall to receive subsidies, ten gold coins a month was extremely important to Buxiu.

It is impossible for a soul master not to live, life needs money.

Until now, the subsidy from Wuhun Palace has been his main source of income.

Without this part of the source of income, let alone whether Buxiu has other means of earning money, does he really want to waste time and energy to earn money?

The period under the age of twenty is very precious for a soul master. This is also the period when a soul master's strength improves most rapidly. Competing for fame and fortune during this period is completely a matter of sacrificing one's own merits to the last.

Climbing to the pinnacle of soul masters is also Buxiu's dream.

Besides, is his second soul ring really not exposed?

It is impossible for Hu Liena to leave without saying goodbye. There is only one explanation for Hu Liena leaving without saying hello. The elders who accompanied her to hunt soul beasts to obtain soul rings came.

Hu Liena is only twelve years old. The twelve-year-old Soul Master is also an absolute genius in the Wuhun Palace. How can such a genius protector be an ordinary person?

In this case, what does it matter if the soul ring is hidden or not?

Buxiu didn't reject the Spirit Hall either, the worst result would be to join the Hall of Spirits ahead of time, and there was no loss for him either.

Old Gessen laughed and said: "Well, I will report your basic information. If there is any news, I may notify you at any time when you receive the subsidy. This is your great soul master badge!"

There are two long swords on the Great Soul Master's badge. After taking the badge, Bu Xiu went to the counter on the first floor to receive the Great Soul Master's ten gold coins this month. His net worth came to one hundred and thirty-three gold coins. .

He also has a sapphire pendant and a silver skin pouch on his body, and he is already considered wealthy among great soul masters.

After finding a place to have lunch, Buxiu rented a yard.

Yes, lease!

Bu Xiu still underestimated the land price in Soto City. In Soto City, where every inch of land is precious, even a small courtyard for a middle-class family to live in the outer layer would cost at least one hundred gold coins to buy. A room in a village outside the city might It will be cheaper, but life will definitely be inconvenient.

In the end, Bu Xiu decided to rent a small courtyard close to the inner city. It has a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. Not far away is Goulan, and the Great Soul Fighting Arena is not too far away. It can be said to be a good location. .

The one-year lease fee is ten gold coins, and Bu Xiu directly leased it for three years.

In the afternoon, Buxiu bought some furniture and settled down in Soto City.

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