God of Cooking, Monster: No, we have become ingredients

Chapter 1045 Discussion among all ethnic groups

Speaking of the human race, even the three ancestors of Qingtian Holy Land nodded in agreement.

After all, they are traitors to the human race, and now that Dao Yi Holy Land has established a firm foothold, it has become the number one holy land of the human race.

No matter how unwilling they are, they have to admit that their Qingtian Holy Land has no chance at all.

So in this matter, Qingtian Holy Land and the Monster Clan are on the same line, and they can only stand on the same line.

"We can no longer allow the human race to grow like this."

One demon emperor spoke, and upon hearing this, other demon emperors present also spoke.

"Having said that, what can be done? Now we don't even have a Taoist Holy Land......"

"If we can't, then we will join forces with other races. I believe no one wants to see the human race being the only one."

As soon as these words came out, they quickly got the approval of all the demon emperors.

In this vast world, all races have been competing for hegemony for tens of thousands of years.

But now, because of the devil's will, the power of merit has been exerted on the human race, which is simply like a stud.

So much so that the human race has completely become a dominant family.

Faced with this situation, the demon emperors believed that even those races that had no enmity with the human race would not be willing to see such a situation arise.

After all, the human race is a dominant family, which harms the interests of other races.

At that time, there will be no other choice but to surrender and become a subordinate clan. I believe this is not the outcome that each clan wants.

"That's right. We, the demon clan, will take the lead and invite all clans to jointly deal with the human race."


A consensus was quickly reached, and even the three ancestors of Qingtian Holy Land nodded in agreement.

With the decision made, the demon emperors soon began to take action.

As beings in the imperial realm, they more or less naturally know the emperors of other races.

Even if you are not familiar with it, at least you have been exposed to it before.

Things went very smoothly. The Yao clan invited the emperors of all clans to gather for discussion, and all clans readily agreed.

It seems that as expected, no one wants to see the human race become the dominant family.

The great emperors of all races gathered together secretly in the main hall of Yaozu City through various means.

They didn't come in real form, but through various means such as secret techniques, a phantom was projected over.

But it doesn't affect anything.

At this time, nearly a hundred emperors gathered in the main hall. The emperors from all races had different thoughts and no expressions could be seen on their faces.

After everyone arrived, a great emperor from the undead tribe said coldly.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started."

"This time is organized by the demon clan. Let you, the demon clan, do the talking."

Hearing this, the demon emperors did not refuse. This matter was originally led by their demon clan.

There is no way, they monster clan really can't stand the situation of Dao Yi Holy Land going on like this.

If this continues, it is estimated that before the human race can become hegemonic, their demon race will be gone.

Just look at it, there are only five demon emperors left in the entire demon clan. How long has it been?

These beasts in Daoyi Holy Land will have a demon emperor when they have free time, and a demon emperor when they have free time.

If this continues, their demon clan will soon become extinct.

Therefore, the demon clan cannot wait. Other clans may not be affected for the time being, but they, the demon clan, cannot.

The leader of the Demon Emperor stood up, bowed his hands to all the great emperors present, and then said in a deep voice.

"Everyone, the way of heaven is unfair, so that the human race took advantage of the situation. I believe you all know the current situation."

"I won't talk nonsense today. Once the human race becomes hegemonic, you all should know what the consequences will be for all the races in our vast world."

"So, I propose that we should join forces to nip the rise of the human race in the cradle."

"This is also the best way to serve the interests of all our races."

The demon emperor said bluntly. After hearing this, the other emperors did not respond immediately, but looked at others in silence.

They seemed to be waiting for the other party's response.

After all, joining forces to deal with the human race is no joke.

The palace fell into silence for a while, and none of the emperors responded.

After a long while, a great emperor of the undead tribe spoke.

"I agree to the alliance. The human race cannot rise. The vast world does not allow a situation where one family is dominant."

Among all the races, apart from the demon race, the ones with the greatest hatred against the human race are the undead.

Not only what happened before, but also the land was directly robbed by the human race, and now he can only live with the demon race.

The former ancestral city has now become the city of the human race. Naturally, the undead cannot swallow this sigh of relief.

Now that there is this opportunity, it is understandable that the undead will be the first to stand up and support the monsters.

Seeing the undead express their stance, the other emperors still did not respond.

After a moment of silence, the barbarians also stood up and expressed their agreement.

After all, the demon tribe, the undead tribe, and the barbarian tribe are the closest to the human race, and countless battles have broken out in the past.

Although the barbarians are not as miserable as the demons and undead, they are still frightened by the fact that there is a ferocious beast sleeping next to them.

Therefore, from the perspective of the barbarians, destroying the human race is the best result, otherwise the barbarians will also bear the brunt.

The demon tribe, the undead tribe, and the barbarian tribe all agreed to join forces to deal with the human race. At this time, the emperors of other tribes began to speak.

Basically everyone agreed, although a few people had doubts and were worried about offending the human race.

But in the face of their own interests, they still hope to maintain the status quo, at least not to let the human family dominate.

As expected, the alliance affairs went very smoothly, and there was no resistance from all races.

In less than an hour, many great emperors present expressed their willingness to form an alliance.

"Now that the alliance has been formed, how to deal with the human race?"

After talking about the alliance, the next step is how to do it.

Hearing this, all the great emperors fell into deep thought, or in other words, they all had their own thoughts.

No one wants to be the first person. Whoever takes action against the human race first will undoubtedly face the fiercest counterattack from the human race.

Moreover, if he was stabbed in the back at that time, the consequences would be disastrous.

Even though the various tribes agreed to the alliance, in fact there was not much trust and it was all for their own interests.

At this time, who would really believe what other people say and act as cannon fodder themselves?

Seeing that none of the great emperors spoke, it was the demon tribe who stood up.

"To deal with the human race, it is not good for anyone to be the vanguard. I also know what you are thinking in your hearts."

"But now we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Oh, let's hear it."

"The battlefield of all races. When the time comes, we will take action on the battlefield of all races. It is best to kill the human emperor in one fell swoop. Without the emperor, the battlefield of all races will be over. The human race will be just a piece of meat on the chopping board and can be wiped out with a flip of a finger."

"What do you think? If we take action on the battlefield of all races, you should have no worries."

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