Looking at the piles of woodworms falling at his feet, Zhang Chong was completely numb.

He kept saying it was impossible. After fishing for woodworms for so many years, he had never seen anything like this.

However, Ye Changqing ignored him at this time. He looked at the woodworm at his feet, let out a light sigh, picked one up, and observed it carefully.

"It's very similar to a bee pupa."

He had never seen it before, but now, Ye Changqing discovered that this woodworm was exactly the same as the bee pupa in his previous life.

Bee pupae are a delicacy and are rich in high-quality protein. Whether fried or crispy, the taste is outstanding.

"Junior brother, can we take away the body of this woodworm?"

He turned to Wei Feng and asked. After hearing this, Wei Feng said doubtfully.

"Yes, yes, but these woodworms are of no use."

Woodworms are of little value. They are usually killed and thrown away. I have never seen anyone collect the corpses of woodworms.

"What does senior brother want with these woodworm corpses?"

"Go back and try it out. It might be a good delicacy."

Ye Changqing replied casually, but as soon as he said this, Wei Feng was stunned, and then his eyes slowly changed.

"Senior brother said this woodworm is a delicacy?"

“You still have to try it to know.”

For a moment, Wei Feng's eyes turned red when he looked at the corpses of these woodworms. Senior Brother Changqing said that these woodworms were delicious, so they must be delicious.

Growing up in Shucheng, he didn't realize this, damn it.

Immediately, Wei Feng took the initiative, took out a few large sacks from somewhere, and quickly collected the woodworm corpses on the ground.

Seeing this, everyone on the side was stunned again. Why are we collecting woodworm corpses?

In the tree city, woodworms are pests that cause all kinds of harm but do no good. But now, the young city lord is actually collecting the corpses of woodworms, and he looks so excited.

Not long after, Wei Feng collected the corpses of woodworms all over the ground.

After doing all this, the two of them prepared to leave, but Zhang Chong roared angrily behind them.

"Stop, the competition is not over yet."

Zhang Chong couldn't accept such a result, but Ye Changqing turned around and said without interest at all.

"Consider you a winner, Master Insect Fishing."

At your age, you still have to fight for food, so what if you win?

After saying that, without waiting for Zhang Chong's reply, Ye Changqing took Wei Feng and left directly. As for Wei Feng, he didn't even bother to pay attention to the old man.

At this moment, all he could think about was delicious food, and he didn't know what the woodworm tasted like.

"Stop, little Huangkou boy, compete with me again if you can."

Zhang Chong kept roaring behind him, but Ye Changqing and the two paid no attention to him. Everyone around them looked at Zhang Chong who was furious, and their expressions became a little strange.

Although no one said it clearly, everyone knew that Zhang Chong was completely defeated this time.

Look at the large sacks of woodworm corpses. As for Zhang Chong, he didn’t even see a shadow. It’s a judgment call.

All the way back to the City Lord's Mansion, as Ye Changqing and the others came back, Baihua Fairy, who was resting in the yard, came forward with a smile on her face.

"Coming back so soon?"

"Senior brother said he wanted to try a new dish, using woodworm carcasses."

There was no need for Ye Changqing to reply. Wei Feng had already taken the initiative to speak. Upon hearing this, Baihua Fairy's eyes instantly lit up.

I didn’t expect there were new dishes to try.

Soon, many disciples who were still in the city lord's mansion knew that Ye Changqing was making new dishes, and they all came to wait outside the kitchen with great excitement.

As for those who were not in the City Lord's Mansion, such as Hong Zun, Qingshi, Zhang Tianzhen and others, no one went to notify them.

Just let them play outside.

In the kitchen, Ye Changqing first washed the woodworm corpses and then dried them.

For the first time, Ye Changqing planned to use the simplest method, deep-frying.

First, it can ensure the most original taste and determine whether the taste of the woodworm is what you expect.

Secondly, it's simple, you just need a handful of oil and fry it.

The most critical point of frying woodworms is to control the oil temperature. If the oil is too hot, it will easily fry the woodworms, so the oil temperature cannot be too high.

First heat the oil and let it sit for 30 seconds before pouring in the wood worms.

Fry it until golden brown all over and take it out.

It was a very simple process, so it didn't take much time before and after Ye Changqing completed it.

As the golden woodworms come out of the pot, a fragrance wafts out.

Fairy Baihua, Zhao Zhengping, Zhao Rou, Xu Jie, everyone gathered around, smelling the tangy fragrance, and they were all looking forward to it.

"This woodworm turns out to be so fragrant."

"Thanks to Junior Brother Changqing, you can find delicious food wherever you go."

"You must be Junior Brother Changqing. He has a pair of eyes that are good at discovering delicious food."

After hearing the praise from everyone, Ye Changqing picked up a woodworm and tasted it carefully, with a smile on his face.

Sure enough, it tastes very similar to bee pupae, but it is even more delicious than bee pupae. When you bite it, it is crispy and even has a faint fragrance of trees.

You know, Ye Changqing doesn't add any seasonings. This is the taste of woodworm itself.

"How about Junior Brother Changqing?"

Everyone asked nervously. After hearing this, Ye Changqing smiled.

"Brothers, you will know after you try it."

Since it was just a try, and it wasn’t lunch time, there was no need to fight for a spot.

Hearing this, all the disciples picked up a woodworm one after another and then carefully put it into their mouths.

They might have been a little nervous at first, but when the unique fragrance of the woodworm exploded in their mouths, the disciples' eyes widened instantly.

"This smell............"

Zhao Zhengping looked shocked and froze on the spot. He never expected that the woodworm tasted so delicious.

As for Xu Jie on the side, he had already picked up the plate, muttering to himself while frantically picking woodworms into his mouth.

"I didn't taste it very well, let me try again."

"Just give it a try, Third Senior Brother, you've gone too far."

"Damn it, this is a vegetable, fried wood worms, not rice. Third brother, please save some."

"You think you're going to eat rice, one bite at a time?"

Seeing Xu Jie just taking the plate and doing it, all the disciples were immediately anxious. Are you the one who eats woodworms like this?

A plate of wood worms was not enough for everyone to stuff their teeth into, not to mention that Xu Jie ate more than half of it alone.

In just a few breaths, the plate of woodworms was swept away, and all the disciples looked at Ye Changqing with unfinished thoughts.

Facing the gazes of many senior brothers and sisters, Ye Changqing smiled helplessly.

"Then please help me, senior brothers, to clean these woodworms."

"Junior brother, I told you earlier, just leave this little thing to us."

"That's right, senior brother is famous for his love of cleanliness, so he will make sure to wash it until it's white and tender."

The most troublesome thing about fried woodworms is cleaning, but the cooking process is simple and not too troublesome.

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