Not long after, Xia Xin loaded the goods again, and this time what he caught was an iron box.

This was the first time Xia Xin caught a box. He was still a little excited. He rubbed his hands and opened it directly.

[Congratulations, you got 5 chicken legs and 1000ml of water]

Not bad, it's food and water, the key is meat.

Xia Xin directly took out a chicken drumstick. The whole drumstick was as big as a palm. It was golden in color and exuded an alluring aroma. Xia Xin took a big bite. The meat was soft and the more he chewed, the more fragrant it became.

"These chicken legs are much more delicious than those on earth!" Xia Xin couldn't help but sigh.

Eating chicken legs, Xia Xin started fishing again. At the same time, I was thinking about my next plan.

There is no need to worry about water now. You can fish if you eat it, but there is no fire, so it seems that you need to buy one.

Open [Transaction]. A lot of stuff already exists on it. Xia Xin browsed casually to see what others had obtained, what they needed, and to understand the market.


Required for exchange: wood*1


Required for exchange: wood*1

Fence drawing (white)*1

Required for exchange: wood*10


Required for exchange: wood*1

Xia Xin looked at the rows of transaction lists, which were basically exchanged for wood. Everyone wanted to upgrade the wooden boat quickly. The second-level wooden boat would have a cabin, so that they would not have to get wet in the rain.

Ever since I woke up, the rain in the sky has not stopped, and it has been gray. Xia Xin guessed that this rain should be related to the disaster month mentioned by the Heavenly Mother.

"I have to upgrade as soon as possible." Xia Xinxin thought, he didn't want to sleep in the rain at night.

Searching for fire in the search bar, a lot of things appeared. The one Xia Xin took a fancy to was a flint and steel, which he could exchange directly for one piece of wood.

Flintstones (white): strike each other and cause friction to cause fire.

Even two white stones are not big, about five centimeters.

Having fire basically solves the problem of eating. The problem of accommodation can only wait until the wooden boats are upgraded.

In addition to upgrading the wooden boat, there are also fishing rods that need to be upgraded, and a seawater converter in the future.

Xia Xin calculated how many resources were needed.

The wooden boat has 20 wood, the fishing rod has one wood, two copper blocks, the seawater converter has 15 plastic, 10 wood, and 10 white stone.

Now I only have 9 wood, 9 copper blocks, and no other basic materials.

I can only go fishing like crazy. Today I have to upgrade my ship. I have 9 more wood than others, so I can save a lot of energy.

As for the fishing rods and seawater converters, they can only be arranged one row back. Although the fishing rods can be upgraded now, Xia Xin does not want to spend any more wood.

What's more, if the level of the fishing rod is too high and it catches a powerful fish that you can't take care of, then it's not free, so you might as well play it safe! After all, I was only at level one and couldn't even see any attributes.

The resource fishing rod in his hand moved. Hey, the goods are here. Xia Xin drew the pole directly.

There is one more card in my hand.

[Congratulations, you have obtained a legendary hero card. 】

Before Xia Xin looked, he heard the voice of Heavenly Mother. He was immediately ecstatic, and his hands were shaking with excitement. Is the European Emperor possessed?

So cool!

Xia Xin put away the resource fishing rod directly, and then used this hero card.

A burst of golden light appeared on the bow of the ship. When the golden light dissipated, Xia Xin was stunned.

A tall beauty stood on the bow of the boat, more than [-] meters tall, with light golden hair and light golden pupils. Wearing a white high waist skirt.

He has a plump figure, bulging forward and backward, and holds a small white wooden stick in his hand, about forty centimeters tall.

She looked around, and finally her eyes fell on Xia Xin. Seeing Xia Xin's stunned look, he frowned slightly, but still bowed slightly to Xia Xin and saluted.

At this time, Xia Xin had already realized that this was actually the first time he saw a truly transformed living person. Even though he knew this was a fantasy world, he was still shocked.

"Lord, Windsor would like to say hello to you." Windsor spoke softly, with a soft voice.

"No need to be polite." Xia Xin said directly. "Can you fish?"

As a man of action, the last thing you need is a vase, you must arrange the work! Otherwise, why bother calling him here?

Windsor was slightly stunned when he heard Xia Xin's words. Apparently, he didn't expect that the lord who looked so sullen just now would say such a thing. In her opinion, Xia Xin's look just now was squinting, but now it seems that he must have misunderstood the lord!

If Xia Xin knew his psychological activities, he would definitely tell her that he was indeed squinting just now, but he needed useful people more than appreciating beautiful women. Beauty is just a bonus, being able to work is a must.

Windsor didn't know what Xia Xin was thinking, so she smiled at Xia Xin and responded: "Yes, sir. Do you need me to go fishing?"

"Well, you go fishing directly and knock out any fish you catch. Be careful not to kill them." Xia Xin gave the fishing rod directly to Windsor.

He planned to catch more fish quickly and sell them, and upgrade to level two as soon as possible so that he could see his own attributes.

Watching Windsor kneeling on the bow of the boat, her clothes were tight around her body, highlighting her plump figure. Xia Xin couldn't help but sigh, a beauty is a beauty, any pose is so beautiful.

By the way, look at her information quickly. Check with your spiritual eyes.

Windsor (Legend)

Rating: 2

Strength: 30 (2)

Agility: 30

Defense: 30

Wisdom: 30

Magic value: 300 (magic value is wisdom * 10)

Occupation: Hero, Bringer of Light

Skills: Healing, Light Arrow, Light Shield

Equipment: Staff (white)

Loyalty: 100

Affinity: 50 (friendly)

Go ahead, this attribute is almost twice that of Xiao Lan. Is the Golden Legend so terrifying? But I like it.

There are three more skills. The most important thing is to have the skill of healing, so that you don't have to worry about getting sick or injured. When the time comes, a healing spell will solve the problem. Just thinking about it makes me happy!

Windsor has one more intelligence attribute than Xiaolan. It seems that this appeared after the elementalist profession. It also comes with a staff, although it is only of white quality.

The ones in parentheses should be the attributes added by the staff. Xia Xin clicked on the staff.

Staff (white): Increases the user's strength by 2 points.

Sure enough, for a hero like Windsor, this staff is a bit too low-level. In the future, Windsor must be given a high-end and classy look, otherwise it will be too unimpressive.

Heroes also have two attributes: loyalty and affinity. Loyalty is full. It seems that the summoned hero is directly full of loyalty.

As for the degree of affinity, Xia Xin understood it after thinking about it carefully.

For example, when you work in a company, your boss gives you a job. This is your job and you must complete it. However, the effect of how you complete it is very different.

Some try their best to achieve perfection, and some really cope with the situation. If the affinity is high, the hero will have strong subjective initiative and will consciously consider the lord. If the affinity is low, the hero will only complete the task mechanically.

Xia Xin touched his chin and wondered what the progress bar of this affinity level looked like.

[Newbie Tips: Affinity Level]

[Undying (-100), Enemy (-50), Hatred (-30), Indifference (10), Ordinary (30), Friendly (50), Closeness (70), Admiration (90), Loyalty (100) )]

[Please note that low affinity will affect loyalty. 】

So that’s what happened! I didn’t expect that the loyalty would actually drop. I’m really speechless!

I don’t know how to improve the affinity, try it.

Xia Xin took out a chicken leg, walked to Windsor and said, "Windsor, do you want to eat something?"

Windsor raised his head slightly, looked at Xia Xin and smiled slightly: "Lord, please pay more attention, I am not hungry now."

Looking at Windsor's smile, Xia Xin felt that the dullness caused by the gray and drizzling weather had dissipated a lot. It looks like the rest of the journey won’t be too lonely!

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