"Do you like it?" Xia Xin asked.

"Yeah, I like it." Windsor nodded.

"How about we sleep on the sofa tonight?" Xia Xin said seductively.

"Why?" Windsor asked a little strangely: "It's so uncomfortable to rest on the sofa!"

Xia Xin smiled and said nothing. Naturally, he couldn't tell his true thoughts.

The second one used purple stone, and this time I got an amethyst. Xia Xin felt that what he got by using the purple stone was very stable, and he had obtained amethyst three times.

The last thing is the blue-quality civilian summoning card. Xia Xin is looking forward to it, hoping to get something good.

Xia Xin prayed secretly.

Use Variety.

"Holy shit, shit." Xia Xin was shocked and laughed out loud: "Hahahaha, Ou Huang is possessed, it's a big explosion!"

It turned out that the blue card turned into a golden card. This time Xia Xin actually revealed the golden legend. No wonder he was so excited.

Xia Xin kissed Windsor hard, and then calmed down his mood.

Windsor also showed a bright smile when she saw this item. She was also happy for Xia Xin.

Xia Xin checked the information.

Hero Summoning Card (Gold): A hero represents infinite possibilities. With him, you will be even more powerful!

Xia Xin showed a big smile. Although he had expected it, he couldn't help but feel happy after he was really sure.

Xia Xin was about to use it, but Windsor stopped him.

Xia Xin looked at Windsor doubtfully.

"We are like this now, what if it is a man?" Windsor explained.

Xia Xin slapped his head. He was so excited just now that he forgot about this. It would be really embarrassing if he summoned a man.

Summon again tomorrow! It’s not far behind this time either.

"I was so excited just now that I forgot about it." Xia Xin said.

"Summon again tomorrow. Now we should do our own thing!" Xia Xin said with a bad smile.

When Windsor heard this, her face turned rosy, and her smooth body slipped into Xia Xin's arms.

"Why are you so shy? To reward you for your wisdom in stopping me just now, I will reward you on top this time." Xia Xin hugged Windsor and pushed her to turn her over.

Windsor snorted and felt her face getting hot. The lord was really too bad.

But she didn't stop him. As long as Ashin was happy, she was willing to do anything.

Zoom out now, because it's not suitable for children.

This time Xia Xin woke up from the heat.

Xia Xin opened his eyes and felt that the bed was a little wet with sweat. Windsor was no longer there. She always got up regularly.

Xia Xin got up and got dressed and came outside.

As soon as he came out, Xia Xin felt a wave of heat coming over him. It was so hot that he broke out in a sweat soon. He would probably die from the heat if he stayed outside for a day.

Xia Xin saw Windsor and the others at the fishing gallery. Everyone was sweating profusely. It was only the morning, and they didn't know how hot it would be at noon.

Xia Xin arranged for several people to move out a few ice cubes from the large room where the ice cubes were stored, and then took out some ice drinks.

The ice cubes melted very quickly outside, and they would probably be gone in a while. Xia Xin frowned when he saw this situation. It was not an option to continue like this, and he would not be able to work at all.

After thinking about it, Xia Xin came to the warehouse and took out the refrigerator inside. Now this refrigerator can reduce the temperature by 8 degrees. Although the effect outside is not very good, it is still useful within a certain range, just like Like an air conditioner.

With this cooler, it’s finally not too unbearable.

However, the warehouse cannot be without a refrigeration device, otherwise the materials will rot. Xia Xin took out the thermostat and made drawings.

Thermostat production drawing (white): A machine that can maintain a constant temperature as much as possible. Move your head and think about its uses!

Construction requirements: Iron*20, Copper*10, Electronic components*5

Spend white stone to purchase the needed items and then build it.

Xia Xin then arranged for two people to carry some ice cubes and put them in the warehouse, and then placed the thermostat so that the warehouse could maintain a relatively stable low temperature.

After doing all this, Xia Xin took out the summoning card he obtained yesterday.

use. Xia Xin was looking forward to what kind of hero he would be.

There was a flash of golden light, and when the golden light subsided, Xia Xin saw the appearance of the hero summoned this time.

She is tall and tall, wearing a black tights that shows off her hot figure. She has short black hair and light red pupils. What surprises Xia Xin is that she has a pair of cat ears and a black tail wagging at her tailbone. With.

Xia Xinxin was delighted, she turned out to be a girl with animal ears.

After the other party saw Xia Xin, he bent down slightly, put his right hand holding the black short blade on his chest, and said, "I have met the lord."

Her tone was calm and her face was stern. He seems to be a cold-blooded hero.

"Well, what's your name?" Xia Xin asked.

"My lord, you can call me Dark Moon."

Xia Xin nodded, then checked her information.

Darkmoon (Legendary)

Level: 3

Strength: 35 (+3.5)

Agility: 37 (+5)

Defense: 35

Wisdom: 35

Mana: 350

Occupation: Hero, Night Hunter

Skills: Dark Blade, Dark Corrosion, Moon Shadow

Equipment: Shadow Blade (green)

Loyalty: 100

Affinity: 55 (friendly)

The information he saw gave Xia Xin a surprise. First of all, the opponent was a level three hero. Secondly, her profession was a night hunter, which meant that she was a warrior, which could also be seen from the weapons in her hands.

In this way, his team will be more comprehensive. Xia Xin hopes that his hero professions should preferably not overlap with each other, and preferably complement each other.

The last thing is the affinity. Unexpectedly, her initial affinity was 55 points, which was 5 points more than Windsor's at the beginning. Xia Xin was now a little doubtful whether the other party's coldness was superficial.

By the way, she is of the dark type, and she seems to have a dark type skill stone.

Xia Xin suddenly remembered, then quickly opened the space grid and found it quickly.

Shadow lurking (blue): After the skill is activated, you can blend into the shadows and hide your body. Attack from the shadows with 30% damage bonus.

Learning Requirements: Dark Elemental User

Xia Xin handed the skill stone to Dark Moon.

"This is for you, you just meet the conditions for use and study."

An Yue reached out to take it, glanced at the skill stone, and then saw Xia Xin signaling to him to use it directly.

[Tip, Dark Moon’s affinity for you is +5. 】

Unsurprisingly, the affinity increased.

Then Xia Xin took out four genius treasures: Lingyuan Golden Fruit, Lingyuan Ziti, Lingyuan Lanluo, and Xuanyuan Zishen, and gave one to An Yue.

An Yue looked at these four spirit fruits, and looked at Xia Xin with some surprise. She didn't expect that Xia Xin actually had four spirit fruits that could improve his attributes, and the lowest ones were all green quality.

But this time she didn't directly reach out to take it.

Xia Xin looked at her with some confusion and asked, "What's wrong? Why don't you accept it?"


ps: Could you please help me to click on the update button? Many thanks

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