You can evolve by surviving in the Ark

Chapter 79 Demons and Devouring (3)

The sun has only a trace of light left on the western horizon, and the mountains, rivers, land, shoals and seas have begun to darken.


The explosion sounded in the flying dust, and the flames rushed away for a moment, falling particularly dazzlingly on the dark ground. The scorching black smoke rose into the sky, and was carried by the evening breeze to cover a wider area.

Lifting the vision to the sky, the incomprehensible dragon beasts spread densely among the low mountains, dense forests, and on the beach. The huge "sky" flags inserted on their saddles appeared as they ran wildly. Blowing in the howling wind. Under the dark sky, they surged like a torrent, causing any life standing on the opposite side of the southern island to be heartbroken and flee in panic.

However, they are also running away in a hurry.

As Wulie's adjutant, Fujita had only four words to comment on this sudden encounter:

Playing NM!

Didn’t it mean that there was only one island left? Didn’t it mean that there were only some herbivorous dinosaurs on the island? Didn't it say that it only needs to be pushed horizontally?

What about the island?

As soon as their army marched to a position where they could see the coastline, a completely unfamiliar steel dragon flew into the sky.

Wu Lie, who received an RPG with his face, died on the spot. Fujita took over the command and ordered eight people except him to shoot with firearms.

As a result, they responded with shelling.

This spanking won't do anything at all! What else can the dinosaurs they brought do other than bark on the ground?

Soon, three more people were killed by RPG, and Fujita gave the order to retreat on the spot, so the mighty dinosaur army fled under the bombardment of armed Aeolian pterosaurs.

While escaping, he took the time to look back and saw that the only Argentine giant eagles capable of aerial combat had been sent out to entangle the opponent. However, before they could fly closer, the spores spewed by the alien plants covering the back of the giant steel dragon formed an overwhelming green barrage, drowning the giant eagles.

Compared to Wu Lie, Fujita is just an otaku who lives a good life.

Because he had played a game called Total War, he barely had some trivial insights into the formation of troops, and he managed to make it clear and coherent through his eloquence. The Dragon Emperor was so stunned by him that day that he really thought that he had led troops to fight, so he was saved from the fate of moving bricks and becoming a slave.

Wulie looked down upon him, saying that he could only talk on paper - in fact, he could only talk on paper.

He joined the Black Rock Tribe, partly out of necessity, and partly because the Black Rock Tribe was powerful and could allow him to live a better life.

If you really want him to go up and fight with all his strength, you are crazy!

As for how to explain when he goes back, Wu Lie is already dead anyway, and a dead person cannot refuse to take the blame. I had already told Wu Lie that ten people were not enough, so I had to pretend to be incomprehensible and say "you don't understand."

Damn it! I really don’t understand the brain circuits of idiots!

Fujita thought to himself, and hurriedly urged the saber-toothed tiger on his crotch - the Tyrannosaurus rex he was originally riding on. He thought it had two missing legs and ran too slow.

"They...were beaten away..."

The survivors, who were originally desperate, stared at the scene in front of them.

The air is filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood. No matter how many times you smell this smell, you will never get used to it. But they didn't feel uncomfortable. These people who had just fallen into hell saw the gate of heaven at this moment.

"We are saved..."

They hugged each other in twos and threes, crying or laughing. Some shouted uncontrollably, some thanked the sky with tears in their eyes, and some pointed at the fleeing invaders and cursed them.

But some people are not optimistic. They stare at the Aeolus pterosaur in the sky and dare not express the emotions hidden deep in their hearts to their heart's content, for fear of falling from heaven to hell again.

What kind of person is up there...

"Please, please, please!"

Amber held the baby high and shouted at the Aeolus.

"Give us some food... No, just give it to the child. He hasn't eaten for a day and he can't even cry... Please, please!"


After chasing for a distance, Qiao Liang stopped.

The Aeolian Pterosaurs were not flying fast enough to catch up, and even if they caught up, their cannonballs would not be enough to kill so many dinosaurs.

Originally, Qiao Liang was a little worried when he saw the scale of the opponent's incoming force. The firepower of the currently armed Fengshen Pterosaur is not enough to completely prevent the opponent from crossing the sea. If the other party is determined to fight him to the death, the battle will be quite brutal.

I didn't expect this to be the result.

Qiao Liang drove the Fengshen Pterosaur back, and below, the more than 100 captured survivors were left behind. The numbness, paleness, and despair in their eyes faded as the Black Rock Tribe army fled. The sky became darker and darker, but the light in their hearts became brighter and brighter.

Feeling the hopeful and cautious eyes looking over at him, Qiao Liang sighed.

"Cole, you stay and look after the house."

"Yes, chief."

Qiao Liang decided to ride the Fengshen Pterosaur to Yuanfeng Mountain to meet Adam.

The main reason why we were able to win this time was because the opponent knew nothing about the armed Fengshen Pterosaur. He couldn't completely leave the other party. When the other party comes again next time, he will definitely be prepared.

Adam is right, he is also on this island, and he also needs to do his part in this war.

As for these people...

The Fengshen Pterosaur was flying in the air. Qiao Liang glanced at the survivors below and saw a man holding a baby. He was shouting something hard, but Qiao Liang couldn't hear clearly because the environment was too noisy. He was immediately overwhelmed by the people around him.

But you can understand what he wants to express just by looking at it.

"Send a pterosaur to fly over later and give them some resources, tools, food, etc. The one holding the baby will make an endurance stew pot and send it over. Anyone who dares to snatch it will be maimed directly."

Of course, a Pteranodon's load could not carry enough food to feed everyone. The food reserves on Crescent Island are relatively abundant. This abundance means that it is sufficient for the four of them plus the few carnivorous dinosaurs. But if more than 100 people are added to this basis, it will be a disaster.

However, they are not weak lambs who can be bullied. There are no unified medium and large tribes in the south. These people can survive in the Ark World basically by themselves. They are all survivors who kill dragons without calculation. With basic tools and basic resources, they now have a collective with the same hatred and the same enemy. If they can't survive, they are not survivors.

On the charred ground, there were also scattered saber-toothed tigers killed by artillery fire.

"Let them go like this for the time being. Tell them that I am going to Yuanfeng Mountain to join the war, so they won't mess around. Well, they are not allowed to go to the island." Qiao Liang continued to give instructions.

Qiao Liang didn't have any good ideas about how to arrange these more than 100 people. As for recruiting them in the hope of saving their lives, these people just bowed down and worshiped him, and respected him like a god for the rest of their lives. That was a bit fanciful.

The human heart is unpredictable, and the taming of animals is clear and permanent; the taming of humans is floating and temporary, and you need to promise benefits, emotions, a better future, or faith. Otherwise, there is only the simplest rule and slavery.

He saved them and the other party was grateful, but that was all temporary. Qiao Liang had heard the story about the farmer and the snake, and the feud over rice. Taking the current situation as an example, it can be said that the southeastern corner of the island is undefendable. As long as the Black Rock Tribe attacks again, if he still refuses to let people onto the island, then I am afraid that these more than 100 people will have to fight with him first.

For now, the only people Qiao Liang can trust are Tuotuo and Li Hongying, and Cole can only be counted half of them. Moreover, it was a bit hurtful to say that he could actually feel that Cole did not understand that they did not merge into Adam's tribe, but he couldn't explain the reason.

Cole wants to change jobs, and he will probably propose it after this war is over.

All kinds of conflicts are like tangled knots that keep getting sorted out. As long as they involve people, they are very troublesome. Qiao Liang was also helpless about this.

"That's it, Cole, any questions?"

"No more, chief."

"Okay, if you have any questions, let's call via walkie-talkie. We'll talk about the rest when I get back."

Qiao Liang glanced back at the cheering survivors below, and secretly speculated with the worst malice in his heart. Now that the war is imminent, Cole can see the situation clearly and will not rebel. It only takes one day for the Fengshen Pterosaur to go back and forth. In this day, they can't accumulate enough power to win over his family.

As long as the Black Rock Tribe can be defeated and the Carcharodontosaurus is eliminated, and these people return to their respective homes, all problems can be solved smoothly.

There should be nothing missing this time.

He carried all the resources and power he needed onto the Fengshen Pterosaur, and flew to Yuanfeng Mountain with Tuotuo and Li Hongying.

This flight was a long six hours.


At the junction of ice, snow and green land, two dragon beast legions suddenly encountered each other, and the fiercest fight took place immediately.

Countless Argentine giant eagles fighting in the sky dropped blood and residual feathers like falling snow. The automatic heavy artillery mounted on the armed giant rhinoceros roared, the feather king dragon roared, the mammoth war roar, the drums and these sounds Mixed together, they form a symphony of life.

Wolf howls rose into the sky from all sides. The Alliance's largest group of dire wolves gathered into a white wave and rushed toward Black Rock's position. They fought with the dragon beasts of the Black Rock Tribe, leaving behind heavy losses on both sides. Bones.

"What is that? What is that!"

Deming looked in horror at Giganotosaurus, which was much larger than the Carcharodontosaurus underneath him, charging over desperately.

He tried to direct more dinosaurs to intercept, but the woolly rhinoceros on the Alliance side formed a group and launched a charge. They were like the sharpest knives piercing into tofu, and in just one round they destroyed the layers of defenses guarding the carcharodontosaur.

Even though most of these woolly rhinoceros died on the way to charge, Giganotosaurus had already stepped on their bones and rushed in.

Everything went smoother than expected!

Adam thought to himself, driving Giganotosaurus towards the open position with firm eyes, and the black and red Carcharodontosaurus was in front.

It is the source of all catastrophes, and as long as you kill it, everything will be solved!

"Damn it, damn it! traitor!"

Dai Ming gritted his teeth, the Giganotosaurus had already rushed in, and nothing could stop it.

Then we can only believe in the power of the Dragon King... Yes, it looks great, and it looks innocent. It must not be the Dragon King's opponent. My Dragon Emperor... is the only emperor of thousands of dragon beasts!

Such thoughts appeared in Dai Ming's mind, and the Carcharodontosaurus also locked its ferocious gaze on Giganotosaurus, with a burning desire to fight. It was the desire to hunt powerful dragon beasts engraved deep in its genes.

Two earth-shaking roars formed into billowing air waves, spreading far from the center of the battlefield. Under the starry night, in the sea of ​​blood and corpses of countless giant beasts, two mountain-like giant dragons suddenly collided with each other in the eyes of countless people!

The victory or defeat between them determines the fate of countless people.

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