You can evolve by surviving in the Ark

Chapter 69 The God of Creation and the Hall of Valor (3)

Chronicle of Genesis, unknown.

Only oracles were passed down by word of mouth.

The world was destroyed, and the God of Creation opened up the five realms, allowing humans to live in a digitalized world.

The sky is the domain of gods. Mortals have no authority to fly and cannot ride on any flying creature.

The missions recorded at various terminals in Genesis are tests set by the God of Creation. Those who complete all 58 tasks will be able to reach the Hall of Valor through the teleportation agreement and have the opportunity to meet the great Creator God.

They will be baptized in the Hall of Valor and become glorious ascendants.

The five major domains in Genesis are: swamps, polar regions, volcanoes, oceans, and the moon. These five ecosystems with different styles cannot communicate with each other and can only be transmitted through terminals.

In the swamp ecosystem, it rains continuously, without sunlight, and there are all-pervasive insect swarms coveting the bodies of survivors. Velociraptor, Baryonyx, Spinosaurus, Pig Crocodile, Emperor Crocodile, and Blood Spider are the deadly hunters in this ecosystem.

The Arctic ecology is a land of extremely cold ice and snow, where natural disasters such as snowstorms and avalanches occur frequently. Yutyrannosaurus and Oxosaurus coexist, dire wolves, dire bears and saber-toothed tigers run rampant, beast-headed beasts and Microraptors dance together, as well as the warlike Therizinosaurus and the slow-moving but powerful rock giants.

Marine ecology, there is a murderous plot hidden under the tranquil island. Seaspouts that appear without warning are difficult to escape once they are trapped in it. Electric eels and megalodon sharks swarm in groups, and mosasaurs and Tost giant squids hide in the deep sea.

Volcanic ecology, with persistent dark clouds, high temperatures and mudslides, as well as intermittent volcanic eruptions. Needless to say, Allosaurus, Taurus, and Argentinian giant eagle. In addition to top predators such as Tyrannosaurus rex, there are also Gila monsters with a body length of more than 30 meters, as well as lava-throat dragons and lava giants that live in lava volcanoes.

In the lunar ecology, in addition to the huge temperature difference between day and night and cosmic radiation, there are also frequent meteorite rains that destroy the world. There are Velociraptors and Tyrannosaurus Rex on the ground, drones and pursuers in the sky, the Grim Reaper lurking underground, and giant crab monsters living in caves... Almost no one is willing to live in this ecosystem.

In addition, the X creatures everywhere have the characteristics of 250% special attack and 60% damage reduction against creatures in the survivor camp, as well as the rule that they cannot fly.

Therefore, it is said that it is for people to live, but in fact, it is difficult to guarantee even survival. Even if everyone can be resurrected infinitely in the creation simulation, the pain caused by death will not be reduced in the slightest.

There are a large number of living dead people in the five realms. They are alive but dead. Their spirits have collapsed in the endless cycle of life and death. They are crazy, stupid, and crazy.

They will disappear completely one day, and then a new batch of people will be added.

As time goes by, the intensity of these natural disasters continues to increase. People in the five major regions went from helping each other at first to fighting over resources or slightly safer living areas.

The outbreak of war also caused a sharp increase in the number of living dead, even exceeding the natural environment.

The real history cannot be verified, but it can still be pieced together from people's mouths.

In the long years, there have been many amazingly talented and powerful people who have completed the test of the Creation God and arrived at the Hall of Valor. Before they set off, they always declare that when they see the Creator God, they will pray to Him to change the world for the better.

But the world never got better, and they never came back. Only the implant never sent news of their death, giving their relatives and friends the last hope.

The earliest ascended person was Arthur, the last king of humanity in the Creation 30 years ago. He unified the five major domains and led everyone to work together to survive. But as the last king teleported to the Hall of Valor, his country quickly fell apart under the instigation of someone with ulterior motives.

Today, people from the five major domains gathered together again to restart the World Conference on the ocean island of Genesis.

For the new warrior, Adam, who has completed all the tasks 30 years after the Last King.


"You want to kill God?"

Adam stood in the center of the venue and glanced at the masters of the other four major domains - he himself was the master of the ocean area.

"Yes, I want to kill God!" Adam said solemnly.

Everyone in this world has an AI of their own, but none of them are as smart and chatty as HLN-A.

In Genesis, Adam discovered that only he could hear the voice of HLN-A, and only he who owned HLN-A could see this world full of holes, with all the bugs that needed to be fixed.

And behind many of these bugs are bloody and tragic stories.

Only he can clearly understand the truth of the world. This so-called Creator God is a false god!

"Everyone, after experiencing so much in these years, I think you should also understand that this world cannot get better!" Adam opened his palms, "Creation God is not kind. If persuasion is useful, then those who ascended He must have done it long ago!

Everyone, if you want this world to become a better place, you can only kill it! Please lend me your strength! "

The meeting fell into a long silence.

It’s not that Adam’s words went unthought by no one, but saying them openly really challenged their beliefs.

"I'll lend it to you!"

Adam looked over and saw that the person speaking was a woman. She looked beautiful, but Adam knew that her age was much greater than her appearance - she was the queen of the last King Arthur.

She took out several cryogenic chambers and threw them to Adam.

Adam glanced at the message on the cryogenic chamber. Before the last king Arthur left, he left her two of the strongest Tek Tyrannosaurus Rex legions when he unified Genesis. Over the years, the Tyrannosaurus Rex has been carefully cultivated and multiplied by her for several generations. This is also the biggest support for this woman to live alone in the lunar ecosystem.

"I only have one request." The woman said calmly, "If you see him in real danger, please save him. If he is still alive, tell him that I am still waiting for him."

"Okay." Adam agreed solemnly.

"I'll lend it to you too!" "Take it, Harm!" "Come on, Adam, we'll give you all our belongings!"...

Someone opened the door, and then others opened their mouths one after another.

The teleportation protocol can only teleport up to twenty dinosaurs. At this moment, what is gathered around Adam is the most powerful force carefully cultivated by the survivor camp in the entire creation simulation system.

The Last Queen's Tyke Tyrannosaurus, Tyke equipment from the Moon Tribe, X Tyrannosaurus from the Volcano Tribe, Feather Tyrannosaurus and Fierce Tooth from the Snow Mountain Tribe, various saddles from the Swamp Tribe...

These are the props and most cherished companions they rely on for survival.

"Adam, I leave this world to you!"

The light of transmission shined, and at the last moment, Adam looked back and saw the hope in people's eyes.

"give it to me!"

Then, all the scenes shattered in front of him.

After a slight weightlessness, he stepped onto the wide metal ground. The surreal science fiction scene shocked him. The disordered light shuttles through the boundless void all around, flowing into the distance.

Beside him, none of the dinosaurs he had chosen to bring in were left behind, which made him feel a little more at ease.

Adam looked forward and saw a huge purple head. It was wearing a heavy helmet and could not see its face at all.

That is undoubtedly the so-called Creator God.

Rows of people wearing corrupted armor and holding corrupted spears came out and gathered in front of the purple head.

Adam noticed that there was an empty suit of armor there.

He understood that these corrupted soldiers in front of him were the ascended ones who had completed the so-called mission of creation gods over the past few hundred years.

Oh, the Hall of Valor of the Creation God.

A large number of corrupted creatures emerged from the void. This group of corrupted heroes climbed onto the back of the dragon and rushed towards Adam with their corrupted spears held flat.

Adam mounted the Tyrannosaurus Rex and blew the attack whistle. The dinosaurs behind him roared fearlessly!


He lost.

Hit by a strong electric current, Adam fell off the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The last Tyke Tyrannosaurus was bitten by the corrupted Giganotosaurus out of thin air, and its life was emptied by huge damage and bleeding buffs.

Two corrupted heroic spirits held Adam's shoulders respectively. The latter struggled and was kicked in the crook of the leg by the corrupted heroic spirit behind him, causing him to kneel on the ground.

Adam didn't know that this corrupt heroic spirit wearing a dark mask and kicking him was the husband that the last queen had been waiting for for 30 years.

The huge head floated in the purple light, looking down at him:

"I changed the simulation system for a new purpose: I need a group of qualified servants who can appreciate the new world I created. However, you are too rebellious and are really unqualified."

"You false god!"

Adam laughed, and the corrupted heroic spirit on the side punched him in the face.

The empty piece of corrupted armor floated over, right in front of Adam's eyes, and was burned into his body bit by bit.

His vision began to change erratically, and the corrupt will began to invade his mind. Adam resisted desperately, but was still being devoured resolutely.

At the last moment, he saw HLN-A flying in front of him, emitting a dazzling light.

He lost consciousness.


In the endless darkness, Adam saw a luminous person speaking to him.

“You’re the one I’ve been waiting for. You could be…I hope so.

There have been many cycles since I was her.

Do I still have hope?

I'm not sure if you'll show up, but the chances are getting better.

I guess I'm starting to lose faith...when they gain strength.

You have to find me.

Everything depends on your survival.

Take control of the world, tame powerful creatures, and enhance your powers and skills.

Explore this place like I did long ago.

Bring these abilities together and find me, the survivor.

You might be the only one who can do it! "


Adam suddenly opened his eyes, he was already on an isolated island.

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