You can evolve by surviving in the Ark

Chapter 8 Prey and Hunter (4)

Tuotuo rode Tutuo on the beach.

She had already ridden Tudou around Crescent Bay several times, but the novel experience of riding a dinosaur still made her want to stop.

While walking, Parasaurolophus stopped, and saw it squatting slightly on the ground and producing something.

The familiar stench made Tuotuo frown.

There are not too many dinosaurs in Crescent Bay, but not too few. This product, these dinosaurs are actually producing all the time.

These prehistoric beasts had huge appetites and abundant production. They had no civilization and no sense of hygiene, so they naturally dragged them wherever they went.

These products are inadvertently trampled into the soil by walking creatures. If you don't care, the color of the soil is not much different from this product.

If you care about it, you will really have a hard time living this day.

Sooner or later we'll catch all you dinosaurs peeing everywhere.

Tuotuo thought and sighed in his heart.

She remembered the cakes Qiao Liang drew for them... Oh no, in the imagined future, they would tame many, many dinosaurs.

Thinking of the scene of groups of dinosaurs giving birth together, Tuotuo felt like she was about to burst.

She is just an ordinary female college student. When I was in school, I would shovel poop for my roommate’s cat. I didn’t expect that now I would have to shovel poop for a dinosaur.

She suddenly realized a question: Can dinosaurs learn to go to the toilet at fixed points?

She stared at Tudou, who seemed to be aware of it and looked at her blankly.


Under the boundary between light and shadow, the dust in the air was clearly visible, and it rushed toward the two people when they entered the cave.

The stone path in the cave winds downwards. It seems to be the miraculous workmanship of nature or artificial design and reclamation. It is difficult to distinguish. Huge white crystals reflect the light coming from the hole, like huge lamps inserted into the wall, refracting light and shining faintly.

The blue mushrooms on the ground also shimmered in the dark cave, but they grew so densely that they could barely see the underground road clearly.

The water droplets condensed on the tips of the growing stalactites drip like precise hourglass timing. The cave was filled with water vapor, and there was a faint sound of the underground river flowing underneath.

Qiao Liang took out the stone manuscript and only knocked out some crystals to take away. Seizing the hunter's artifact was an impromptu idea yesterday, and the preparations were not sufficient. There was no iron pickaxe that was more convenient for collection.

However, although the Velociraptor is fast, brutal, and full of explosive power, it is not a type with infinite strength, and its body cannot bear the weight of too much material.

All the way down, away from the light source at the entrance of the cave, the little light from the crystal and shimmering mushrooms was no longer enough to illuminate the way ahead. The field of vision was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers.

clap clap clap...

The sound of extremely fast knocking sounded, sparks burst out, and then a flash of fire appeared in the darkness, getting brighter and brighter.

Li Hongying put away the flint for making fire, lit Qiao Liang's torch with the burning torch in her hand, and then inserted it into Jue Niang's saddle.

The fire dispelled the darkness and brightened the vision, but it also made the deep cave look even more eerie.

Qiao Liang couldn't help but remember that when he played the Ark game, he was always used to adjusting the brightness of the game at any time. As long as a code is typed in, it can be seen clearly no matter how dark the environment is.

Darkness was something he had never cared about in the game.

He tried hard to recall the details of the caves in the game, matching them with reality one by one. The hunter artifact is the least difficult to obtain among the ten artifacts on the isolated island. Even though he has been here a few times, it did not leave much of a deep impression on him.

The scene in front of him made his vague memory much clearer, and many details matched it. If you want to talk about the difference, this cave is much larger than in the game.

In the game, from the time he enters the hole to the time he comes out with the artifact, the entire process does not take more than 5 minutes. But now, it has been more than 5 minutes since they entered, and they still have not reached the ground.

But something was close. Qiao Liang recognized the stone wall in front of him and stretched out his hand to signal to stop.

No need for Qiao Liang to explain anything, Li Hongying had already realized her original intention and was ready to fight. She heard a faint roar, and the raptors also let out warning growls.

Qiao Liang remembered that the stone wall seemed complete, but as soon as they stepped into it, the underground creatures hidden in the holes on it would come out and surround them.

Now they stopped in front of the encirclement, but the hungry predators would not let them go. A large number of shrill roaring insects were heard.

From the darkness where the firelight could not shine, countless giant spiders with a body length of more than two meters rushed towards them dragging their fat bodies covered with vesicles.

Densely packed compound eyes are distributed on the face of the spider that is no smaller than a human head. The spider mouth with sharp fangs is open and bulging like a wrinkled skin bag. The eight slender and sharp spider legs move rapidly.

As far as you can see, these giant spiders are crowding the passage, it’s creepy!

Li Hongying wanted to take the lead, but this was the first time she had seen such a terrifying spider monster, and it made her scalp numb with nausea. She was still hesitating, but she saw large white webs spewing out from the big mouths of those spiders with spittle, and they covered her head-first!

She swung the iron sword with her original intention, and the sharp blade easily tore through the cobwebs, but there were too many. The material of these spider webs was flexible and sticky, and the raptor she was riding was sprayed all over her head and face in an instant.

These spider webs do not affect movement much, they are not difficult to tear, and they do not cause much damage. They are just a means used by spiders to delay the escape of prey. But the physical damage is insufficient, but the mental damage is full!

Just two words, disgusting!

Qiao Liang's fate was the same. The sticky white cobwebs wrapped around his body were far more disgusting than he imagined. He didn't bother to clean up the cobwebs on his body and immediately gave instructions to the raptors.

"Kill them all!"

The four velociraptors broke through the spider web in an instant and roared towards the crypt spider group that was several times their size.

Like a tiger entering a flock.

The tough carapace growing under the black hairs of the spider was as vulnerable to the bite of the raptor as tissue paper. The front instantly turned into an extremely bloody meat grinding ground. The bloated abdomens of a large number of giant spiders were easily torn open by the raptors, and dark green spider blood burst out and covered the entire corridor with a fishy smell.

Li Hongying suppressed her physical discomfort and used a crossbow to perform long-range follow-up attacks. She really didn't want to fight these spiders up close if she could avoid it.

Suddenly, she saw a group of giant poisonous scorpions no smaller than the human body behind the giant spider. They held their tail needles high and waved their pincers, and emerged from the darkness to join the battlefield!

She no longer hesitated and drove Jue Niang towards these giant scorpions.

And what is Qiao Liang doing? Qiao Liang is outputting.

He sat on the back of the raptor, his eyes output.

These ferocious and bloodthirsty monsters were fighting less than ten meters in front of him. The shock of being there was far greater than what he felt in the game.

But what can he do? Both spiders and giant scorpions carry venom that is enough to cause rapid anesthesia. Even with the protection of a velociraptor, there is always the risk of being attacked in close combat.

Long-range shooting is a good choice, but his shooting skills are too poor. Now the velociraptor is fighting with the giant spider scorpion. It's okay if he misses. If he does, it's really hard to tell which side the target is.

The weak individual power of human beings is insignificant in the Ark World. Only by combining human wisdom with the power of dragons can we finally embark on the road to ascension beyond the world.

It was not his turn to take action in the current battle situation. Even with the addition of Giant Scorpion, the battle in front of them still showed a one-sided trend.

The narcotic venom carried by these giant insects has an immediate effect on humans, but has a mediocre effect on velociraptors.

Their fangs and limbs, giant pincers and tail needles can only leave shallow blood marks on the Velociraptor's body. But on the other hand, the velociraptor can tear off the whole carapace with flesh and blood with one tear of its sharp claws, and one bite can make the flesh and blood of the insect body explode like a balloon.

The combat capabilities of both species are not at the same level at all.

But Qiao Liang's pupils shrank, and he saw a huge black shadow coiled on the huge rock behind Li Hongying!

"Hongying! Watch your back!"

Qiao Liang shouted.

A Titanoboa poked its head out of the darkness. This cunning creature had been coveting the humans on the back of the Velociraptor for a long time. It had been lurking for a while before it finally got the chance.

When Qiao Liang shouted, its tense body had already finished accumulating power. Before Li Hongying turned around, the huge python head that could swallow a human body whole had already shot towards Li Hongying like a crossbow arrow off the string!

But how could Jue Ni, who was being ridden by Li Hongying, let the giant python hurt its master? He turned around and bit the titan python's throat.

Titanoboa struggled hard before dying, and its huge snake body, which was more than ten meters long, whipped everything it could come into contact with, which was earth-shattering. But Jue Niang ignored all of this. It allowed the giant python to beat and entangle, and its fangs quickly tore apart the dripping flesh and blood of the prey in front of it, driven by the huge bite force. The Titanoboa died instantly.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

Jue Niang swallowed the high-quality raw meat torn from the Titanoboa in one gulp, looked up to the sky and let out three roars.

The four velociraptors in the battle all briefly stopped mauling the prey in front of them, and together with the velociraptor that Qiao Liang was riding on that was forced to fish, they looked up to the sky and let out three roars!

A touch of blood emerged from Jue Niang's body, and Li Hongying clearly felt that her mount had become much stronger.

She discovered that among these velociraptors that had experienced the battle, their claws had become sharper, their power had become stronger, and their speed had become faster. After devouring the flesh and blood of their prey, they are evolving at an incredible speed under the influence of some unknown force.

But the battle is not over yet, and new crypt creatures are attacking them.

The smooth carapace reflected a colorful luster like water under the firelight, covering its insect body that was no less long than the Titan Python. The slender insect tentacles swayed, and the legs under the body moved together to rub against the boulders, and the sound they made had a heart-wrenching rhythm.

Ancient Malu!

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